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Dedication to Ancestors



This Slice of Life is spread over 404 pages





The strongest people aren’t always the people

who win, but the people who don’t give up

when they lose. That happens to be me. This

creativity is developed all because I needed to

heal the wounds of my past and express some

of the episodes of my life.

If I did not do this I was going to bleed and

may have needed to bandage the bleeding with

more food, alcohol, drugs, work, smoke or

even sex but eventually it has all oozed

through the stains of my life. The readers

must find the strength to open the wounds,

stick their hands inside, pull out the core of

all the pleasure and pain that I have held in

the past which have become my memories.

By expressing these here I have made peace

with my inner self. Every single expression of

the event in my life- shadows, achievements,

family life, work life as well as the social and

civic life have made me smarter, stronger and

wiser than I was yesterday.

Life is not always fair because some people are

born into better environments, some have

better genetics and some are in the right place

at the right time. I wanted to express it all,



relevant as well as irrelevant. All that mattered

to me was my acceptance as to where I was

and figure out where I wanted to be and then

do whatever I can today and everyday, to hold

my head high and keep moving forward.

My life has been a pretty interesting story as

you can read and visualize in this collection of

essays titled “A Slice Of Life”. Sometimes you

as the reader can tell that my life itself is such

a story that the story has to come to my life.

Probably I was made an idealist first and then






circumstances all round that became my

shadows of life.

The bundle of life situations that I have

expressed and exposed could be classed as

ecstatic as well as weirdness of life. These

together with some contradictions of life often

make great stories.

Enjoy reading.



There is no doubt at all in my mind that a

collection of many invaluable pieces of wisdom

have been created by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad

in his Slice of Life. Dr Prasad showed us that

he has a knack for expressing some very

profound and important notions in an

amusing and interesting way.

The pungent and personal writing style has

captured good ideas which are eminently

sensible and beautifully sensitive for the

readers. I enjoyed reading the book and have

come to know Dr Prasad a lot better as a

straight-shooter and firm believer.

There are those who make things happen,

those who watch things happen and those

who wonder what happened but Dr Prasad is

one of those rare people who really has shown

us that he knows how to make things happen.

Some books are interesting, others are

entertaining and a few are terrifically inspiring

but Slice of Life is all three. So anyone who

wants to make more of him/her should read

this remarkable presentation “A Slice Of Life”

by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad.

An Admirer




Someone had told me at school to always

keep my face toward the sunshine and the

shadows will fall behind me but I did not ever

worry or have any fear about my or anyone

else’s shadows. I loved shadows and gradually

I found out that my thoughts have always

been the shadows of my feelings that were

sometimes brighter, darker, simpler or even

complicated. However, I never hesitated to

express them whenever I had the chance to do

so. This is my opportunity to let you visualize

my shadows which are a Slice of My Life.

I have never been one of those people who

wake up in the morning and beg the day to

work for me but I always got up and went to

do something for a change. I took every day as

it unfolded whether bright, cloudy or muggy.

Regular and continuous adjustments to the

day ahead had been my nature and habit. Of

course, my yesterday propelled my today and

all my today led me to my tomorrow. Each of

these vital links of my living preached me a

variety of lessons that I treasured and moved



Then I loved to keep myself occupied either in

rewarding or leisure activities but my favourite

period of the day was the golden hour in the

evening just as the sun was about to set and

we get those lovely shadows to make

everything look gold and yellow. The love of

the evening shadows was inculcated into me

by my grandparents and parents while we

lived on the mixed farm in the panoramic

village of Fiji known as Botini in Sabeto, Nadi.

I was compelled to believe that there were

infinite passageways of the shadows with a

variety of vehicles to transport everyone into

the light. However, there seemed something

special about the shadows of my life because I

could make my own mind up about whatever

was lurking in them. While most people think

that shadows follow, precede or surround us

or objects but for me the truth was that they

surrounded all my words, ideas, desires,

deeds, impulses and even memories.

Thus, it was by the shadows of my life and the

hoary past and their fantastic silhouettes on

the external screen of every way of life and

philosophy that I could by experience,

visualize, read and hear to check them as I

went along. Comparing them to finally trace

out how the people had intelligently or with

any selfish motives transcribed the scriptures.


All the shadows of the past have been

fictitious for me and I have tried to build my

life on real solid foundations. Now I say what I

do and I do what I say. I win or I lose but I

have learnt to accept and tolerate them all.

