Our Holy Hell: The Causes, the Solutions by Aron Loyd - HTML preview

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 The first thing I would like to point out here is that given some of the things the bible had said, I would have to doubt these people’s ability to know what is unclean. Though the main thing I don’t like here was their attempt to link the unclean with these other supposed faults. For example, it spoke badly of those who despise government. But as you know, some governments deserve to be despised. One reason being because of the far greater damage that can be done by a smaller number of government officials. Who themselves are more likely to “lust after uncleanness.” They too are presumptuous, selfwilled and not afraid to speak evil of the dignities of those whom circumstance had put beneath them. Though as far as being selfwilled goes, it’s better to be under the control of your own will than someone else’s. That is as long as you’re not a self centered moral midget. Also, let’s look at the kinds of government they had back then. Which they said it was unclean to speak evil of. They allowed slavery and people being made eunuchs. They also practiced their trickle down theory of economics through unashamed imperialism. But they told people that they shouldn’t speak evil of such “dignities?” What a joke!

 They next gave a prediction about the world’s end. In 2 Peter 3:3, it says:

 “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,”

 So in the last days there were supposed to be scoffers. But there are always scoffers. Which made their prediction meaningless. Besides, in the case of religion, I am thankful for anybody who would scoff at such a thing. And to the contrary of what they were suggesting, it is those who don’t scoff at religion in general who are most worthy of destruction. Then it said that these scoffers would be walking after their own lusts. But by saying lusts, what they most likely meant was people’s own self interests. Though there is usually nothing wrong with walking after your own self interests. As long as it does as little harm as possible to others or the planet. Also, as I said before, walking after your own self interests would likely be one hell of a lot better than walking after the self interests of someone else.

 These next two paragraphs attempted to justify the stupidity and evil that the bible taught. In 2 Peter 3:16-17, it says:

 “As also in all his epistles, speaking of them in these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.”

 Well as you may know, freely admitting something and talking about it in a matter of fact manner can make light of even a bad thing. But I’m not going to let them get away with trying to justify these things. So the first thing I denounce here is the idea that they were justified in making the scripture hard to understand. (which included many things that didn’t deserve to be understood) Because their main goal was to keep people from understanding. Which is never good. Then it basically said that the unlearned and unstable wrest these hard to understand and misleading scriptures. Now in case you don’t know, wrest means to twist or turn, extract by force, distort or pervert something’s true meaning. Though for the bible to cause an unlearned person to extract by force something’s true meaning isn’t all that terrible. I just don’t think that a moral guidebook is the proper place for such a questionable mental exercise. But for the bible to cause an unlearned or unstable person (which most of the people who bother to read the bible are) to pervert something’s true meaning is really bad. Especially considering that along with the unlearned and unstable, you can also include the unfortunate. Such as the brainwashed or those whose desperation causes them to “grasp at straws.”

 It then basically said that the bible can lead such people to their own destruction. (and those they drag down with them) But if their aim was eugenics in a positive direction, look at all of the devolutionary processes in the bible or of religion in general that I’ve periodically pointed out. In my highly considered opinion, it makes any positive eugenics they may have been attempting to be ineffective at best. Then it talked about the bible leading people away with the error of the wicked. But as I said before, people don’t need any help in screwing up. And these “shepherds,” who make their living from fighting the results of such screw ups would likely be chief among those who benefit in some way from the numerous ways that people can misbehave.

 Another attempt by the bible to get people to treat this life like it doesn’t matter can be found in 1 John 2:15. It says:

 “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

 Of course, in rejecting the world and the things in it, they tried to make it easier for people to give up this life. But no matter how often they tried to get people to accept this kind of crap, you shouldn’t accept it. Also, given the choice that they offered between life and the love of god, I say that people should choose life.

Because for the short time you’re here, you should concern yourselves more with this life. One of the many reasons being that the tangible is more important than the intangible.

 Next is another of those paragraphs that referred to people as children. In John 2:18, it says:

 “Little children, it is the last time; and as ye have heard that anti-christ shall come, even now there are many anti-christs; whereby we know that it is the last time.”

 As you know, if you treat people like children, let alone little children, they would likely tend to behave less responsibly. So the main reason I believe they said such things is because those who don’t act responsibly are more in need of the control these “shepherds” sought. Also, they again said that it was back in their time that the fulfillment of their end of the world predictions were supposed to happen. Though somehow, as I said before, there are still many religious people trying to sell this death cult crap. Unfortunately, these days we are in fact in the process of causing such a catastrophe. Which could quite possibly have an exponential increase. That is apart from the population disaster. Which is getting exponentially worse. I wonder how many religious morons will step up and claim that the troubles we face today are the last days they were speaking about. In too many ways to count, spreading the mentality that is helping to cause it.

