Illusions - Maya by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

Universe & Life forms:

Atma, the life force

Life of any species can be seen to contain two broad parts. The visible body and invisible life-force, known as Atma.

The knowledge on the Life-force, that run the physical body, is hidden from us. The result is, all our thoughts are confined to the body that is perishable or has an expiry date.

Attention to Atma, that is imperishable is more important than the perishable body for peace.

Hiding the knowledge on Atma, is one of the crucial acts of Maya! If Atma was not hidden, we will be concentrating on Atma, that could pave way for the lives get liberated,

The creator is keen that you care the body and run into the universe, non-stop!

 Life - you & Atma!

(Pathanjali yoga sutra).

The body is compared to a chariot, that is drawn by five horses. (Five horses are our five sensory organs).

The charioteer (who holds the reins of the horses) is compared to knowledge/ Intellect.ssociation

There is one passenger, who is known as ATMA.

Atma looks for ands gets into the chariot of its choice.

The horses, if not controlled runs helter-skelter and over a period of time, breaks down totally.

The passenger, gets down and walks off to find another chariot.

What was Atma doing while in the chariot?

Merely looking around! It did not dictate where the chariot should head for!

There is no inseparable binding between body and the life.

Atma proceeds on its next journey in the next chariot. (That is all about rebirth).

A seeker, pays more attention to that invisible Atma than the visible perishable body.

Pain the illusion cause!

We are attached to our parents, children, relatives and friends. Any harm come to any of them seriously affects our mind (and also our health).

All of them come into our lives at different times and leave us at different times. But yet, the thought, Mine, does not leave us! We feel both comfort and secure with possessions. Someday it will go away from us, leaving us in grief.

Often, we leave all of them, when our life comes to an end.

When the illusion is defeated, we will be freed from most worldly problems.