FEAR by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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The parents, knowing it was an amusement gig, started laughing. They picked up the little girl and explained that it was not a real alligator. But the girl continued to scream with tears running down her face. More often than not, we grow up with such fears. Each one of us experiences and develops own unique fear.

Some of us fear spiders, while others may fear heights. While F E A R is False Expectations Appearing Real, our ignorance about fear makes fear a real emotion for us that causes misery throughout our life.

Shobana developed a fear of flying when she was a young child. In her 50 years of existence, she has never taken a flight. She travels by road, by train and even by ship. But she refuses to board an aircraft. She has been paralyzed by the fear of flying.

Very often, fear creates a paralysis that stops us from doing many things in life. It triggers in us an apprehension of a perceived danger, and nobody on earth can convince us of the truth. The result is, we live with worry and we carry our panic to our graves. The anxiety caused by fear continues to corrode our inner being.

Is there a way out of fear? The ultimate solution is the realization that F E A R is just a False Expectation Appearing Real.