 They were really piling it deep in these next two paragraphs. In 1 John 2:20-21, it says:

 “But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.

 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.”

 Well people don’t know all things even these days. So how could they know all things back then. Though they probably considered their warped ideas about religion as being the same thing as knowing all things. Which was a sick thing to teach. Also, people who think they know all things would be less likely to question what they believe or seek more knowledge. Then he told those people that he wrote them because they knew the truth. Which I take to mean the writer’s truth. But the “truth” such people promoted isn’t the truth. Another thing is that if those people knew all things and the truth, why should they have listened to him. Or anybody. It then said that no lie is of their truth. The truth of course supposedly being their religious ideas. But I’ve already utterly disproved that idea.

 Though there were many more references to people as little children around here, for now at least I will only comment on this one. In 1 John 3:7, it says:

 “Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous.”

 You know, if he didn’t try to encourage people to be like little children, they would be less likely to be deceived to begin with. I may have mentioned before this other negative aspect to their repeated attempts to get people to think of themselves as little children. Which is that even if people were like little children, it wasn’t being very helpful continually telling them that is what they are. Because it only reinforces their view of themselves in that way. So instead of calling people little children, to really help them he should have told them why they were little children and most importantly how to grow up. Though even if he could have, such a thing would have been poison to the cause of “shepherds” like this. Now unlike their repetitious, demeaning teachings, by my continually calling religious leaders evil liars, I am not trying to reinforce a view of that being what they are. I am outright telling them that is what they are and why that is what they are. Because unless those who still spread this garbage realize it, they are unlikely to change. It then said that a person who performs righteousness is righteous. Well apart from whether or not what is perceived as being righteous actually being so, there are those who do supposedly righteous things for decidedly unrighteous reasons. Which does not make them righteous.

 Another of the bible’s many examples of injustice can be found in Jude 1:6. It says:

 “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitations, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day;”

 It seems that the sin of these angels was in not staying put. But if they weren’t meant to go elsewhere, they wouldn’t have been able to go elsewhere. Though even that doesn’t mean they didn’t have the right to try. Now I take this exemplification of subjugation to be aimed at the people they were preaching to. To try to get them and any current believer to stay in their supposed place of slavery to god. But if anybody today has been fooled by these devils, I hope I can change their minds. Because if we don’t seek out new horizons by trying to improve ourselves, we will never know how far we can go. Instead, we would probably atrophy. Also, it called the judgment day the great day. But as you know, that was when the world was supposed to be destroyed. Only a demented idiot could think that there was anything great about that. Even if it is supposed to happen before people can go to heaven. Because not being so self centered, I would sacrifice everything, even any soul that I may have, rather than see the world be destroyed. As in my opinion should everybody else.

 Next, they spoke of some supposedly bad things. But I don’t think they’re bad. In Jude 1:8, it says:

 “Likewise these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.”

 So first it called dreamers filthy. Well maybe some are. And definitely those who have dreamed up the various kinds of religions that exist are. But generally speaking, whatever kind of dreaming they were speaking of, whether thinking of new things or imagining stories while asleep, calling such things filthy is itself filthy. Then it called despising dominion bad. But as I said before, there are times when dominion deserves to be despised. Especially the kind of dominion they promoted. It then again called speaking evil of dignities bad. Which it could be in some cases. But as I also said before, there are some “dignities” that deserve to be denigrated. Also, considering all of the unfortunate things the bible considered to be dignified, what they said here is again itself filthy.

 Not surprisingly, in Rev. 2:10, they gave more bad advice on what kind of attitude people should take concerning their lives. It says:

 “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: Behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.”

 First they told people not to fear the things that would cause suffering. But as I said before, fearing the things that could cause you suffering is always a good idea. Then it said that the devil would cast some of them into prison. Of which they were likely speaking of the authorities. But though people can sometimes be mistaken, in most cases, I think that considering them devils is going a little far. Especially when they were willing to go through the trouble of giving them a trial. It then said that if they were faithful until death, they would be given a crown of life. But as I said before, despite what morons like this taught, you shouldn’t let your hopes for an eternal life cause you to shorten this one.

