Illusions - Maya by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


There are several interpretation of the word, Maya.

(1) “ma” not real and “ya’ this i.e. “not this what is seen”,

Illusion is that which gives the impression of “ being something, (that) it is not”.

(2) The word “Maya” meant in the Rig-Veda, supernatural power, mysterious will-power, wonderful skill.

(3) Upanishads

Isha tells us that the veil which covers the truth is golden, so rich, gaudy and dazzling that it takes away the mind of the observer from the inner contents.

Katha says how people live in ignorance and thinking themselves wise, move about wandering, like blind men leading  the blind.

Chhandogya tells us that the Atman is the only Reality; everything else is merely a word, a mode and a name.

Brhadaranyaka ‘The Lord, on account of Maya, is perceived as manifold.’

Advaita Vedanta: Brahman is the only Reality.

This Brahman appears to us as the universe of multifarious names and forms because of our ignorance of Brahman. Example: A rope, when not recognized as such due to dim light, appears as a snake. This ignorance is also known by the names ‘Nescience’  and ‘Maya’.

In this book, we have simpler explanation of Maya hat wuld encompass all that is said abot Maya.

Is Maya a (Hindu) Goddess?

Maya, in eastern religion, is described as one of the two consorts of the creator, Brhma.

Is Maya a goddess? Not at all The normal human mind needs an answer to the questions such as:

Who did it?

Who created the universe? Who punishes a sinner? Who rewards any good deeds?

God, as an invisible entity, believed to be existing in a far away planets, comes handy for men-of-knowledge, who answer their audience, “Who did it?”


Maya is a concept explained as though it a person (Personification) with superior capabilities, than human being.

That is the way Knowledge is Delivered through scriptures.

In this book

Maya is the greatest power that runs the universe.

There are five functions that takes place unceasingly:

1. Creation 2. 2. Support the created, 3.Annihilate life after the expiry date, 4. Hinding the truth from life. 5. Revelation of truth to life.

  • Out of the above five tasks, the power Maya accomplishes the task of running the by on the lives in the universe through hiding the truth from lives in univese.
  • Maya acts into every life so that they Run, for the creator,non-stop.
  • Lives gets injured in their run and tend to stop running.
  • Maya creates men-of-knowledge. They heal the injuries and make the lives run again.
  • Maya creates lives of different sizes (that occupy different extent of space and life times (in some proportion to its size). I call them, encapsulating the lives in Space-Time capsules.

Now the readers can proceed to read the remaining pages to imagine how the Maya could be doing its job.

It is believed that most human suffering are due to Maya! I can assure the readers that it is not the intention of Maya or the creator to pain the lives.

Maya is tasked to make lives run. The pains are incidental to running.

Injuries and pains are comparable to Wear and Tear on cars, machine parts. No designer designs for Wear and Tear! It is incidental to running.

Mystics do not experience pains in their lives, because they do not run. They are those who won over Maya.

Grandma Science:

Over simplified explanation to complex phenomenon.

In a way, it is the way men-of-knowledge, the saints delivered over simplified explanation instead of a proper scientific one. A lie with good intentions.

While many will have questions, not every one can understand the science behind the answers. So the thinkers offered explanations that could convince people with simple thinking. Such explanations are not true. But satisfies the curious minds.

This call be called Grandma Science.