God's a Trip! by Jay M. Horne - HTML preview

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Chapter Twelve

How'd it go?

Flawlessly, I went down and told my mom that I had moved the kids’ bed back into my sister’s room so she wouldn't have to. Then I went and checked the status of my driver's license- it was reinstated! So she didn't have to take me to work. She asked me if I heard her throwing a fit. I told her the truth.

And everything calmed down huh?


You see, if you would've done that 30 minutes earlier, she probably wouldn't have ever felt stressed out or threw the fit.  What do you think?

That advice sounds a lot like it's coming from my ole pal Radar. He used to say, "When you step in the river to catch the fish, you normally lose your advantage." That and he'd always go on about his name. His last name was House and he told me that he got his name at childbirth when he went directly for his mom's tit. His dad exclaimed, "That boy's got Radar!" And so he was named ever since. He liked to joke about if he was born on a toilet his name may have ended up being Shit House.

What you're trying to tell me is, if I would've gone directly downstairs in the morning, instead of writing my book, I may have stopped the disruption? Well, I could never guess, she was also onto my dad about his loud ass snoring, so probably not!

Couples, especially older couples, actually enjoy their fighting believe it or not.

Oh I believe it! I have borne witness.

Most fighting, and negative emotion for that matter, normally spring from a state of unawareness. An unawareness of the gifts you have already received and the miracles you have already seen. The life you have already been granted.

What do you mean greed?

Simply explained, life is a gift ordained by the Gods, a toy given to a child. It can grow old, boring, or break- but one should always be thankful for it. Do not be as an ungrateful brat and complain to the giver about the construction of your gift, or the durability, or the versatility- for how you use your toy will define all of that. If only everyone could comprehend the astounding feats and unlimited challenges they have already overcome in face of adversity simply to come into this world, trust me when I tell you that everyone would exist in a state of constant gratitude!

Yes, I see exactly what you are saying. This is why I felt so pure and bright and happy during the weeks following my big scare, and then of course acceptance of you! Yes, it was gratefulness.

Even the words, "Thank You" can do astounding things.

So kind of like when a kid gets a gift on Christmas and tosses it aside saying, "No! I wanted a blue one!"?

In the cases of a child, No! They do not know any better. Well, I know that! It was just an example.

I see what you are gettin at, metaphorically speaking- yes.

You can't tell me anything about being mad at children. I already know plenty on this matter.

So share. What do you know?

I know that no one should EVER harbor hatred or anger toward a child. Any child, for they don't know any better. They are learning. Now this isn't to say you can't ACT angry with a child in the course of teaching them right from wrong. But this you do because you love them. They should know you Love them all the time, but in the case of them doing dangerous things, ACTING angrily can show them right from wrong. It can protect them, until they are old enough to learn for themselves.

I think you will be a good father.

I feel like I have already fathered a swarm of them.

Perhaps now you see the purpose behind organized religion.

Oh my God. I think I do. This is why I currently read somewhere, I wish I could recall, that organized religion has served its' purpose.


So as mans understanding of spirituality grew, GOD had to nurture him and even, out of Love, grow fear in the hearts of humanity to keep them safe from themselves, and their minds. As we grow, and the world begins to mature into spiritual beings, the peoples' need for organized, GOD fearing religions will begin to drop off.

