FEAR by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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WHY DO WE FEAR?   img20.png


It seems we human beings are born with fear. In the beginning, it may be just fear of a loud sound or the fear of falling. But soon we accumulate many fears from the world. That is why, we often find people being startled by a bang, or even by a lizard. It seems that fear is instinctive. It is built into our being human’. It absorbs our consciousness as our thoughts trigger feelings of fear. Then, we see a reaction to those fearful thoughts and feelings.

However fearful we might have been on a given day where a persistent fear stole our peace, what happens once we fall fast asleep? The fear disappears, only to reappear when we wake up! Fear is to do with the conscious body and mind. Sometimes, we have the most joyous day with celebrations and excitement. Then, our fear makes us startle and jump in a nightmare. It was not real as it was just a dream! But it felt as if a shark had caught hold of us as we were swimming in our dream waters. This makes us realize that fear is both of the body and of the mind.

We have five sense-perceptions that transmit thoughts from the sensory organs to the brain. The eyes see, the ears hear, the nose smells, the tongue tastes and with our skin,