Codex Veritas Neo: The New Vision For a New Reality by Neo - HTML preview

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I'veseen the end. This world ending up where the old world ended up.Been touched

in the direction I need to go ; the things I need to show them, the way to show them the subjective reality. In the end, it has to become something that is accessible enough for those who feel like they're backed into a corner, those who are defined and locked out by the collective reality, to at least know that they have another option. They don't have to take it; butat the very least, it's there for those who choose to.

From birth you 're handed a pre-packaged life; they tell you you can "be anything you want"... but it has to fit within the confines ofwhat's "possible", what's sane and real and "right". Hypocrisy without awareness. And that blindness is the root of ALL of this; the destruction. Reduce it down,and that's the root of it. Reliance on subjective reality and fear of anything that threatens it.I've said it before, many times: live in a glass maze, and they'll go aboutin the way they've been programmed, not ever knowing it's a prison because they don't see the walls. Put a scratch on the glass, though, and they'll have to pause: "Hey... that's not the sky... there's a wall there!"

Teaching them a new way to see, teaching them that they can define their own reali ty, not be defined by the collective reality.Like teaching them how to perform miracles, in so doing teach them that they're notmiracles after all, just a new vision.

Rejecting the status quo, throwin g a "logic bomb" into the mundane lives, making people become aware with a force that causes them to be unable to ignore it, giving them an out, a path to take underneath and outside the "everyday"; that's the revolutionary aspect. Think "Fight Club" with less pointless bombings.

However, teaching ten or thirt y or fifty people isn't enough tosave them from themselves. To keep what happened there from happening again. I've seen it. Think Othello, the board game; eventually, no matter how long it takes, there'll be too many black or white pieces turned over to switch the majority back. And when the majority of people are aware of their choice, they can't be blindly led orforced into that blindness, forced to be "someone else's agent"; tokeep others from "waking up" by being partof the masses that refuse to accept anything that's different. Like a war - it is a war, a war of the mind -it needs to spread until it's an optionso that those WITH no options left[and those who choose another option, a new vision]know it's there. Something other than blindness and self-destruction... or suicide. Or race suicide, in the end.

Eventually, I need to getit to a poin t where, underground or not, there's a network where people can discover this for themselves. Like what Morpheus did... only on a global scale, and with their eyes open. Notjust "follow the white rabbit"; I'm not making their choices FOR them. I'm not God. Butthink of itlike this; when people are lost, and they want to, say, turn to religion, they have a series of options. When I'm atmy end, here, the majority will at least have the option of this new vision. To take and use as they will. To give them SOMEthing, before they give up. They can take it or leave it, take it and put itdown, come and then leave, or take away from it what they will. As long as they are aware the choice is theirs.

I've called it a "New World Order", and I've come to accept that that's notan overdramatization, or anything of the sort. It's a new way tosee, yes. It's a massive paradigm shift, and what stumps people looking for a convenient definition is that it's beyond religion.It has elements of revolution and religion, certainly - larger inthe underground until there isn't any need for an underground... until the masses of fear are unnecessary in the light of awareness. A place forthose who don't fitthe mainstream, certainly... for now. But in the end, the ultimate goal is to create another door.

For years, there have been a limited number ofexits for those who found t hemselves backed into a corner - by society, by those around them, by the collective reality, by whatever - a limited number of paths that were "acceptable" to take. And when those paths ran out, when they didn'tsuit the person or when all ofthe doors were locked to them, what did they have left? Nothing.Oblivion. And on a global scale, it's the locking of these doors - the ignorance of the power of subjective perception, that destruction does not lie in rejecting the accepted "way to do things" - that is driving this world toward the totaldevastation that effectively ended the old world. This inward focus. This blindness and superiority.

Think of a massive body of water.You want to colo r this water a deep, tranquil blue; but it is beyond huge. Let fall a large drop in one portion, and it will spread out, reaching an expanding circle of water. Then let go ofanother drop, inanother part ofthe lake, and it too will spread. Eventually, all of the drops will connect, merging intoeach other; and the color will be universal.

