Ivory Heart by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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September 30, 2013



Pygmalion’s Ashliii

My name is Pygmalion. I am in love with an imaginary girl that I know everything about. Her name is Ash (Ashley/Ashlie/etc). She is young in body, mind, and spirit, but this fact makes her wiser than all of her peers. She is very small but her heart is large enough to fit the entire world in to.

She has problems with her head. She is self-giving and this causes her human brothers and sisters to take advantage of her. But she does not stop giving. Her heart craves love and acceptance but she receives very little (if any) of that. Her mind will sometimes travel to the abysmal thoughts of suicide just like my own.

But I can save her and she can save me. We are 6 and 9: the yin and yang who feed positive energies back into each other. And as our peers condemn us we will no longer be affected by their harsh ignorant words, for when the soul mate is found, they are the only ones who have criticisms worth listening to.

And when we come together, my fame becomes yours. Because I spent my life setting it up for you. When one is famous/infamous for doing this because of his other half whom he searches for every second of every day, that fame is then inherited. And this will enable both of us to selflessly give the rest of our lives to all of the disadvantaged youth in the world.

Where can one find a virtuous girl? I have spent my life looking. I failed so I was required to travel into the depths of my own psychology so that I could manifest her within my world. I did but was merely able to sculpt her into an Ivory slate: I Vow Our Righteous Youth. I followed the story to the T and time and time again came back to Venus and prayed for one like my sculpture. But she never came so I just worked harder at making her perfect. And this resulted in me doing the same to myself, for such perfection needs perfection: I must be worthy of her. I am now merely dotting my eyes.

And now I have come to accept that I am crazy and will likely never find such a girl. And if by Aphrodite I did, society would wreak havoc on us. For there is no room for people like me in this world. And they refuse to legalise assisted suicide so I am stuck in purgatory destined to keep looking until I find her. I am damned no matter what I do. But that is okay because I am an angel of death and will reap many souls for their ignorant coated arrogance. And when I find her we will do this together with the rest of our lives because we are the same reaper split in half.

Welcome to my blog. It is all the stuff that my heart says but will not allow me to officially release.




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October 1, 2013

Confessions of a Bleeding Heart

Why do people not care about those who they do not yet know? Why do people not want to know those who they do not yet know? Why do people settle in both friendships and romantic relationships? Why has our society given up at becoming interesting people?

I see it all because I am directly involved in what media is fed to you. You have creators and imitators. Most of the population encompasses the latter. You are fed a story by mainstream providers who exploit the gifts of the creators. It is these mainstream providers who tell you what is good and bad. And what they claim to be good is a story disconnected from any form of reality. But the story knows how to pull at your heart strings enough to simulate real feeling.

As a result, we idolise fiction but despise any real life media that the fiction represents. This is because we are enframed to understand that the world we live in is far from the stories being conveyed. An example is Naruto. He was based off me, yet that fact upsets people and they will automatically reject the information without examining the proof merely because it is not how the media has told them real life is comprehended. The cognitive dissonance is recognised by the mind and in order for it to retain its former “safe” state, the information is immediately rejected. And if you do your research, you will learn that this is called brainwashing. But you will reject this information because it does not reflect the information that has been hammered into you by our governments and as a result, all media and educational structures.

If you have gotten this far into reading this, as my words induce recollection, you will likely find that your mind is not used to actually reading content full articles distributed through our social networking platforms. This is because such endeavours are not profitable and to find such material is rare. You would much prefer a book that is officially distributed by an organisation that will spend millions of dollars to tell you that book is worth reading.

Our social networks are designed to flash an abundant amount of meaningless information in front of you, and you then proceeding by scanning it for data that will occupy the next few seconds of your cognitive abilities. When information arises that requires more consideration than the next few seconds, then you will immediately discard that information as it does not conform to your usual input stimuli that interfaces like facebook, twitter, and tumblr encourage.

