100 Diamond Quotes by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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1 If there is Garbage in your Mind, and it's full of junk, it's time to Tame your 'Monkey Mind' and make it into a Monk!

2 Just like there can be no smoke without fire, there can be no misery without Desire.

3 Love says…I love you because I need you. True Love says… I need you because I love you.

4 As long as I Do Not Realize WHO I AM NOT, I will Never Realize WHO I AM.

5 Life is a journey…like a river we must flow. From the Divine we come…Into the Divine we must go.

6 All Successful people are not Happy, but all Happy people are Successful.

7 First, we must Experience God in everything Beautiful. Then, we will see Everything Beautiful as God.

8 Happiness is a Choice! You cannot Choose what happens, but you can Choose your Reaction to it and be Happy!

9 A life without meaning is equal to Death. It's like lying in your grave except that you still have Breath.

10 A tree shouldn't be so busy creating branches and fruits, that it forgets its roots!

11 Fear is like a fierce bulldog with no teeth.

12 A Wave will always remain a Wave unless it Realizes it is the Ocean!

13 God is beyond Gender, God is not He or She. God is the Supreme Power that lives in you and me!

14 Man has discovered many things. He has been able to discover planets in outer space and explore the  underwater  world. But he has not discovered the Divine within.

15 Fear makes us blind. We cannot see. We can't discriminate black from white, and though the facts stare in our face, we don't choose what is right.

16 We are embodied creatures…we are the Soul. To unite with the Divine is our ultimate Goal.

17 As long as we believe the myth, we can never Realize the Truth.

18 Because we don't know that WE ARE Happiness, we keep seeking it!

19 We are nothing! When will we realize that the Earth itself is like one grain of sand on the vast beach of Creation?

20 Death is not ‘The End’; it is a Bend to Transcend.

21 Man is so busy creating cosmetics for the skin, that he has not Discovered what lies Within!

22 Desire is like a fire…In the end it makes us burst. And though we achieve what we want, it will never Quench our thirst.

23 Do you know who you truly are? Or are you from the Truth afar? If the Truth you must find... first, you must Transcend the Mind!

24 Either we can be Conscious of the Now, or we can be grazing like a cow...Chewing thoughts one by one, losing Life till it is done.

25 Experience God in the Mountains, then in the Butterflies, Trees and the Seas. Then slowly you will Realize the Truth, that God is in You and Me!

26 Only one percent of the world is visually blind. 99 percent is spiritually blind.

27 God can't be invented. God can't be found. God can't be discovered…in the sky or on the ground. God will be Realized, when you open your Real Eyes!

28 Because the world is in panic, we react and create hell. In Fear, like a little tortoise that goes back into its shell.

29 We may think it is a necklace, a bangle or a ring. No! It's not – there is Gold in Everything!

30 God is not a statue, God is not a saint…God is a Power that no human being can paint.

31 Good or bad, whatever we do...is recorded by Karma, that is true. For we see, what goes around comes around. Our Karma decides what happens on the ground.

32 Happiness is not the money and the fame you get after a chase. Happiness is the peace and tranquility that puts a smile on your face!

33 What is the True meaning of Yoga? Is it an exercise of body and mind? On searching you will realize the truth, this is a myth, you will find.

34 We Fear Death because of the beyond that is unknown and the loss of all that is known.

35 Our Mind is a little rascal. It jumps from thought to thought. Who we are and why we are here, this important thing it forgot!

36 I am the Richest man in the world because I am the Happiest man in the world. Isn't Happiness the True Wealth of Life?

37 Science and Spirituality have no Synergy. But the one thing they both agree on is that we are Energy!

38 I have eyes that can see, but the eyes are not Me. I have limbs that can walk, but it's not Me who does the talk. These are Mine, but not Me. Who is this Me?

39 I Prayed with tears when I Realized that I was not the one I thought I was for so many years! Now, I live without any Fears!

40 What is the Soul…do you know? Or is it still a mystery? There are so many beliefs, so many myths, that seem to fill our history.

41 I thought my Mind was king! I thought it was everything! Until one day, I searched for my Mind. Where it was... I could not find!