 The person who supposedly wrote the book of the revelation, whom they called “St. John the divine,” sure seemed to like speaking about satan. An example of which can be found in Rev. 2:13. It says:

 “I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.”

 Now the person they spoke of here was likely killed for spreading the message of this cult. But calling his killers satan was going a little far. Especially when Jesus himself once spoke about wanting nonbelievers being brought to him to be slain. But the main point I wanted to make here is that I don’t know what all of this talk of satan was for. Because as I said before, the bible said many times that anything bad that happened was the will of god. So why blame satan for anything. Another really disturbing thing here is that by promoting the existence of satan, the bible makes it an object of worship. Because praying to something isn’t the only form of worship. It is also a form of worship when you believe something is real that isn’t. Such as the supposed fallen angel satan.

 As I also said before, I can’t say it is impossible that such belief could in some extrasensory sense make such a creature actually exist in some way. Which even though such an existence would likely be extremely limited, it still wouldn’t be a good thing. Even if the bible was lying about the motivation of such a creature too. Yet another thing is that with the bible promoting a need for evil as it often does, even if an evil creature like satan was created through people’s belief, I doubt if the creators or promoters of this religion would really see it as a bad thing.

 What these next two paragraphs spoke of wasn’t very fair. Speaking about a supposed woman named Jezebel who was disreputable, in Rev. 2:22-23, it says:

 “Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent their deeds.

 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and will give unto every one of you according to your works.”

 Here it basically said that this woman would be thrown into a bed. That doesn’t seem like a very great punishment. Though admittedly, being kept there could be. If that were the case. Then it said the people who committed adultery with this woman were supposed to suffer great tribulation, unless they repented. But what about the woman. She apparently wasn’t given the option of repenting. Instead, it said that her children would be killed. Which is a pretty rotten thing to do. Especially considering that being a prostitute probably has less to do with bad genetics and more to do with being a victim of trickle down economics.

 I would next like to mention a few bad things about what this next paragraph had to say. Speaking about the prophesied destruction of the earth, in Rev. 3:2, it says:

 “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.”

 It said here to strengthen the things that remain and are ready to die. But if they were going to die, that would only be a waste of strength. Then, as far as their being ready to die goes, I say that nobody should be ready to die. (unless of course it is absolutely unavoidable) Because it is wrong to die only from a lack of will to live. (Not taking into account a paraplegic or something) It then said here that he didn’t find their works perfect. But those people were already apparently ready to die. To be cracking the whip on them along the way is pretty disgusting. Also, I don’t know what his idea of perfection was, but I would be willing to bet that it was pretty sickening. Another thing is that if those people were imperfect, seeing how from what they taught god made them to be the way they were, wouldn’t any imperfection be god’s fault?

 Moving on to the next paragraph, it spoke of the second coming of Christ. Which was supposed to happen about the same time as the world was supposed to be destroyed. In Rev. 3:3, it says:

 “Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.”

 So why should they have held fast, repent and watch when the earth was supposed to be destroyed anyway. To save their souls? This piece of shit god was supposedly going to destroy the earth! What are all of our souls when compared to such a staggering loss of present and future life. I for one am not nearly that petty. For me at least, I would rather suffer all of the torments of hell into infinity than be part of that! Then it said that if these people didn’t watch out for Jesus and the destruction he was going to bring, he would sneak up on them. But if they could do nothing to change it, why should they have looked out for it. All that would do is cause a lot of needless worry. Also, despite what the bible taught, there is something people can do to prevent the destruction of the earth. Which for a number of reasons will be difficult to prevent. One of which is when people are actually taught to look forward to such a thing. In fact, it was from having seen one too many evangelists speaking about the supposedly wonderful day when the earth would be destroyed that caused me to write this book.

 Many of you out there probably know of the tradition that describes the devil as being red in color. Well in describing god, in Rev. 4:3, it says:

 “And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.”

 Here it said that god had the color of a jasper and sard stone. Both of which are reddish in color. So it would seem that god had yet another similarity to the devil for people to accept. Though to be fair, I don’t know what truth there is in the idea of a red devil in theology.