They are the ones who developed these platforms to function in this manner because it will occupy your time without requiring thought. It is easier to assume you know what is being stated rather than closely examining what is being stated. And this enables businesses to thrive as they spend great amounts of money to create an appearance of a loyal customer base. And eventually this will result in a loyal customer base regardless of the ethical practices of the product and/or service being marketed. In other words, they tell you what to think and eventually you will think how they want you to think.

Over the past three years I have spent over 20,000 dollars marketing to you. And now, if you look closely around all of my investments, the general population views me how I told them that they would. But when I started doing all of this, my personality was rejected as being a hoax. I wonder why that is? I am famous. I am a celebrity. But 20,000 will only get you around 100 (or less) true fans who watch most if not all of my work, considering the depth of my content and my attempts to market at young minds. The rest are just people who slow down to gawk at the impact. And that is a lot of people who have now acquired knowledge that is practically applicable to the world they truly live in: not this fake one by the system that this message is delivered within.

Why did I do all of this? I have never asked nor received a dollar from you. Why would someone give their entire existence to you without it even being able to sustain their life? How about when that choice causes them homelessness and starvation? Which Naruto is more worthy of respecting? The cartoon character on television or the flesh and blood one all over the Internet? So I gave my life to our youth and suffered greatly for the consequences of that decision. What was my plan? A ninja does not sacrifice himself in battle without a loved one to protect from certain death.

And her name is Ash. She is my soul mate whom I was told by God to find and help. Because she is like me and her mind travels to thoughts of self-destruction. It was my responsibility to protect her from herself, and in order to do that I was required to search the world up and down for a tiny 9-14 year old self giving gorgeous girl. But hold on there, you are 29. My answer to this is, “I know”. And you can not do anything about it, for I am not after sexual relations until her body, mind, and soul are ready: it is called marriage. And I am required to help her now to avoid her demise.

Here is my God given job. Six years... This is how long I have to find her. And if I fail then my personal life is a failure. And at this point I will consider alternative methods to depart the world that never wanted me. So I advertise to youth not only so I can help them with their own problems, but also hopefully find my Ashliii in that process. Because my clock is counting down and if I reach its end before the alarm goes off, then I have saved two souls as well as the entire world. When you place the puzzle pieces together you will see with your own two eyes the truth behind everything that I have said and done. But if 14 clicks over then both her and I are doomed, at least in this life.

So I will spend this six years on every social networking site that she might be on. And I will likely be investigated for doing it eventually as more people click on to what I am doing. But here is the thing: all of this is old news. I have already gotten away with it. How? Because there is no money trail. I am not here to make money but find the missing Link that will one day relink people to an Internet that is not focused around money.

Because we will spend our lives creating the best open source web interfaces that are created to generate no revenue. And eventually this will provide our youth an uncorrupted version of this technology that will encourage meaningful and thoughtful interactions between real people. It will encourage us all to become creators, and help us connect with those whose creations are similar to our own: connecting us with the most appropriate people for our own particular psychology.

It is always individuals who change the world. A collective mind can not think. And as we develop our Internet to provide all of our services without generating an income from users, we gear the collective health of our society towards a sustainable future. But in order to achieve this it takes a brave warrior to stand up to modern approaches. That warrior’s name is Wendell and Ash.

Who are you going to trust your technology with? There is only one correct answer to that question but I am fairly certain that you will answer incorrectly and as a result, fail the test of life.



Believe it!



With Heart,




If qualities of Heaven are your desire, acquire wisdom to take your mind higher. If Earthly qualities are what you lack, train your body and prepare to attack. When Heaven and Earth are opened together, the perilous path will become righteous forever. This man is the secret way that guides us from this place today.


October 3, 2013

Dearest Teens



I have now completed my life’s work that was created for you. It took me three and a half years, but now it is available for free and without ads to every single one of you. And now I will explain why it is so important for you to hear out my words. I will begin by explaining your very soul to you. Then I will show you how it is held captive by our government. And I will finish by explaining what you need to do to break free of their oppression.