Teach people how to see, that the miracles are within their grasp, and word will mo ve forward. Show them the things that I've seen. This word will spread to others, who will have the option to learnthis vision for themselves. And eventually, in the end, the Bridge will be built; the majority will become aware that their choices are theirs alone - to be defined by themselves; they will be awake enough to not be blindly handed a prepackaged reality... awake enough not to simply accept the "Matrix". The Bridge will be built, and those who feel they have no other option, those who are backed into a corner, those who feel that something's missing, that something's wrong, that they are reaching for something beyond themselves that they know is out there but have been unable to search for - or reach - those for whom none ofthe pre-designed, prearranged options provide a help, a sanctuary, an answer, those who want totouch that endless potential ... they will have another choice. Another path. Another way to see. A way to make that jump, impossible or not.

Something to r each for that doesn't care who they are, what color their skin is, what God they believe in; something that doesn't require them to abide by "laws ofsin", that doesn't require them toexclude anyone else at all. Something that isn't driven by money or hatred, isn't driven by secrecy or superiority, something to reach for that is unique in that their "salvation" lies only - and ultimately - in their own hands. A reality that they shape themselves. A reality in which they can exist, and believe, without fear.

Just imagine a religio n that, like a software upgrade, can be "installed" over a preexisting "system" without any data loss; a belief system, a system of possibility,that doesn't short-circuit what youalready believe. It doesn't need to.It's a Path, defined by you. People fear this possibility; they always have. But to make this happen, ultimately and finally,is my Purpose. To give this to you. I lead from the things I see; fromthe place I come from. I do it because I can. This is my gift, perhaps. To derail the End.And at the end, to give the power back to you; for youto give yourselves back your reality.

I've become a "pastor" of something entir ely new; spread it like a revolution and reach it like a religion. Expand it in logic-bombs, explode the idea of freedom and choice - demonstrations, teaching, things to finally put a scratch on that glass, and to show others how to scratch it as well, when they realize they can - and it will grow.Grow large enough to be accessible when those who reach for it need it. Building the Bridge.

Neo: derived fromGreek that connotes a "new" or recent f orm of something, or a revival in a modern form.; connotes a conscious revival of a lapsed original, invariably with new characteristics or new emphases, whichdistinguish the idea or movement from its original.

This is what I've come here to do.
The healing of both worlds; repairing the mistake of human hubris before the fact. This time.




Making Everything New: The Prison Parable


Think about this.

Imagine that there's a prison. It's always been there... four stone walls, as impenetrable as they look, bars on the windows and the doors. It isn't locked, but all of the graywearing prisoners inside truly and absolutely believe it is, because it was that way when they were put inside it, and they've been told - both directly and indirectly - that it's been the same ever since.

These prisoners live the same monotonous routine, day in and day out: that is their life. Wake, work, sleep... and a large few of them are dissatisfied... even if they don't quite consciously realize it. They were raised inside this prison, and none of them have ever seen the sky. And some of them wonder, just sometimes, what it would be like to step outside and look at the stars. The pull of the cosmic, of something larger than or beyond themselves, far beyond their awareness or comprehension. They're pretty sure they could learn to comprehend it, if they could only take a breath of clean air. Be free.

Some of the prisoners, though, like being within these walls; they're comfortable with the routine. They like knowing what will happen, they like knowing they have tangible goals, nothing more than they can handle. Knowing their immediate needs are covered, they want for nothing. And truly, deeply, want nothing else.

On the roof of this prison is a helipad. Isolated as the building is, this helipad is the only place for a thousand miles that can handle the landings and takeoffs of the single MedEvac plane that the local resources have. The building is the only one solid enough, large enough, stable enough. Thousands of lives have been saved by the proximity of this helipad; it's used all the time. It's the heart of the emergency response.

