A New Earth and A New Universe by Rodney Bartlett - HTML preview

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Such a simulation can only come into existence if we continue to study outer space, the workings of the brain, and all branches of science then produce the simulation on a vast network of supercomputers (in centuries to come, quantum computing and Moores Law and who-knows-what-other electronic advances should enable each member of the network to be literally countless trillions of times more powerful than any entire supercomputer network existing today). Then well have a fundamental, spaceless and timeless, reality which can be incorporated into a unified field with zero separation. This simulation would be entangled with the universe and act quantum mechanically (see Part 1 Into Paper Walls) it would act like a subatomic particle that can instantaneously affect another particle many billions of light years away (or, obeying space-time unity, instantly affect a particle billions of years in the past or billions of years in the future).

Thus instantly directing matter, energy and forces anywhere in the universe at any point in the past, present or future; the supercomputing network would be a spaceless and timeless basic reality from which space-time would emerge (since the universe is a unification possessing zero separation; every bit of that matter, energy and force would feed back* into the computer network and be simultaneously directing IT, ensuring that history and the future could never be changed and the "grandfather paradox"^ is no problem after all). Of course, many things in history or even the present are not understood well and might even be regarded as myths or legends. Its possible that the true nature of these things is that they’ve been influenced b