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Addendum 2
The Apocalypse Reconstructed


This is an English reconstruction of The Apocalypse (a.k.a. Book of Revelation), authored by the Teacher of Righteousness of the Yahad/Essene community, headquartered at Damascus (Qumran). It was later modified by the so-called Christian fathers and scribes and fraudulently attributed to the fantasy characters St. John and Jesus Christ. As proven by extensive evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls and the period of Roman occupation just before the revolts, there should be no literal names in this document, whatsoever. Nor should there be any mention of churches in a proven Hebrew document of this period, whatsoever. Accordingly, these later modifications and additions have been reconstructed or removed in this version. Removed or reconstructed verses are clearly labeled as such.

What is The Apocalypse?

The original Apocalypse was a heavily encoded (sealed) prophecy and wisdom text that should have very minimal literal text. The rich and striking symbolic imagery that made this document of such great interest over the centuries is also a very unique and ancient form of cryptography. Ancient prophets and sages used advanced symbology to construct and seal (encode and validate) key details of prophecies and wisdom texts until “the end of days.” The wisdom sect known as the Yahad/Essene, led by the Teacher of Righteousness, took this form of symbology to a level far beyond that evidenced in all of the earlier Hebrew texts. The Apocalypse displays the height of this symbolic cryptography. Literal statements that do exist in this document should dovetail with and/or provide clues for the symbolism. Completely literal verses that fail to follow the ancient rules for the symbology and/or otherwise use the symbolism incorrectly are later Christian additions and are obviously fraudulent. Such are reconstructed or removed in this version.

A very unique feature of The Apocalypse and related texts is their holographic structure. The symbolic, overlapping, multi-dimensional, and redundant structure of The Apocalypse and related prophecies is one aspect of the seven seals symbolism. One of its features is the functionality and ability to represent a great amount of knowledge and wisdom by using symbols to summarize and encapsulate wider bodies of knowledge. An important feature of holography is the efficient encoding of great quantities of data with minimal notation.

The structure of this ancient symbology relies upon physical universe realities and relationships to infer and synchronize with knowledge and wisdom found throughout history, various texts, and other knowledge sources, including verifiable science and math. By using the outside universe as the medium to store rules and knowledge, the symbolism needed only to strategically represent pivotal component concepts to produce a holographic knowledge structure. That core of basic wisdom is also the source of the Philosophers’ Stone symbolism, because it acts as a wisdom prism. Shine the “light” through its various aspects (dimensions) and wavelengths and it produces answers about life and the universe.

The original Apocalypse was purposely designed to resist and survive the fraudulent editing efforts of the so-called Christian fathers. They were completely unaware of the science of holography or that their deeds were foreseen several millennia before they took place. The Apocalypse has served as pivotal component of a “sting operation” against those souls and institutions that have long entrapped and bedeviled humanity. The nature of the document, the symbology, and the wisdom that lead to its narrative synchronize to produce a unique form of structured, symbolic, and holographic technology that I could reconstruct and reverse engineer during pivotal lifetimes.

Because of this functionality, I have now demonstrated and thereby proven, without a shadow of a doubt, that the Book of Revelation as presented in the New Testament of the Christian Bible is a fraudulent editing of an original Hebrew wisdom text. Also, that this fraud was the basis for many of the assertions found throughout the New Testament.

In the act of changing key concepts found in the original texts, Christian editors also changed the position of some phrases to support assertions that the fantasy character, Jesus Christ, should be worshipped as a god. Yet the entire corpus of Hebrew texts and their own first commandment make it 100% clear that any such assumption and worship is unequivocally forbidden. Consequently, Christianity is a great deception, strong delusion, and absolute foolishness and folly.

In their greed and arrogance, the so-called Christian fathers completely failed to understand that The Apocalypse was much more than a very unique and interesting prophecy. It was in fact a holographic, and symbolically encrypted narrative that encoded wisdom also known as the Philosophers’ Stone. The founders of Christianity, in their unmatched greed, saw only a path to power and riches through the formation of a new religion by the theft of knowledge and wisdom from others. They held in their possession a precious jewel of ancient wisdom and advanced science, but foolishly caused it to be lost to history. They arrogantly killed its author and then modified it to serve as a foundational text for their deceptive new religion. Even though magic and mysticism are something the Vatican actively delves in, they failed to understand that they were dealing with science and wisdom, instead of magic and religion. And so it has always been with Christianity and other religions. They possessed the keys to the wisdom of the ages within their canons. Yet, they are blinded to its true content and import because of the great delusion and ignorance caused by the very concepts of religion and mysticism.

To be entirely truthful, Christianity is not the only offending religion. All three so-called “Faiths of Abraham” are deceptions established using agents and collaborators of the Roman Empire, whose secretive and evil remnant is now called the Vatican. The entire body of so-called scripture is riddled with deliberate deception and fraud purposely structured to cause very strong delusion. For instance, assigning the male gender to our Creator, who has no body, who exists outside of our universe and who is the Mother of all Creation. In fact, She should have been described as feminine in spirit where any description was appropriate, though sex is our limitation. Consequently, you’ll notice that all references to God, our Creator, and the Mother of this entire universe are now more accurately shown as feminine in this version of The Apocalypse. This is to truthfully reflect the verifiable nature of “Her” Spirit(s) and has nothing to do with physical bodies or gender.

The Creator can only be described in spiritual and conceptual terms and the proper characterization for the philosophical aspect described by the Seven Spirits of God/Good is feminine. The lie of a vengeful, jealous, male god with human form was foisted upon the Hebrew peoples as a by-product of Babylonian (and other) associations and the arrogance of male religious hierarchies. Christianity and Islam use these embellished Hebrew texts as the basis for their own deceptions, to impart a veneer of authenticity by hitching them onto older and historically verifiable texts and traditions. Consequently, these religions worship false images of the Creator, hence false gods.

How To Use This Reconstruction

Symbols, keywords, and key phrases are underlined and italicized in the text to assist using the Apocalypse Symbol Guide. Bold and italicized verse titles mark verses that have been removed or repositioned. Verses that have been edited are clearly labeled as “(reconstructed)” next to the verse header. There are a small number of italicized comments that follow some verses in this chapter.

As you decode verses and finally understand the concepts and messages encoded therein, you’ll be able to discern the truth about Bible texts and other symbolic narratives and concepts by your own efforts. Even though many of you may not be able to fully interpret everything, you will be able to prove to yourselves that the Vatican and Christianity have always lied about the origin and true meaning of The Apocalypse and its ancient wisdom symbology.

I recommend that you go through the process of decoding each and every verse and read every definition yourself. This process will allow you to verify the truth by your own efforts and will afford you a more complete understanding of the concepts associated with each symbol. My goal here is to avoid telling you what to think while assisting you to discern the truth by your own efforts. At the end of this process, you should be able to recognize and understand how to discern truth and wisdom from the long-enforced blatant lies and delusions of religion.

NOTE: The Apocalypse Symbol Guide will be updated with a major new revision following publication of this book. You may begin using the current edition, but keep in mind that there will be numerous edits, corrections, and additions added to the new version. Check my website for early versions of the E-Book by late summer early fall 2010.