Acquaintance with natural numberology by Wang Mo - HTML preview

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Chapter 3:

Where Did Numerology Come From?



Numerology has a cloudy past. Some consider it as a metaphysical science while others state that it’s the perception of a mystical and romantic relationship among the lifestyle and figures. Numerology is aligned with paranormal and astrology.



The Roots

The rules in numerology have connections about the frequencies of every person. Numerologists begin by evaluating figures that are related to the person’s date of birth and name. These frequencies and figures supply perception into the character of a person. In numerology, each single amount has each adverse characteristics and constructive characteristics. Numerology supporters think that its concept determines and emphasize their good personalities.

Historical Past of Numerology Revealed

The past of numerology can be traced back during the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Babylon. Numerology was liked by the early mathematicians. So, where did numerology come from? There is no exact date when did numerology come to existence, but others have ideas on where it began.

Pythagoras, a well-known mathematician, was credited as the first one to arrange the study. That is why he was called the father of numerology. He believethat  the world  is constructed within the figures’ energy. Pythagoras is also the creator of various theorems which are used in mathematics today. During the 20th century, a doctor was coined for her contribution in numerology.

There is no definitive proof about the real origin of numerology. Several numerologists today state that the earliest record of numerology practice was in Egypt and Babylonia. There are even some statements that Egyptians use numerology to decode their gods’ names to avoid their enemies by just pronouncing them.

Numerology is still a mystery for most researchers before Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician and philosopher, believed that everything has numerical values. Even though Pythagoras is widely recognized as the father of numerology, the analysis of each number for symbolic meanings as well as values were practiced for thousands or hundreds of years before Pythagoras claimed the existence of numerical relationships.

So, although Pythagoras is not the mastermind of numerology, his studies became the basis of all people using the science of numbers. While traditions and cultures play a big role, the modern numerology serves as the new wave or level of numerology. This science of numbers may not be involved in mathematics, but it still has huge part in today’s world.