A New Earth and A New Universe by Rodney Bartlett - HTML preview

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"Quantum teleportation is the process of making an object´s physical state vanish from one place and appear in another." (see the beginning of "Teleporting to Stargate") Deconstructing the original object the old fashioned way might require atom-splitting and nuclear reactions. But if we use the quantum teleportation advances of the late 21st or early 22nd century, simply measuring the state of one automatically determines the state of the other regardless of how far apart they are, because the two objects are entangled. Since the original object has already been sampled and is now entangled, I believe the original has been deconstructed (digitised) nonexplosively.

Of course; if we digitised every living and nonliving thing, every speck of dust, every atom of gas, and so on, in the universe; we could create a computer model of the universe. How do we put this to practical use and gain access to every little thing that exists at any time anywhere in the whole universe (whole megauniverse, actually)? We can always access everything (unify the universe) by digitising the motions of photons (quanta of light energy) of the lasers which this page hypothesizes are used to create universes (since we´re present at the creation of everything). Everything was accessed and digitised in our universe our local section of the eternal and infinite megauniverse 13.7 billion years ago at the time of the Big Bang. But this ONLY occurred because, centuries from now, were going to travel to that time.

We wont need to sample, entangle and teleport in order to digitise. The entire universe can be digitised through use of the lasers and programming. Multiple images can be stored holographically to