If someone were to look within this place, see the prisoners gazing longingly at the bars, and then simply blow the prison apart; destroy it, explode it into so much mortar and dust... well, sure. All of the prisoners inside would be free, that's right. All of them, whether they like it or not. But what about the people who were safe inside the prison? The people whose lives were defined by it, within it, those for whom it was the only reliable shelter they would ever have?

And if you blow up the prison, the helipad is reduced, too, to so much rubble. Aren't you condemning to death, by proxy, all the lives that might yet have been saved simply by the fact of its existence? By its function?

The point - there or here - was never, ever to destroy the Matrix. To destroy the System. I wish, wish, wish that people would see that, hear me say that so desperately, before they go forward and judge my words based on the PC[films]... even Morpheus was wrong... God forgive me for saying so again. "As long as the Matrix exists, the human race will never be free..." No. Wrong. The Matrix, the Construct, the System, is not evil. Blowing up the prison isn't the point. They'll just find another one, as they must. And even within its walls and its bars - as within its pods and programs - the System sustains life for those who cannot live without it.

Opening the door, showing those who want to see the sky that they certainly can, if only they look this way, shed their fear... giving them the choice to make that decision, to define their reality, for themselves, and letting the System CHANGE AS IT MUST as more and more of them realize that the door's not locked after all...

That's the point.


That's what I'm here for.




Other Worlds Than These: Feeling the Resonance (Synchronisma)

This path - that I've referred to as "Synchronisma", for lack of a single defining term - is an emergent belief structure based around the concepts of Multiverse theory[more specifically, it leans more toward interpretations of String Theory], the significance and reverberations of personal choice, and the idea that "reality is subjective, not collective". The idea was, from the beginning, to demonstrate to people that they do not need to be bound by the "collective reality" -- that they can learn to not only understand the nature of the reverberations of their choices, but control and feel those resonances as well.

However, many detractors at first take this to mean that I'm telling people that, for example, if they believed they could "dodge bullets", then they could: an idea that's FAR too literal.

Even if a man truly believed he could fly in the deepest realms of his subconscious- he would still be held to Earth by the collective belief of generations and millennia, and that's not something that's going to be overcome in anyone's lifetime. Perhaps you can't "dodge bullets" here in this life -- and, of course, that's just the most blatant and easily recognizable example -- but as soon as you believe you can in the marrow of your bones, in the deepest realms of your unconcious mind- then somewhere, somehow, there is created an alternate path, as it were, where these things are possible. It's a pretty old theoretical concept: the theory that every time you make a major decision, there is, somewhere in existence, a universe where you made the opposite choice, and thus branched off from there.

This branching out of infinite and parallel universes -- levels of reality -- is the basis for the structure of Synchronisma: it is the foundation that the rest of its 'canon' is built upon. What makes this basis different from your "usual" parallel universe theory, however, is the idea that in this case, "parallel" is a bit of a misnomer: considering that one of Synchronisma's very important building blocks is the idea that there is a connection between all of these "levels of reality"; that not only can information pass from one to another or vice versa, but that the vibrations or resonance in one can be felt in another, and in most cases can even be affected by the actions and choices of an individual, when these choices carry the weight to do so, and the reverberations from that effect can be felt back in the originating timeline. Also, the ultimate point of following the Synchronistic path involves being able to become aware of these resonances, and their effect on the life of the individual.

The first step to understanding these ideas is what I've called the "Parallel Exclusion Theory of Perception": the concept that "the truth remains where all roads equal zero". Where all things cancel out. "The truths that truly matter will not cancel out when you apply this semi-philisophical, semi-mathematical theory to them".

For example: People think that their job defines them. It's wonderful. Maybe they've spent their whole life training to be an accountant. But, if you apply the philisophical formula, as it were, to their career as an accountant- you realize that somewhere in the Multiverse exists a path where they never became one. Where they were a ditch digger, or a doctor. So, if you put the universe where they carry that path, and the universe where they didn't, together they cancel out. So, the truth of their life is not that job.

