Divine Dews by Shakti Prasad Palo - HTML preview

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A Hymn for HIM

Cannot inhabit with Your inherited nature for She has afflicted my Divine cores;
My recurrsive births will finally fructify If You aptly deny not that I am Yours. Unconditionally everyone loves his own possessions and never lets them get destroyed by their own means. So is with the ever-merciful and benevolent Lord. He loves all from the core of His heart. Often it is the mortal who becomes unfaithful and mendacious towards his master.

Renovate Your hidden presence in me for I know not what my soul needs;
Slurry of ignorance is dragging me deep I am snarled in unconscious deeds.

Your blessings will indubitably supercede my sufferings amidst these alien crews;
I am spryly rejoiced and serenly hopeful for I abide by Your eternal Divine Dews. Heartfelt repentance for the past undedicated deeds and blind faith on the Guru as his eternal well-wisher are the pre-requisites for deliverance and unification with the Supreme.

- The Author Until ‘me’ and ‘mine’ are consciously replaced with ‘you’ and ‘yours’, liberation is imaginary.

K nowledge is the necessary and devotion is the sufficient condition in the avenue of Divine realization. Man dancing to the tunes of evil senses and trundling for the fulfillment of material desires can never attain Divinity and eternal solace, as a housefly can never get nectar from a filthy wound.

Y ou have to suffer for whatever you do, good or bad, for attaining a higher birth through good deeds is also a suffering. Dedicate all your deeds to the Lord and when He becomes the doer, you don’t have to suffer for that. Ignorance of the absolute reality is the primal cause of all sufferings.

‘I’ should be acquiesced for the innerself as a part of the Supreme Self and not for the mutable mortal frame. Man cannot be attached to the imperfect everchanging world and the absolute perfect at the same time. He has to renounce one for the other.

T he initiation of a desire is due to the fulfillment of some other desire. Be desireless. Even if the desire to be desireless exists, you are not absolutely desireless. Selfless devotion is the end of all knowledge and the realization of the presence of Divine in the life-breath is the end of all natal ignorance.
The macrocosm (brahmanda) resides implicitly inside the microcosm (pinda). You and the universe are not mutually exclusive; the external distinction is a mere symbolic drama.
Never feel inferior of yourself by considering yourself as the body. You are above the five elements, the senses, the mind and the intellect. You are the conscious and dynamic fragment of the Supreme Lord.

S uccessive birth is guided by the train of thoughts at the time of death and nature of deeds performed in the previous birth.
Maya or ignorance is the feminine derivative of the Supreme Lord. Once the Self is realized, Maya looses its existence.

T hose who awaken and raise their latent kundalini to the highest level along the six nerve plexuses through yogic trances witness divine play.

B e not desireful for anything in the world but for Selfrealization.
Never hate or be jealous of anybody for the Divine that dwells in you dwells in them too without any slightest deviation. It is an act of foolishness to differentiate based on the deeds performed by the perishable body and the nature of thoughts by the imperfect mind. The more you attach yourself with your body and earthly relations, the more you sink down yourself into ignorance and unavoidable sufferings.
Heterogeneity of the universe is but the ignorance of the reality.

The witnessing of duality ( dwaityavada) is the means All men take birth in this world to die, but a few conscious and Self realized men die never to take birth again.
and the realization of uniqueness (adwaityavada) is the end for deliverance.

A dog bites a dry bone with the desire of meat. The The Supreme Lord tests His disciples in His own unique ways. And the test becomes harder as the disciple reaches higher levels of realization. Some superficial performers get out-tracked molding themselves into atheists. But the real and refined karma-sanyasi’s get embraced by the Lord. gums bleed and the dog thinks that the blood is from the bone and bites even more firmly wounding the gums even deeper. Similarly, the ignorant never detaches himself from material desires and becomes a slave to his grimy senses. Without the grace and blessings of the Guru, even the deepest study of spiritual scriptures and multidimensional analysis of Godhead goes in vain. Let not your heart be contaminated with hatredness, jealousy and ego, for it is the abode of the beloved Lord.

F orget not that your have been mortalized to renunciate materiality and liberate the soul. Those who have completely surrendered themselves unto the lotus feet of their Guru are hardly affected by the satanic forces of the universe and the planetary designs of their fate.

T he paddy fields turn yellowish and dry during scorching heat and seem lifeless. But a spell of rain recharges it with new vigor and vitality. Blessings of the Guru can show miracles and unbelievable coincidences in a true devotee’s life.
Let all your desires go unfulfilled and passions soiled, but the desire to be in loving service of the Lord as a servitor.

P erforming evil deeds is homogeneous with letting others do the same.
If your Guru is pleased with your Karma, there remains nothing for you to do, in this and successive births. Always make company with saints, sages and Selfrealized ones and never let your senses bank with evilminded ones. Then only your mind and the body will gradually be purified from within through their holy induction and Divine osmosis.
Let the wandering feet of your mind march towards

the heart, the abode of the Lord, for boundless pleasure and immeasurable peace.