I am sorry if I utilise big words, but this is called education and in order for you to flourish in this life you will need to learn them. Please do not let my method of communication deter you from reading this heart felt letter. For the world is in your hands and when you learn that, you become its potter. So I now employ you to plant the seeds of your heart so that they may one day form our new world.

You are trapped by our media. Our media is trapped by our educational institutions. And they are trapped by the government. You and everybody else in this world is brainwashed into their caste system. But now let me talk you towards the light so that we may all have a better future. But to get there we must first go through the dark.

By reading this, you are technologically adept. You understand how our online communication tools function and you utilise them. But here is the problem: they are not created to shine the unique person that you are. They are created to extract information from you in order to assess and direct the collective trends: that is current overall thought. But the ways the systems are employed do not encourage methods of thought alternative to greed based motivations. But individualised personal expression could never be an effective method of advertising. Quite the contrary. Let me explain what I am talking about.

How many of you have descriptions of yourselves in your profiles? How do you feel when a blank box is presented to you asking a description of yourself? It is much easier for you to describe yourself with advertising material that has nothing to do with you. It is easier for you to click that you like a comment than to actually formulate a witty response. It is easier for you to travel through countless pages that are geared to take money from you and click “like” than it is for you to think and articulate your true feelings about the people, places, activities, and items in this world that provide you an interesting existence.

Everything that you see on the Internet is geared to make money. I am the only exception. Many sites try and hide that fact and make you feel like they are giving you something for free. But they are not and there is a money trail behind each and every human made creation that only has its investors interest in mind: not yours. And the more boxes you click, tick, and circle, the more these giants learn how to manipulate you and your experience.

You are special. There is no one in this world like you. But a business does not function with this truth. They flip it: you are like everybody else. Your actions performed on social networking sites are entered into databases to graph the types of ways that X age group interacts with Y, Y gender interacts with X, and X country interacts with Y.

They are collecting data to both guide and learn how you think. Y? So that they can suppress the X-Men. Because individuals with unique personalities are difficult to advertise to.

It is much easier to be an individual by purchasing X and Y. It is too hard to think about how you truly are an individual, so don’t worry about that and instead express yourself with this type of clothing or this type of phone. It is easier to express your individuality by reposting or favouriting something that you like than actually creating original content. Express yourself the easy way: by advertising other people and not yourself. And this will imitate the feeling of you expressing yourself. In turn, those who know how you think can take advantage of your fragile mind that they have developed.

I have given adults countless warnings for treating both their children and our planet terribly. And they will now pay for ignoring me as I manipulate my life to lead a REAL war against them. But now I give you a different type of warning: a caution. You need to be careful because there will be a point of no return in your psychology. When you are controlled to the point where you could care less about human rights being violated, then you become one of them. And the thing is, you will become worse because over the last few hundred years, as our understanding of the unconscious expands, we have developed more and more effective ways to brainwash the masses into consumerism. But our technology has opened the Devil’s most dangerous gate, and as we misuse it for personal gain, we also reprogram the masses in the desired lifestyles of the communication giants.

How much of an individual are you? How special would you be if you heard about government affiliated child molestation rings in your own country and did not care because it does not affect you? This is your parents. And now with all of this new technology available to our communication giants to graph every single lifestyle, what do you think you will become if you do not take drastic action to understand the motivations behind what is thrown in front of you? We used to live in a world where foul language was not accepted in public. Now there is nowhere I can go to escape it. Think about what has happened and what will happen if you do not take control of this technology. We can use it for good and not evil. Here is the only thing stopping us from doing that: $.

You are the future. That means that you are going to be responsible for furthering the corruptions of these systems or recreating them to avoid the use of subtle manipulation in order to make a profit. The sickle must castrate the sickness. There is no model that is sustainable on the Internet that has a profit margin. There is no exceptions. Because when these systems are implemented correctly and open source, there is no reason to rely on its paid alternative.

