100 Diamond Quotes by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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I Prayed with tears when I Realized that

I was not the one I thought

I was for so many years!

Now, I live without any Fears!


For over 40 years, I prayed with faith and devotion. I prayed with tears of entreaty, as I sought the God I loved. Then one day, my Spiritual Master, my Guru provoked me to go on a quest and I realized the truth. I always thought I was me, with my name, my identity, my possessions, my relationships, until suddenly, I had the realization. I was not the one I thought I was for 48 years. I was the Atman, the spirit, the Soul that lived within the physical body that I considered to be me. This realization transported me to a life of eternal bliss, a life without fear or worry, experiencing the Divine, everywhere and all the time.