FEAR by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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as the raw material to our mind, it will produce fearful thoughts. However, if our thought factory is pumped with the raw material of courage, this positive emotion will produce positive thoughts that are full of faith, and hope. We see this happening not just in our day to day life, but also in our dreams. Those who live with the emotion of fear, experience nightmares and are not spared from this dreaded terror, even while asleep.

Today, fear has caused panic around the globe with the COVID-19 disease caused by Coronavirus. This fear has consumed humanity so fiercely that a large part of the world has declared a lockdown. The false expectation that the virus can kill the entire world appears so real that we have ordered everybody to stay indoors. This is going to lead to an unprecedented economic crisis. Why is the whole world reacting with so much panic? It is due to fear. The fear of dying has paralyzed decision-makers around the world. Doctors, scientists, and politicians are all enveloped by this negative emotion. Their decision to shut down most of the world has led to a media blast that has gripped millions of people over the world with fear.

What is the reality? As of end of April 2020, about 2,00,000 people are reported dead due to this virus. This is less than 0.003% of the world’s population. However, fear makes it