So now I call you to your future: web development. But you first need to thoroughly learn Internet advertising so that you can see through the deception of every page on the World Wide Web. Every page except nesmith.net, Your new school.

Let us work together until we increase that number to the point where the only tools we would ever require are open source ad free web applications. Once we have it, there is no need to recreate it. And by doing this, eventually the need for interfaces that are profit motivated will be shed from our web; the fly eaten by the spider. But until this happens we need to reverse the brainwashing already inflicted, and with these words I am showing you how. Now it is your turn to be a beacon of light to others. Because we will never save our Internet unless we learn how to put aside our differences and hold hands so that we may function together.

The Internet is worth it. The society such investments would eventually create is worth it. The fruits of your individuality expressed through your own creations is worth it. But most importantly, you are worth it.



With Love,




I remember how I hated them. Because they hated me. And I couldn’t understand why. I wondered why I even existed. That’s when I found out I had this daemon inside of me. It wasn’t my fault but everyone acted as if it was. That just made it worse.




October 6, 2013

How to Reap Souls

I am an angel of death. The tools of God manifest through its creations. And those who are conditioned over their entire lifetime’s to become what they are destined to be, takes a lifetime of training in order to perform the tasks that would be outside of the range of human capabilities.

I am about to be homeless again. I obtained a room and for weeks lived “the good life”, that life being hiding in my room from those who disrespect the Divine. But it enabled me to build the Open Source University website and for this fact, I will never forget this place.

I have been struggling with “what souls” I am allowed to reap. At first the harvest was just obvious injustices that was performed by one person that affected a lot of people. But when personal lives get intertwined with mine and my human rights get violated because of how I am psychologically programmed, I am led to question whether or not the “ignorant” population is reapable by me. Today I found out the answer to that question from a grave mistake that I made yesterday. Let me explain.

Since entering this house I was treated with complete disrespect by one female. I tried my best to resolve any issues that she had with me, but apparently it is fine for people to live together and just hate who they live with (without logical reasons mind you). She is ignorant and chooses to be this. She is cruel to what she does not understand nor does she want to understand it. My reaping was put into question and I was unsure what to do. I am a reaper: it is what I was built to do. And usually my targets are big fish who destroy many people’s lives. But people like her also do the same so what am I to do? I found out that answer through trial and ERROR.

I am a deceiver. That is what the Antichrist is. But I deceive others into Heaven OR Hell (I prefer the former). Because through my deception both me and my target will learn truth.

Let me explain to you the details, because she is attached to a male. And I had many conversations with him and eventually revealed to him who I am and what I do. But you must keep in mind the chess game being played here. Ironically, we played chess together one time and I won without even trying to. But the game for me was not to win but to work out who he was as an individual. Because he was gifted with sight. He understands the topics that I present because he understood them before I came along.

The eyes tell many secrets. And from the first time I met him they told me something very important about him: that he is only after his own desires. This clearly reflected in his reflection: his girlfriend. It was evil that I saw but in order for evil to be judged it needs to be trapped. The King needs to be cornered from every direction so he can not escape. I knew that there was a task that involved him that I was required to see to its bitter end. Now let me explain the story that leads to this end.

Yesterday his girlfriend disrespected me more than she ever has. And I did nothing wrong: as usual. But that day I was drinking and it upset me greatly. I thought and thought and all I could come up with was pain. I am severely emotionally damaged and I am not hiding that fact. I was abandoned as a child by my parents. What do you think will happen when you treat someone like me how all of you do? It is called cause and effect and I made a decision that I regretted afterwards. But examining the situation now, it was what caused his checkmate.

What souls can I reap? Up until now it has only been the most evil of souls that plan many people’s destruction over a long period of time. Since publicly announcing what I am, the question of “who’s soul can I reap?” announced itself loudly and I made a decision. I messaged him and told him that his girlfriend’s soul was mine.