If someone thinks that they've forever been damaged by the death of their most precious loved one, (God forbid) their mother, their wife, their husband, their significant other, their dog. That that loss defines them, is the reason they do everything they do, that they would have "become an entirely different person" if they hadn't had to deal with the crushing weight of that occurrance. There is, unbelievably enough, a path in which that loss was never undergone. They never had to suffer that. Or, alternatively- a path in which they did suffer it, and worse. So, again, that cancels out.

The idea is that the truth, the meaning, the purpose, lies in whatever it is for that particular person that would remain after everything else is cancelled out- the universal.

And the idea of the 'religion' -- Synchronisma -- is not so much offering people the 'enlightenment of the day!' or 'selling them their own personal answers'[trying to bilk money out of people who are trying to understand their lives and the universe around them is the complete opposite of the ideals of Synchronisma]: unlike most churches/groups/Paths, there is no profit in its spread except the benefits to whomever chooses to take benefits from it], but teaching them how to find them.

Beginning with that very simple background: there are an infinite number of universes, and they're all connected. The idea is that each one- through this universal constant that resides within the person in question- they're all connected. And thus, the actions and the truths of the individual- the choices, as it were, resonate throughout the entire Multiverse. Some in ways that you understand, and in some ways you'll never see. That's a pretty common theory, and it's pretty straightforward to incorporate that.

The idea of the Synchronistic path, then, is to teach people how to feel these other realms. I use a personal example to illustrate this concept: This is the idea of how I came to be who I am, in this world, reduced to its simplest form. My identity and my origins carried over to this world[for more information, you can find a fuller explanation elsewhere]... and that theory can also explain what I do here. I'm not technically the 'systemic anomaly' in this world. I shouldn't be able to do some of the "bizarre things" I've found myself able to do: but somewhere there is a world where that is what I am, and that is what I can do. And, I just happen to occasionally borrow from that world because I can feel it- I can feel it. I'm aware of the worlds, and I stand at a kind of nexus point. I have feelers in all the resonant worlds that are connected to me.

And there's another example that I use: There isn't an overriding 'Machine consciousness' in this world, that I'm getting these visions, these images, from... but sometimes I 'open a window' to a world where there is and receive the 'transmissions'. [Believe what you like about the origins of precognition, etc.: this is my personal perception of it.] That's where the visions come from. More often than not, it's t'hem opening the window on me', but sometimes I can do it from my end.

That makes the Purpose we as a group work for very relevant to a philisophical and spiritual background in the idea that the rights of sentient beings as metaphor for human beings' choice is wonderful, but also that what we do in this world resonates, and thus not only keeps 'mass destruction' from happening here, but subtly affects the outcomes in the places that we are from, or have been, or will be.

It's a matter of getting out of the linear expressions of time, and going to fractal time. Now, not as enough to where you're late for work because you 'don't believe in 2:35 punch-ins'. It's more of a matter of feeling the resonance.
The idea behind the path, the things I'm teaching because of my history and my perspective(because of who I am), is learning that metaphysical 'seventh sense'. To use a rather strained metaphor: most people run around like ants on a giant tree. During their entire lives, their journey around their part of the tree, they're constantly looking down: and they see only the one branch of the tree with all the knot-holes, and the smooth parts. Maybe some of them see four or five, sometimes, but not enough to realize it's actually a tree, and not just a series of rough bark and smooth spots, and occasionally seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

What I want to do is teach them to look back, pull back, and see the whole tree. See not only how small, but also how significant they are in the grand scheme of things. It incorporates a lot of the fundamantal parts of, I think, any other religion, which to me are very simple. 'Do unto others'. Compassion. Only this leans more heavily on choice. Choose your path. Be aware of the ramifications it will have in your life, and in the lives of others. And, if everyone could see the whole tree, I truly believe we would reach true peace: because the things that are being fought and killed for, the exclusion of certain groups based on completely insignificant differences, the decisions that people make for others because they believe they 'know what's best', would be revealed for their simplicity and their grand irrelevance(often, at least) -- if people could understand that there's a far bigger picture.