For many of us who think differently from the

traditionalists, the big priority for us is to get

out from the prescribed shadows and make

our own way of life rather than dwelling in the

stories of the past that are no longer credible

but full of obsolete activities to connect with

nature and God. It is crucial as well as vital

that every personality of the new generation

have a revised view of their own ways of life

and have a humanistic stake in the welfare of


Like the moral test of any sound government

is to treat everyone equally so is my feelings

for all. Those who are in the dawn of life, the

children; those who are in the twilight of life,

the elderly; and those who are in the shadows

of life, the sick, the needy and the

handicapped. I have developed similar dictates

and conducts for all these members of the

society and the community.

Despite this firm belief, how many people






profound? I feel that the most useful part of

abstract terms are the shadows they keep


creating to hide a vacuum. I know that in faith

there is enough light for those who want to

believe and enough shadows to blind those

who do not.

When we talk of human, religious, social or

economic rights, they are not the privilege

granted by the few but they remain the liberty

entitlement for all. These rights by definition

include the rights of all humans whether those

in the dawn of life, the dusk of life or the

shadows of life.

In the name of various religions we have tried

to divide this world into fragments that is

hiding in various kinds of shadows. We need

immediate liberation and begin to treat

everyone as human beings.

Now that my introductory remarks have given

me a way forward I shall proceed. Let me place

one disclaimer here. I never counted myself as

a saint or a wealthy being or a celebrity but a

simple person who was happy and had





achievements and successes that came to him

upon appropriate efforts. There is no element

of boasting, bragging or self praise but letting

my readers appreciate that life is worth living

well and enjoying that short period on earth.


Chapter One


The readers should not make any mistake

between my personality and my attitude to life

because my personality is who I am but my

attitude largely depends on who I am

confronting, conversing or interacting with.

Life as many of us have known, is definitely a







spontaneous changes which should not be

resisted because this resistance will ultimately

create and cause sadness and sorrow.

Therefore, the people who wish to lead a good

and real life let reality be reality by letting

things flaw naturally forward in whatever way

they like; up, down or sideways.

One of my main objectives in life has been to

find happiness and I knew that happiness

would not come to anyone who did not learn

to appreciate whatever they already have.

Often I tried to evaluate things in life and the

best thing I assessed and could do was not to

think too much, not to wonder a lot, not to let

loose my imagination or even not to obsess

but just keep breathing and developing strong

faith that everything would work out for the

best. In fact I have never wanted a perfect life

but I always yearned for a happy life.


I truly believed that one day or someday in the

future everything would turn good and make

perfect sense. Therefore, presently and for now

I needed to laugh at the confusion, smile

through the tears and keep reminding myself

that everything happens for a reason. I went

out in search for all the possible reasons that

made some sense to me. This proactive stance

made me satisfied and gave me a lot of real

happiness. It was after a long period of time

that I came to realize that happiness only

comes when we firmly believe in what we are

doing, know exactly what we are doing and

above all love all that we are doing.

I then reached a reasonable conclusion for my

self that doing what I liked was my freedom

and liking what I was doing was my

happiness. There is no assumption here that

there was no sadness and no pain in my life

but I quickly gathered that there were two

kinds of pain in my life; one that hurt me and

the other that changed me. As a general rule

to myself I would never allow the feeling of any

negative things to enter my life because I know

full well that it spoils all the good things I

possess. So I always choose to be positive and


I tried my hard not to let my yesterday use up

a lot of my today. Very soon in life I found out

that my life was too short for any bitterness,


any hatred, any kind of deceit and

despondency but needed love, inspiration and

enthusiasm. Consequently I too commanded

myself not to be bitter about anything or


I never wanted to be alone and lonely but in

company of my family, friends, relatives and

colleagues because I strongly felt that the

worst loneliness was to not to be plainly

comfortable with myself. There were some of

the gravest loneliest moments in my life when

I sadly watched my whole world falling apart

and all I could do was to stare blankly. But I

did not let my loneliness bother me. I got out

and mixed with people, talked, played, had

fun, presented speeches at gatherings and

read a lot. Thus found some worthy solutions

to my loneliness.

I kept reminding me constantly throughout my

life that life was not always perfect because I

knew that I will not always get what I wanted.

Although it did hurt me a lot, I had to accept

the truth that what should have happened

had happened. Who should have left had to

leave but whatever threw me off course would

always bring me to where I needed to be. I

pressed on regardless.