E scapists boast themselves for their good deeds and announce their unsuccessful attempts and failures as Lord’s wish. Their dependence on the Lord even in their low times are mere pretensions and they always remain at a greater distance from the grace of the Lord. All religions and sects are but different avenues to realize and attain the same Supreme Lord. Only the unqualified differentiate between them and wander along the birth-death cycle for infinite ages.

E very undedicated and unconscious breath taken is liable for suffering in this or subsequent births. The ever-merciful Supreme Lord will perform all actions on your behalf and will guard from all evils, if you are completely surrendered and dependent on Him without a marginal trace of doubt.
The Jivatma, which is a fragment of the Paramatma should experience the uniqueness of the Supreme Lord through external meditation and should witness the duality in Divine play through internal meditation. As the sun remains hidden behind the dark clouds in a rainy day, the Supreme Lord moves the universe behind the veil of Maya. Only those blessed by the Lord realize this transparency and enjoy the Divinity in the creation.

W hat is destined to happen will happen. You suffer due to your own karma. No one can modify your past deeds and amend your suffering by forgiving your sins, but your Guru.
Desireless actions can only lead to liberation of the soul. But in this Iron Age it becomes difficult to perform these amidst of the diverting forces acting on the mind and the body. Hence, go on dedicating your deeds to the Lord as much as possible and you will reach the desireless state thereof.

T here is indifference between your Guru and the Supreme Lord. If you find any difference, it is due to your fate, to suffer more.
Hearts filled with pure love and devotion for the Lord are at infinitely higher levels than the brains stacked with dry intellectualism.
Taking mere birth in a higher caste does not make anybody more finer and never helps in the upward movement of the soul, but the deeds performed in this and previous births.
It is only the consciousness, which can intervene in the Divine play and unify the Jiva and Parama driving the mortal to a chantless state.

D eeds performed through ajapa-sutra or in the chantless state are fruitless and thus the practitioner never suffers for these effect-less causes.
Performing exhaustive rituals and outward spiritual exhibitions are meaningless without unconditional love and Divine emotion in the heart for your Guru.

D elay not in performing auspicious and pious deeds, and hasten not in fulfilling the lower evil deeds. That those who are at a distance from auspicious and selfless deeds, never levitate to me.
Not attaining the desired objects and attainment of undesired ones are the modes of suffering for the ignorant. Whatever you have attained is what you really deserve for and heartfelt acceptance of this is a sign of spiritual refinement.
Direct all your diffused thoughts and discrete precepts into Divine consciousness and make the vacillation of the mind be fixed on your Guru.
The degree of awakening of inner consciousness is proportional to the isolation of the mind from worldly desires and the extent of dispassion for the earthly attachments including ones own body.

T he heart of the Lord is ever merciful not only for those who are intensely devoted but also for them who flout and are cruel; for He is equally concerned for all His children, however they may be.
The Lord accepts whatever, in every sense of the word, if offered with fullest of devotion and without any desire.

N ever be a misogynist. Witness Divine mother in all women for they are the sources of all affection. You are a mere dumb instrument and I am the player. I choose and play the tune according to my will and desire.

D eath of the physical body is never the end, till the last unsufferred deed is suffered without desire. Your noble work should coincide with your words and thought. Mere recitation of the word sugar will never bring sweetness to the mouth.
Never wander insanely for the vision of the Lord. If your devotion is perfect and heart stainless, the Lord will appear before you in flesh and blood.
The disciple, who engages himself in the loving service of his Guru with reverential attitude, attains the highest of Supreme knowledge.

C onvincing the atheist about the existence of Lord is a sheer waste of time. Never attempt to change others. You can’t, till they realize themselves. In turn they may change your age-old belief. Stay away from them. There is no place where the Lord does not exist. The creator always remains with his creation. It is the ego that veils this fact through irrational logic and asymmetric pseudo intuitions.

D ry intellects dictate that every thing in this creation is unreal and ignorance. If it is so, their mind and intellect, the derivatives of this creation are unreal. Then how can be their thoughts be real and ideas be conclusions? For the truly devoted, there is omnipresent Divine and no ignorance.
The probability of nullifying your karmic depositions without the blessings of your Guru is void.

Don’t be conscious of others but of the Self, residing within, which can nullify the sheaths of prarabdha karma. To diversify is mortality and to unify is immortality.

L et your consciousness steer your intellect and the intellect meditate on the dotty mind through the breath. When the mind at this stage drives the nature through the senses, the deeds become Divine.
The Divine plays on the breath in alternating solar and lunar phases making unique vibrations; and those who witness these through deep yogic practices go beyond the binding orbit of Maya.

I t is neither a compulsion nor a necessity to renounce your worldly deeds and duties for the path of Divinity. Often this becomes an excuse for the laze. If your mind is focused on the Lord, the bodily activities hardly make any impact.
Devote yourself to the Lord as early as possible in this awarded life, for there is uncertainty in another human birth. Don’t waste births in gratifying the senses, and don’t let your soul suffer more through bondage.