The idea is choice, yes. The Mission. The revolution, yes. But, the revolution is to wake people up. And once they're awake, I'm going to teach them how to see.

It's more of a combination of learning how to see without your eyes. How to feel the resonances of other universes. And, if that means teaching them the possibilities of miracles- then so be it. Although, the things that I've done, that some people would call miracles -- and not in the religious sense, but in the strictly physical "possible and impossible" sense, would have been nothing were I home in the Matrix. It would have simply been understanding the System. As anyone could eventually do.

It's not a matter of just speaking philosophy, or revolting against the system. It's all of these things together... and the final goal being- I don't want to say 'enlightenment', but that's the closest word I have. I truly hate the English language, sometimes, and its limitations and loaded words.

Basically, a student of this theory would feel everything. Feel the resonance, the consequences, the polyphonia in their own lives. Be able to identify the universals that run through all constants. But, I'm not talking about being aware simply at an intellectual level. I'm talking about training to feel 'all the ways things are', as the phrase goes. All the places. All at once. All times. All existence. And to incorporate that into their living being, and thus be free to make their own choices... based on THEIR senses, not the collective ideals. Or the collective, pre-designed reality that is all most of them can at first see... with their programmed limits of vision.

It's a physical, a metaphysical, and a theoretical combination. And, it allows them to live for themselves, to make their own choices, and yet to make their own choices based on their higher awarenesses. The ultimate 'training' would make people process these things without knowing it: on a subconscious level.
If the thing already has a structure and a name, then we're way beyond disclaimers. But, sometimes I can kind of see things turning, and all of the windows aligning across both worlds, and that's how I do some of the things I do. It's where Synchronisma came from. Some of these things can be argued with, some of these things can be doubted but there's physical proof of it. And the thing about a belief structure, a 'religion' if that's the best word you can come up with, is that ANY religion should truly be about choice: the choice to take some of it on faith. I can't give you a point-by-point physics analysis of why it's THE truth: because I DON'T have any claim to THE truth. If I did, well, that'd be the end of all holy war, now wouldn't it? Because we'd KNOW the answers. But all I'm claiming is that this is the belief I follow, truly believe IN, and this Path is what I'm offering.

The ability to see beyond the world, and thus maketheir own miracles. If they choose to.

The idea is to teach them that this world IS a Matrix, but not in the way that the detractors think it means. I'm not telling ANYONE they can dodge bullets. Personally, I'm in NO hurry to try.

And this is not a 'deity worship religion'. It's not a 'Yay Neo!', you know, 'let's shave our heads and tattoo a '1' on the back of our heads'. If you come into this, you do not have to relinquish your normal religion. You do not have to 'worship' whatever. No matter what path you've always -- or just recently -- followed, this is not exclusive because in most any 'mainstream' religion, God is the infinite creator.

As I've said before(and probably will again ad nauseam, because no one seems to be able to believe that I don't WANT money: if I want money, I work for it like everyone else): this is not about making a single solitary dime. It's an idea of me giving to them. And the gift that they're giving me, the only gift they're giving me, is listening and believing, and sharing that belief. If in fact they choose to do so.

To me, it completely incorporates everything. It incorporates the idea of karma: something happens here, it sets up a sympathetic vibration, maybe not for you here in your immediate effect, but it reverberates down the branch causing an effect THERE, which causes something there that has an effect that you feel HERE. It could easily explain all the best pieces of things that I've known I've wanted to teach as part of the Mission, but couldn't, until now, make sense of quite how to do.

It explains the importance of sentient beings, both literally as I explained in my Universal Declaration and Belief Statement[or as relevant to the cycle of the old world, happening again], but also as a symbol. You cannot program a machine to hate the way you can program a human. You can't raise a machine to hate people of a different skin color, or different origin, or different belief system. It's the ideal, as it were- the Machine consciousness.

