FEAR by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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with a wild beast, it’s a real danger that we are confronting, and this danger can create extreme fear. In fact, the real reason we human beings have been gifted the emotion of fear is to trigger an alarm when there is a real danger confronting us. Fear sends a signal to every part of our body—“Attack! There is an enemy.” Fear triggers the fight or flight response in us whether it is to kill that snake that suddenly appears from nowhere or to motivate us to run from a wild beast in the woods. Fear seems to be an inborn instinct, not just in human beings, but also in animals. If you have a pet dog, you must have experienced how it runs helter-skelter when it hears the sound of firecrackers bursting.

Instead of using the instinct of fear and letting it protect us from real dangers, we are hijacked by our own mind which destroys our peace and tranquillity. The mind creates False Expectations to Appear Real and through this fear, it makes us withdraw. Today, governments all over the world have made cities and provinces into virtual prisons where people are facing a lockdown for weeks, even months! Is this needlessly done? Some people need to isolate themselves to protect their weak immunity and their aged bodies from this seemingly killer virus. However, most healthy young people need not fear the virus. If they get the virus, either it will be asymptomatic, and they will become