Chapter two


I was told early in life that I should never

regret anything in life because if it was good it

would be wonderful but if by any chance it

was bad it would be an experience to consider

later. So from my childhood I was conditioned

to be strong enough to stand alone, of course

smart enough to know when I needed

assistance and brave enough to ask for help.

Consequently, many of my difficult roads often

took me to exciting and great destinations.

Life went on and whenever there were

obstacles or sorrows or frustrations I knew

how to put on a happy face and keep moving

with greater determination. This experience

was somewhat hurting but I learnt to survive.

My life was not easy but I never let it deter me

from moving ahead with additional vigour.

I never learnt to put my life behind me but let

all my memories go back therefore my life was

always ahead of me motivating me, guiding me

and inspiring me. Everyday was a new day

and a challenging experience that I never

failed to seize and make the best use of them.

I got what I wanted most of the time through

my hard work and consistent efforts. These

became my life expereinces.


It was never easy to fill my life with valuable

expereiences but I was able to manage this

gradually and then material things began to

have very little interest and concern for me. I

then had stories of my experiences to narrate

to family members, friends and colleagues but

I had very little stuff to show and tell. I

gradually became rich in experience but poor

in material things. As a result of these

experiences in my life I have lived, loved, liked,

disliked, found, lost, missed a few things and

at times was hurt as well but I did not deter

from accumulating my experiences. I have

trusted myself and my people and at times

made a few mistakes but most of all I have

learned a lot of valuable lessons in the


I could never disagree with my high school

literary personalty C S Lewis who among other

things wrote that God allows us to experience

the low points of life in order to teach us

lessons that we could learn in no other way. I

never let God move away from my side and

that has been one of the most potent reasons

for recollecting and reminising some of my

good expereinces.

One thing is quite certain about my life

experiences. I became strong because

sometime in the past I was weak. I turned

fearless because I was afraid in the past and I


think I am now a little wiser because I was

somewhat foolish before. My strength, my

fearlessness and my wisdom have their firm

foundation in my past expereinces.

My experience is that we are all a little broken

somewhere, somehow and somewhat but I am

mindful of the fact that many broken things

still work. During my infant classes whenever

I checked, my broken crayons still were able to

draw the same colours on my drawing paper.

The most important thing for me had been to

decide whether I was going to let my past

destroy me or whether I was going to let it

construct and develop me into the strongest

individual my people had ever met and seen.

Of course, in the process of growing up my

varied life expereines let me open my eyes to

be more cautious with certain people around

me. I either learned from their experiences or

avoided such debilitating and destructible

adventures. Whenever I visited my birth place

I endeavoured to go and meet and

communicate with my childhood friends

because they were the starters of my life


I have always treasured their supplementation

in my life. I am proud that they are enjoying

and living a modest village life but are elated

with my progress and on every occasion of my


visit to them they have given me the best of

their kind hospitality, respect and love. I am

indeed indebted to all my people who

enthused and pushed me to my modest

progress. I think that this institution of early





developments are necessary and vital for our


I was told that if I planned everything well in

life then it would mean that I will not

experience anything unexpected but this

assumption turned out to be dubious because

despite some of my strategic planning I had

experienced a few unexpected events in life. I

was always ready for the unexpected to occur

and thus managed my affairs uneventfully.

Thus although planning became a constant

thing of my living, taking care of the

unexpected was always my prime concern.

Everybody around me often said that our

mistakes were the first steps of success but as

I found out through life experience along the

way that the real fact for success was the

ability to correct the mistakes and learn to

succeed. When I recognized that the voice and

the vision on the inside were more profound

and clearer as well as louder than all the

opinions on the outside, I then began to feel

that I was mastering my life and moving



So it is correct to say that life experience is

how life catches up with us and teaches us to

transform our activities and character. Then

what was left of me was to go for it whether it

ended well or went badly wrong. At least it

gave me an experience that I could consider

for future development and stability. Just

because the past did not turn out like I

wanted it to be it never meant that my future

could not be better and more rewarding than I

had ever imagined.

Human life including my own has been a

varied journey with problems to sort out and

solve, multiple lessons to learn but my most

important aspect was the experiences that I

had to enjoy. I know that many good decisions

come from a variety of good life experiences

but a lot of real experiences come to us from

our bad decisions. However, it did not matter

to me how slowly or how fast I moved ahead as

long as I did not stop in the way.

Enterprising people grow and develop their

talents through a variety of ways but the

greatest skill acqusition is from our experience

if we meet life honestly and courageously.