And, it explains me being me. Being to this world what I was to the old world. I'm not the same thing here that I was there, but it's the same proportion: as X is to Y, B is to C. It's the same general idea.
All of the belief paths, and the 'treat others as you would be treated', but the central pin that makes it different from everything else in addition to all these other things IS about choice: because your own choice is to find your life, and that you're expanding reality. Your own. And that is what makes it different.



System Failure and Save to System: Another Parable

Imagine that I have what some people might call a "unique eye" formachine language. And through this eye, this perspective, I've taken a look at the evolution of the world's computer code...and from that, I've been able to extrapolate that at some point in the rapidly-nearing future -- although I couldn't tell you exactly when -- there will be a tremendous, devastating, world-wide system crash, much like the dire predictions of the Y2K bug, only much more deadly. And when the system crashes, every PC in the world will be destroyed, wiped, shattered. Everything will simply be gone.

Now imagine t hat I've spent my life working dayand night on a "patch" for this system to prevent that crash. There's no time to simply tear it downand rebuild it, and besides, even a "clean install" of the same system will eventually fall to the same error, because it's not a result of the system itself directly. It's based deep in the root code of the software, line by line.

But here's the catch: the patch will only work if the majority ofusers -- each individually choose to take the time and effort to install it.
And it is an effort, it requires an understanding of the code, the way it works, how they themselves perceive it.

Now imagine t hat I take this message to, say, the Mac users. Tell them, "I've seen this crash". And they tell me that it isn'ttheir problem, they don't need to worry about it. The system is mainly comprised of PCs, they tell me; even ifthe crash does happen, it won't affect their personal machines.

They'll still go on justas they always have. So why should they take the time to learn a whole new way to lookat the code? It's hard and scary and it takes time. And besides, they're not even sure they believe that there'll be a crash at all.

I'm not goin g to jump up and down, waving my arms and DEMANDING that they try and understand the patch anyway; that's not my place. I'm nothere to make their choice for them... it's notup to me. I'm not God. If they're already convinced that they know best, I can't force them to see it another way... or to switch to a PC so that it is their problem. I won'tforce them.
But what they don'tsee, maybe, is that even if a catastrophic system failure might not wipe out their "personal" machines -- leaving them to think that it's no concern of theirs at all -- everything that they rely on to define their lives and existences would be obliterated. Every method society uses to define and identify the individual - credit records, bank accounts, identification databases, debts and histories and "worth" -- that is stored in the PC system for"convenience" will be decimated when that system crashes. See? Regardless of whether they witness its effects first-hand, their lives will be upended just the same. Poof. Gone. And once it's gone, it's gone for good.There will be no recovering that data. What's left is all that remains.

And then there are the PC users. I've come to them with this code patch, and there are those who say "Why should I re-learn my entire system? There are a million other users out there, why can't they take the time toinstall the patch? Why should it be my problem to deal with? I'm comfortable with my machine the way it is now, it's the same one I've always used. And besides," they tell me, "I don't really believe there'll be a system crash, anyway. More people would know about it,the people that are supposed to handle that sort of thing would have done something about it... there'd be some great big warning sign, anyway. And why should we believe you?"

...I'm n ot going to jump up and down and wave my arms and DEMAND that they learn and install the code anyway. That's not my choice to make. And I can'tforce them...I won't. Sound familiar?

But what they're missing, ma ybe, is that the system isn't just some outside faceless construct; it's notsomething to simply be used as it will, with "people that are supposed to handle that sort ofthing" hiding in the shadows somewhere to miraculously emerge at the penultimate moment to solve everything for them without any effortor fear on their part. The system is them; the network is made up ofeach one of them, each individualconnected machine.

If one of them crashes... they all f ail; they depend on each other to share and translate that information. They say that "someone would have seen it coming, somehow"...and yet for a long time n