T he elementary substratum of faith, devotion and knowledge are not different.
The water from the holy rivers can never wash your sins away and please the Lord; but your tears of love for the Lord. These tears from the precipitation of heartily devotion, satisfies the Lord.
If all dogs will go to heaven, there will remain none to lick the ophal leaves here.
Only the knowledged realize that they are ignorant and they exist in this material world because of their ignorance.

E verything can be mastered through spiritual practices and ethical austere lifestyle, but devotion or the Divine emotion, which can only be attained by the blessings of your Guru.
You cannot hide or diddle anything form the vigilant eyes of the omnipresent Lord whose relation with you is pre-embryonic.

E xpertise over Supreme knowledge by swatting large volumes without spiritual experience goes in vain. Devotion germinates from emotion and unconditional devotion leads to salvation.

T hose who deliberately expose their devotion for pageantry and cachet, devastate their own selves with their ego.
Our body is a temple. Slay all the lower modes of nature like ego, anger, jealousy, fear and hatredness that corrode it.
Ignore anything and anyone who come between you and your Lord. And those who ignore these virtual intermediate elements never get the pure perception of truth. Never fall prey to the illusive design patterns of the world. These will give you more sufferings by the imperfect pleasure they radiate.

T he emergence of a spiritually realized Guru into your life marks the beginning of your internal purification and ends in liberation.
Never let your vital energy get minimized by serving your unsatisfying senses. Deploy it to realize the infinite consciousness and attain immortality.

I t is a compulsion beyond doubt for the Lord to fulfill the wishes of the true devotees, who have renounced the world for Him.
If the dirge of the soul goes unheard, the prayers go unanswered too, and you always remain asymptotic to the objectless ecstasy.

T he incidence of Guru’s blessings shows miraculous and mesmerizing coincidences in a devotee’s life. As the tortoise withdraws its limbs, withdraw your senses inward from outward falsity to serve the real inherent doer.
A doll made of sugar gives the same sweetness when any of its fragments is tasted. The akin exultation and fragrance of Divinity can be experienced and felt from any part of the creation.
Tame your uncontrolled wavering mind affecting the Jiva by the goad of Supreme knowledge.

E mploy knowledge to wisely differentiate between the intransient and the fleeting constituents of the creation, as a royal swan segregates milk from water. The disciplined minds, which remain suzzled by the nectar of the Divine hardly, get sullied with sorrows and lower desires.

To discard all that are worldly known is to gain true knowledge about the uncreated and indestructible soul.

A s the spoon remains unaffected inside the delicious dishes, a karma-sanyasi remains unattached and impassive to the deeds he performs even in the midst of his bodily satisfactions.
Be egoistic that you are the vassal of the Lord beyond time and let this ego be envied by the imperfect material egos. All rivers will merge in the ocean however diverging and disastrous the route may be. Even those which dryout on the way, join the stream through clouds. Similarly all creatures will merge in me finally irrespective of the number of births they take. Rightly perform your duties before the dusk becomes darker otherwise you will be left out till the glory of the sun shines.

I n this Iron Age, confusion and suspicion prevails concerning the identify of a Guru. Guru is beyond any physical form and is an eternal principle.

H uman deeds are guided by the three modes (gunas) of nature derived from ego and lets the mortal to suffer in three-fold miseries (tritapa). Those who raise themselves above these modes experience the modeless Divine (nirguna Brahman).
There is hardly anything to chant externally; for the Divine chant is performed on the life breath of a mortal from the day his soul descends down. Only the rare know this and become a conscious observer of this chant.

W hy you are worrying with the darkness of the night? Have steady faith on your Lord and rejoice as the darkness deepens; the dawn is nearing.
It is the joy of nature when the mortal un-naturally forgets his source of which he is a conscious derivative. As the spider patterns the web by its own secretion and withdraws it by its own discretion, the Supreme Lord creates and dissolutes His cosmic creation through His own free will and desire.
As the lotus remains unaffected amidst the sinking mud and stinking mire, the immortal soul remains untouched from the mortal body and the material creation.

T he newborn cuckoo returns to his mother after taking birth inside the crow’s nest. But the nourishment with the crows never affects the sweetness of the cuckoo’s voice. Similarly you, the part of the Divine can never be permanent in this alien world and will return to your creator one day, in your purest native form.
Human birth is not to synthesize the mechanical repetition of his mortality but to apparently synchronize the Divine breath with the timelessly chanting infinite Divine consciousness.

N ever get deluded by parallel authorities of knowledge and indulge in spiritual paradoxes. Abide with obedience to a single authority and you will reach the Supreme Being.
It is with the blessings of the Supreme Lord in the form of Guru the devotee realizes that nothing in or above this creation can liberate his soul by ceasing further bodily manifestations, but the blessings of his Guru.

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