Cosmology by ALEXIS KARPOUZOS - HTML preview

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Quantum Vacuum or Zero Point Field and consciousness

The distinction between material and vacuum space was abandoned the moment of the discovery of the fact that the elementary particles can spontaneously arise from the vacuum and afterwards be absorbed by it. According to field theory, phenomena like this, take place all the time. According to quantum physics, there is no absolute vacuum and every spot of the universe is pulsing by an invisible activity.

Even at the temperature of the absolute zero, the vacuum carries huge quantities of energy which due to homogeneity is not directly perceived, but under certain circumstances leads in observable and countable phenomena. A volume of vacuum space, which is not bigger than our little finger, encloses so much energy as ten billion, billion, billion, billion universes together!

The energy of space can explain the genesis of the universe. So, the vacuum is not empty, but it encloses all potential forms of the world of particles. It seems, however that these forms are in turn transitional and temporary manifestations of the eternal and omnipresent Vacuum.

The ontological interpretation of quantum physics of Bohm supposes the real presence of particles and fields. The particles have got a complex internal structure and are always accompanied by a quantum wave field. They are affected not only by the classical electromagnetic forces, but also by a thinner force, the quantum potential, that is defined by their quantum field.

The quantum potential transfers information from the whole environment and provides direct, non-local connections between quantum systems. They correspond to what Bohm calls inherent class, which can be considered as a vast energy ocean in which the physical or developing world is a simple ripple. A universal quantum field, the Vacuum Quantum or Zero Point Field is the basis of the material world. Its explanation opens the gates to a function of deeper and more cognitive levels of reality. The catholic associations that were proved by the mildness of the radiation depth are maybe an example of non – locality. Since the early universe presented quantum correlations, when we conduct observations and find these correlations, we find out the deep interconnection of the universe that is suggested by the quantum theory.

A “non – locality” is a non – locality either it is focused on the relatively small dimensions of the laboratory or on billions of light years. When we understand the one, we understand the other as well. However, we cannot equalize the understanding to the description of a non – locality in space and time, since a non – locality goes beyond space and time limits. As a result, it denotes a single entity that ceases to constitute a whole if it is subjected to space-time description.

Quantum Information

During the whole procedure of the appearance of the particles at the universe, we have to identify the existence of a factor which is neither material nor energy. This factor is already identified not only at humanities and social sciences, but also in the physical and biological sciences.

This factor is information! This information configures the parameters of the universe at its genesis. As a result, it governs the evolution of its basic elements in complex systems. We are not talking about the type of information as it is considered to be spread among people. The “formative information” exists in the world regardless of the will of the people and their actions. The formative information of the world is connected to the laws of interrelation and interaction of its elements, which are created by the Unified Vacuum. It is referred to the consistency of the Universe through which its recipient is formed. It can be the quantum, a galaxy, or a human being. This mutual information relates everything to each other. It is the carrier of all known information under the usual definition of the term “information”.

The mutual information is a refined, permanent connection among the elements that are located in different positions in space and in different moments in time, as well as the consciousness associated with these elements. The characteristic of the coherent universe is the formative information that is created, preserved, transferred and interconnects all its parts. In that way, a universe that searches the route from one phase of evolution to the next one, can be transformed to a system with extensive interfaces which builds over mutual information that is already created.


Quantum Logic

The fundamental law of logic is the principle of bivalence: the logic (typical or symbolic) functions with an elementary binary code, for example: 'on = true' and 'off = false', it responds that is to a Boolean algebra. According to the quantum logic something can simultaneously be true and false without contradicting the natural world. This requires the need for an intuitive logic according to which contradiction and ambiguity are states of the natural world.

We could suggest that logic expresses the macroscopic world of the physical-sensible reality (visible world), while the intuitive logic expresses the tiny world of energy of elementary particles (invisible world). At the visible world of material that is perceived by our senses the binary Boolean logic functions, having as a fundamental law the principle of consistency, while at the microscopic world that is captured by the subtractive contemplation, a non Boolean logic, non-linear logical inconsistency  functions.

However, the above way in which the cosmic reality is approached in its wholeness is metaphysical. Namely, it separates the world in macroscopic and microscopic level. If we wish to think as a whole, we could say that every system functions in two ways, both linear and nonlinear, i.e. both by necessity and by randomness. We could say that time unites the contrasts.


Imaginary Numbers and Quantum Information Theory

Every piece of information when it is manifested at some point of the space – time continuum is transformed into energy deducted from holistic information (absolute symmetry). Every piece of information before it is manifested into energy is being developed in imaginary and not real time. The imaginary time refers to holistic information of spacetime that refers to the imaginary numbers and not the real ones.  The real numbers refer to the outcomes of the conversion of the information into energy, a process which implies the emergence of forms and shapes in the space-time continuum. Every “material point” in the visible universe has got form and shape, even if we are talking about material objects (mass) or about non material situations, facts, e.t.c.

The quantum theory is inherently probabilistic, and that happens because the necessary incision in the quantum Whole means loss of information.

The quantum probability does not constitute an expression of incomplete knowledge, but an expression of multiple realizations of microphysical capacities of a quantum system, within given experimental conditions which are defined by the intersection of the Whole at the measuring process.

Every piece of information – as “energy” that has not been manifested - is said to be developing in the imaginary time - and not in the real one. When we are talking about the imaginary time and its evolution, we propose neither a false nor a non-wise affirmative statement. On the contrary, we express a true statement; we refer to the holistic information, to a different time level from that of our own countable time. To analyze it further, we refer to a (space -) time level that is connected to the imaginary – and not the real – numbers.

Let’s give an example. After we have read a novel, we close the book. When the book is closed, the subject, the characters, the meanings, the action and the whole plot of the novel in general stop existing? Of course not. We simply needed to read it. Namely, the contribution of our time and our action was needed in order the for the information contained in the book to turn into content (energy), so that we read it and comprehend it. As a result, a closed book contains all the information encoded into letters / symbols on the paper. Therefore, whatever exists there (subject, plot, action, characters of the novel) are all instantaneously developed, irrespectively of whether we have read it or not.

The notion of information is connected to the entropy and is considered as equivalent to the "negative entropy". While on the contrary, the entropy is equivalent to the absence of information. The connection that seems to exist between the entropy (the degree of order in a system) and the information of that system is now well – known. We can see that their connection is inversely proportional: the weaker is the entropy (disorder) of a system, the higher is the information it contains.