100 Diamond Quotes by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Science and Spirituality have no Synergy.

But the one thing they both agree on is

that we are Energy!


Over the centuries, science and spirituality have been at loggerheads. To most people, spirituality too seemed to be like a religion that believed in mythology, while science focused on proof, on matter that could be explained in a laboratory. Today, both science and spirituality agree that a human body is not what it appears to be. Although we are made up of over 30 trillion cells, each cell is nothing but energy. This is what Sanatana Dharma, the ancient Hindu Faith proclaimed thousands of years ago. Unfortunately, it got diluted with mythological stories, just as science went off on a tangent. With the Divine grace, today, both science and spirituality may disagree on many things, but there is one thing that they both agree on - we are nothing but energy. We are Divine energy!