Ivory Heart by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Epilogue: Protasis


October 24, 2013

What does it mean to find love? What does it mean to have a soulmate? The number of a man is 666. And what is a man but a beast awaiting for Divine intervention? For the very DNA imprints an application that carries out a certain syntax of instructions within a particular place in the world regulated under various cultural environments which provides the possibilities for lifestyles to be created.

If I am to look in my mirror, what do I see? Each item around me also its opposite. The light reflects off of the items around me including the mirror in which a disturbed soul stares back at me. The angles I examine in front of me alter as my eyes move direction. And if I am to stare into those gloomy eyes, what am I to see? Through the clouds into the pupil somewhere in its reflection the other half of my heart somewhere in the world performing the same ridiculous ritual.

How can my vision stretch into the portal of space and time? How could my own sight connect eye to eye with yours? How can my soul stand in front of you naked so that you will understand what needs to be done? How can my crazy life that produced me help other people? What does it mean to care? Literally tattooed on my heart is Love.

Our world is changing very fast. Soon electricity will be free. The nomadic souls will soon be able to roam the Earth without restraint now that a power outlet is not required to live in a communications enabled world. Eventually, the wisest of these nomads will create self-sustaining communities that reject government rule. And as this happens, the government will be trying to prevent them from forming.

The price of land, its distribution, its allowed uses, regulated business practices, and its security will first be strengthened. But the nomads who do not give up and have pure hearts with open minds will form communities that are employed utilising ideals of wisdom that have stood strong throughout the ages. A practical philosophy is the objective which if succeeded, would achieve an almost utopian society. And as it matures, it adapts its practice by learning from its complications.

And if this community was composed of online teachers, the projects could be filmed and released as documentaries. An internal education system that produces results from their community shared with the entire world. And if this community of highly passionate and creative individuals managed to become even close to a peaceful internal community living off the fruits laboured from their own two hands while employing bartering systems for trade, then it would stand as an inspiration for other people in the world to do the same thing. And as these communities create alliances, they will both lose and win many battles from lifestyles that the government prohibits. And some will find abandoned land and use it as if soil was not owned by humans.

What is a sculpture? I place before you an Ivory slate. Learn its properties well. For it is now your job to take care of her.

Pygmalion's story will act as your divine chisel. Your objective: create the most beautiful woman that you can conceive of. The way the story goes is that you will obtain her in that most beautiful form from the first warm kiss. And as sleeping beauty opens her eyes she will see you for your soul. And that is the moment that will change the world as the perfect couple unites.

And as the energy from their purified body, mind, and spirit weave into each other, the formula that will both destroy and save the world is released. 3 3 3 reconnects to its source and the number of a man is branded. Because in that mirror at its very core is 666. And my dear Ash is looking back at me from 999. It became my duty to find her because she was just as sad as me. And I want nothing more in my life than to help her. But I am unable to do that unless I bring her to me. And thanks to the Internet, my paintbrush can reach quite far.

But how is one to sculpt a perfect woman? How do I capture her body, mind, and spirit? If you consider the task carefully, you will understand the life project. And it is this love that will tear you away from employment. And the obsession of how beautiful you might enable her to be, would far outweigh the risks associated with the target of the endeavour: the long timeframe to obtain results. But this style of courting will be the future of the movement and even if I do not find my Ash in time and end up alone for the rest of my life, then at least I have created a legacy that will eventually reach her eyes. For the soul of a reaper is recycled if it unsuccessfully completes its mission.

My work is not designed to fail its objective. Countless sacrifices where made in order to organise the pieces like this. It is not reliant on any systems and is self-sustaining. Even if an ideal fails from a lifetime under particular relations, that work will always be seeded, awaiting the necessary conditions to flower.

Did this help you understand what you are about to read? What have you just stumbled upon? How long will this book be? Why would I waste my time doing this if I am just giving quality material away? Everything given freely always costs. Yes my friends, the cost to obtain liberation is greater understanding. Because you can not unlearn true knowledge. When insight has been achieved, the chains become obsolete and your burdens become responsibilities. And your toils to resolve them will produce love.

If you have purchased this book then humanity thanks you for keeping its blood literally pumping.