Illusions - Maya by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 4



Models are useful tools.

When we have a huge information or knowledge on a topic of research, but not in an orderly way., it does not serve the purpose.

The good example is “solving a Jig-saw puzzle”.

Learning happens in bits and pieces. Often what we learn are disjoint. We might forget them, with time. Only if these are related to one another, it would give a clear picture in our mind’s eye.

So such disjoint pieces of knowledge is required to be integrated into one single large or a few concepts encompassing several related information we gather.

A structure

A researcher organise the discrete knowledge in one of the many forms. (It could be equations, a theoretical description, statistical distribution) in a such a way these pieces of knowledge, merge them with one other.

The tool, is MODEL. The model helps integration and consolidation of the learning so as to have a full view of what is learnt and what more needs to be learnt.

This is a tool used both by Scientists and Saints.

Maya & three roles in Universe

Maya is not only responsible for the creation of the lives in the universe, it is necessary for the sustenance and finally, the destruction at the end of a prescribed period.