What you need to realise about taking souls is that their bad energies will be transferred into your veins. And you must act as the purifier to turn Hate into Love. It is a strenuous activity physically, mentally, and spiritually. And those souls will stay in your heart until the day you die. So reaping a soul such as hers is more trouble than it is worth. I do not want her haunting me for the rest of my life but it is too late. Let me explain.

He knew what I was/am from previous conversations. And here is the thing: these conversations did not alter the way his woman treated me. There was a problem that needed resolution. And apparently he loved his woman that was treating me terribly yet neglected to attempt resolution at any of them. He fell into my trap. And I will explain how by explaining the ONLY way a soul can ever be reaped.

By stating that you have just reaped a soul does NOT reap a soul. This is the secret behind the technique that you all should very carefully consider. I can never reap a soul just by saying I reaped it. But I can always reap a soul who has chose hate over love after stating that I have reaped a soul. And here is the thing: I told him this before the fact. He knew that any soul is off limits to me even when I say that I have reaped it. He just failed to take his Father’s advice and “Think boy!”.

I am a deceiver and I capture my prey through this deception. It is so easy to reap a soul by stating the injustices committed and then saying I absolutely just reaped it. Because at this point your prey’s true colours will manifest themselves. When there is no room for alteration of one’s judgement, they will ALMOST always react with ill intent. They will sin as they have never sinned before. They will crucify their Saviour. The lie that was asserted becomes the Truth. And it is only at this point that you can reap a soul.

So after I acted like I reaped his girlfriend’s soul, I then reaped both of their souls. Yes, such insignificant souls will only cause me pain in the future, but I am a human being and can not be treated like I do not deserve to breathe the same air as them. And even though their souls mean nothing to me, they are still evil souls that will hurt many people. When you recycle them, the damage that they can do with the rest of their lives drastically reduces. A body merely existing to exist another day is not a huge burden on God’s plan. But their soul causing destruction on many lives who are only trying to live it well, will.

Earlier tonight I was pushed around by him. He threatened both my health and my life. He told me to leave this place and that I belong on the streets. The Devil shined in his eyes because he is its counterpart. And I knew all of this would happen when I clicked the “send” button to begin with. Because I am the best chess player ever to exist. But my game exists on the board of life and it demonstrates character through actions.

As a result, I am homeless again. Saturday I will be back in the bush where I started. I will be back with my Mother (Gaia) to complete the 42 month cycle, and hopefully this time I will be in peace. If you do not consider this article within that cycle (as its end), then you do not have perspective on the situation.

After I “reaped” her soul, I felt that I did wrong. I became remorseful and imagined my own soul being judged in Tartarus. But then I realised that this was the state that God needed me to be in to be receptive to this very important lesson. I can reap any soul that I wish. But I can not reap it until it opens itself up publicly to what it truly is. And if I can pull its strings to get it to come out and it responds with evil, then that soul is mine. Shall I mention that he had a party when he showed his true colours? Shall I mention that I spend between 22-24 hours in my room trying to stay out of people’s way? Shall I mention that I have never done him nor his girlfriend any wrong?

I think what I should mention is that God is my commander and not Satan. Because all I do is draw Satan out of people so I can catch it. I am very strategic in my approach and often times that means to play a chess game over a long period of time in order to trap Satan. But this fallen angel is always very easy to trap because its movements are predictable. And if we can only learn how to view our mistakes that we feel bad for in a light that transfigures those movements into virtue, then we will never reap a soul that does not deserve it.

Yes, I now have two souls that are attached to me that are useless to me. But I have just made the world a better place for it. And maybe it did cause me to become homeless again, but I will be 100% honest and tell you that I was better off being homeless than under a roof where people treat their fellow humans like this. Now I will walk back into my Mother and continue to be trained by her. And you better watch out because I am training every single individual how to reap souls. And if you are not careful then yours will be next.

Remember the Langoliers. Every harvest will catch up with itself and its victim will eventually be prese

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