100 Diamond Quotes by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Good or bad, whatever we do... 

is recorded by Karma, that is true.

For we see, what goes around comes around.

Our Karma decides what happens on the ground.


Most of us believe in fate, in luck or in serendipity. We don't realize that everything that happens in this world is unfolding as per the Universal Divine Law, popularly known as the Law of Karma. The law states, ‘What you give is what you get.’ Even the scriptures proclaim, ‘As you sow, so shall you reap.’ This is the absolute truth. That is why you will never see apples growing on a mango tree. The same law ensures that our actions become the cause of the circumstances that unfold in our life. Actions of today will be the destiny of tomorrow just as our life today is the unfolding of our past Karma, our past actions.