42 Success is not Happiness, Happiness is Success. Those who mix up the two, end their Life in a Mess!

43 Who made the Cosmos? Who made the Earth? Who Created us? Who decides our Birth? There is a Power…A Power we call God!

44 If the Past was what we were meant to see, then Behind, not in Front, our Eyes would be.

45 If we are Not the Body, if we are Not the Mind, then who are we? This TRUTH we must FIND!

46 If we have never served the poor...If compassion has not entered our door...If we have never ever been kind, then we must know that we are blind.

47 The Mind acts like a magnet...It gets stuck to the past. It gets sucked into our yesterdays, and our Joy and Peace does not last.

48 If we want to Realize the Truth, we must open our REAL EYES!

49 If you can just Live in the ‘Now’ and Focus on this Moment with ease, then Fear and Worry will disappear as you Live with Joy and Peace!

50 If you know everything, but don't know who you are, then what do you know?

51 A true Yogi lives in surrender, he doesn't worry or fear. He accepts the Divine will with joy, and laughs with never a tear.

52 The Mind is a Rascal…It makes me Think. In Fear and Worry, it makes me Sink.

53 Ignorance is Believing that Silence is Nothing. Wisdom is Knowing that Silence is Everything!

54 Is God in a Temple? Is God in a Church? Is God in a Monastery? Continue your Search...When you get to the Root, you will Realize the Truth!

55 It is not I who will die, at death only the body will not be. Then the Mind and Ego that is 'ME', must be liberated to be free.

56 It is sad that instead of Realizing God and losing the world, we are realizing the world and losing God.

57 The NOW is Peaceful and Blissful, but how easily we lose our Joy. We slip into Yesterday and Tomorrow, looking for another Toy!

58 Whatever is our present, it is not magic. It may be good, it may be tragic. It depends on what we did in the past. Karma will decide until when it will last!

59 It's just a Drama; it's just a Show. Nothing is real, we Come and we Go.

60 Chicken or Egg, what came first on earth? What was the one that first took birth? If you get to the bottom of the Root, you will realize the Divine Truth.

61 What is Spiritual Bliss? It is learning to pluck your own roses, rather than waiting for others to bring you flowers.

62 Life may be Painful, but Death is not. In fact, it Liberates us from Pain!

63 The Past shouldn't rob the Present, the Present is a Gift. The Future shouldn't destroy this Moment, this Moment is meant to be Lived!

64 Love doesn't happen in a flash...Love doesn't happen by chance. True Love is an eternal ecstasy that makes our heart and Soul dance.

65 Messengers of misery will knock at your door...worry, anger, fear and more. They will rob your happiness and take your smile away, if you let them enter even for a day.

66 My Ego is only my Identity; my Ego is not 'Me'. Because I live in Ignorance, who 'I' truly am, I cannot see.

67 No need to suffer, no need to cry. If only we Question and Find out 'Who am I?'...We can be Blissful and Fly in the Sky.

68 Not Men or Women, we are just Puppets that Dance! Everything is Programmed...Nothing happens by Chance!

69 Think of Today, not Tomorrow. It's time to be Happy! Don't live a life of Sorrow. Find out those things that make you Glad, and eliminate those that make you Sad.

70 Nothing is Real; it's a Cosmic Drama. We are just Actors; we Come and we Go. There will be Laughter; there will be Tears. Such is the Cosmic Show.

71 The Earth goes around…Who makes it go? It's a Cosmic Power that is managing the Show!

72 Our Life is like a Movie, but we don't Realize this Truth. When the Projection is over, the Screen we See...We overcome the Myth.

73 True Love is Bliss, not just a Kiss. Discover what True Love is!

74 Man has invented Google, through which anything you can find, but have YOU ever wondered, who Created the Mind?

75 A Fear is not a danger. There is a difference in these two. A danger can attack us, but Fear just makes us feel blue.

76 How can I be the Body? It dissolves to dust. And a Mind that is invisible, I cannot trust.

77 We can do very little with religion...But we can do nothing without it!

78 I watch my body. I watch my mind. But who is this ‘I’? This Truth I must find.

79 Who, Where,