Aatmasutra-Unveiling the Soul by Hingori - HTML preview

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You May Not Be You


You may be shocked to know that your attitude towards people and things may vary greatly from the attitude of your spirit body.

The segment of the citta (the amalgamated mind of our physical and spirit bodies) that you use through your human mind, is probably different from that which is used by your spirit body. Let us take up a few case studies, before we discuss the topic.

Case 1

My father and I had different opinions on how to run the business, so we separated our commercial lives. We hardly spoke to each other even though we lived in adjacent rooms. I thought he hated me for my beliefs. If I have ever seen a genuine atheist, he certainly was one. What shocked me were a couple of dreams, where he appeared and congratulated me on my spiritual pursuits. He encouraged me even though he took an opposite stance in his physical form. To top that, Gurudev once casually mentioned, “Your father does not have anything against you.” When I placed these facts in front of my analysis box, I found these hard to figure out.

Case 2

I have hundreds of cases of dreams, both mine as well as others, where spiritualists have appeared in dreams, given messages and mantras and yet been ignorant of it in their physical forms. Many people come to the sthan and cite instances of my having indulged in the above in their dream state. What took the cake was Anjali Chadha, thanking me for taking her on an astral tour of Uttarkashi. The funny part was I had to look for Uttarkashi on the map, because I hadn’t been there physically. Similarly, Gurudev had taken me to France (a country he visited much later for the first time). He made me stand on an old bridge over the river Seine and explained its story to me. I have given mantras in the dream state that I have never heard of in physical state.

Case 3

When Uddhav Kirtikar shifted to New Zealand, Gurudev asked me to keep him with me at the sthan. How was that possible? When Capt. Kapoor went into a state of depression and ran away from home, Gurudev asked me to keep him with me. The strange part was that physically these two gentlemen occupied different geographies but a part of their spirit, possibly the nirmaan kaya, allowed me to feel their presence at the sthan.

I don’t think I was a jailor, I think I was a guardian.

It was years later when Uddhav returned to India, on his second or third visit, that I was given the instructions intuitively to return him to himself (bizarre, isn’t it?).

Case 4

Nitin Gadekar and I visited a strange mountain which, in the vision state, we both knew was Mangal (Mars). We received boons in the form of red and yellow coloured objects. Some kind of a vardaan.

In that vision state, we understood this very clearly and it was not surprising. I did not tell Nitin about this for 20 years. Hah! I love secrets! Of course, when I did tell him, he did not know about this. He did not know that he had two guaranteed boons from the planet Mars, which he could use whenever he liked. Now he knows, and he can.

Case 5

Bindu Maira, a close friend and a classy, socially successful lady, worked at a multilevel marketing firm, with ambitions to further this career. One evening, I saw her spiritual entity as a powerful lady, a great shakti, with a trishul in one hand and her head tied up in cloth. Surprisingly, the day after, my sister Gita told me that she had seen Bindu in exactly the same form and in the same place.

Co-incidence? Or fact?

Today, Bindu has changed careers and is an accomplished tarot reader with great intuitive abilities. How did this happen? A change of heart? Or did the physical mind finally catch up with the spirit mind? Did she finally become what she actually was?

Bindu Maira, at the time my sister and I saw her being, was already then what she has become today. It was a matter of time and space. This is very much a part of nature because every seed already contains the plant that it will grow up into in the future.

Therefore, when you look into your mirror, look beneath the skin. You are often not what you perceive yourself to be.

The late Gita Bajaj was the chairperson of ‘Eye on Asia’ a TV show in New Jersey and a journalist who claimed to have received these words intuitively.

I Am

I am the stillness of the virgin mind before the conception of a thought.

I am the silence of a fertile brain before the germination of an idea.

I am the calm that engulfs the spirit and the quiet that occupies the emotions.

I am suspension of the intellect before the exercise of faculty.

I am sublimation of the senses before the thrill of anticipation.

I am the void that is filled with nothingness.

I am the void that is filled with spirit consciousness.

I sometimes precede prayer and often follow it.

I sometimes precede meditation and often follow it.

I sometimes precede longing and often follow it.

I am the absence of curiosity before the formation of a question.

 I am the blankness of attention before the sparking of interest.

I am the deep sleep of awareness before the awakening of wonder.

I am the vacancy of perception before the lodging of an opinion.

I am the plateau of disposition before the mounting of inspiration.

I am the stillness of the virgin mind and the silence of the fertile brain.

I am where nothing is. I exist where nothing does.

I exist at all times. I am everywhere.

I am.

When you looked at a person like Gurudev, a good-looking, simple man of approximately 5’8” height, who worked at a government office, none of his friends or family could have imagined that within this average height existed such an advanced spiritual being.

The humour in it is….neither did he! He would not have applied to the Film Institute at Pune if he knew what he would become! (On behalf of millions of people, I thank the man who rejected his application).

The man in the body of the young Bill Gates probably did not know that within him lay a philanthropist of immeasurable nature.