 I don’t like this next paragraph’s appraisal for people’s reason for being. In Rev. 4:11, it says:

 “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

 Well I am not, nor should you be, an instrument of any gods pleasure. Unless it derived pleasure from an equitable share of life and its sovereignty. But from what the bible taught, that isn’t the case. So this god would have no right to manipulate people for its pleasure. Now if some god gave me life, I might thank it for doing so. But after that, my life would be my own. Seeing how I am the one who has to live it. Also, people may be screwed up. To what degree they are personally responsible is another matter. Though being screwed up, I can’t say that things like kings or slaveholders were completely unjustified in their actions. But from a moral standpoint, such things are wrong. Likewise, it is wrong for a god to claim dominion over people. Another thing is that, as I said before, might doesn’t make right. Only right makes right. So one lifeform should have respect for another lifeform. If it is deserving. Especially a sentient lifeform. Though I don’t claim to be perfect. For example, though I have gone years without fishing, I will kill worms or minnows to catch fish. Though the bad thing is that I don’t need the fish. When I fish, I only do so for recreation. Though I haven’t always done so in the past, I usually release the fish I catch.

 I hope you don’t mind my going off on a bit of a tangent here, but somebody I know recently brought up another old saying that can pertain to kings, slaveholders and apparently this god. It is an old saying that could be used to justify the evil things the bible taught. This old saying is, “Nice guys finish last.” Such a self centered and ignorant philosophy would likely cause many negative cumulative ripple effects throughout society. One reason being that an unkind action may be short in duration. But people’s memories of bad things are long and deeply ingrained. There is another saying that I brought up before that I like much more. It is, “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.” Now as I said before, there are many instances where many people are basically insane in many different ways. But for a person to say to themself, “I’m part of the problem, and I’m fine with that,” to me is just adding another form of insanity to add to the list. Multiple forms of mental illness likely have a cumulative effect too. If there is anything that speaks well of the innate goodness of man, it is the ability for people to do good with such unfortunate things going on. Though with all of the things that are progressively getting worse and worse, sooner or later, that resiliency is likely to fail you.

 According to this next paragraph, Jesus looked a little different in heaven. In Rev. 5:6, it says:

 “And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it were slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.”

 So why would Jesus be made to appear as such a grotesque and bloody creature. A creature that would seem more suited as a resident of hell. To try to get people to accept such an ugly sight as being good? Well it doesn’t work for me.

 This next paragraph spoke of one of the ways that the lord was going to cause the earth to be destroyed. In Rev. 6:4, it says:

 “And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”

 It seems that up to that point that there was peace. So it couldn’t have been war that made god mad enough to destroy the earth. Though there was no good reason for god to destroy the earth anyway. But what I especially don’t like about what this said was its attempt to get people to accept the idea of god causing war. Because if people didn’t cause this war, they sure didn’t deserve to suffer from it.

 As you know, I am not am not a fan of the Jewish people. But I don’t care for the treatment of them that they tried to pass off as being good in this next paragraph. In Rev. 7:3-4. It says:

 “Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.

 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.”

 The thing I don’t like here is the idea of branding people like cattle. But with all of the other ways that the bible tried to get people to think of themselves as cattle, what they said here is no surprise. Now despite how I feel about branding people, as you know, I am in favor of people receiving some sort of tamper proof identification. Because unfortunately, in the world we live in, there is no way for people to maintain their national sovereignty without it.

 These next two paragraphs spoke of some of the things people could expect in heaven. In Rev. 7:16-17, it says:

 “They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.

 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them into living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.”

 First of all, it said here that the sun wouldn’t shine on them. Which could be an unpleasant thing to go completely without. Then it says that they wouldn’t be exposed to any heat. But sometimes a little heat can be pleasant too. Also, those people should have hoped that they were exposed to some heat. It then said that Jesus would feed them. Which would mean loosing the sense of accomplishment in feeding themselves. Then it said that Jesus would lead them to fountains. But with all of the bible’s talk of shepherds, sheep and flocks, I think that herding would have been a more accurate description of it. It then said that god would wipe away their tears. But why would god bother wiping away the tears of creatures he has no respect for. Another thing is that as I talked about before, in Rev. 21:4 is also mentions god wiping away tears. But having reached heaven, why would those people be crying. Well among other possible reasons, it’s most likely that they would be crying because they were suckered into wasting their physical lives for what they found there.

 What this next paragraph had to say doesn’t set a very good example. In Rev. 12:7, it says:

 “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,”

 As you may remember, this isn’t the first time they spoke of conflict in heaven. So I hope you will excuse me if I repeat any observations. Though for important observations, a little repetition isn’t unreasonable. Now the evil aspect that I find in this teaching is the idea it puts forward that no matter how high of a plateau of being creatures can reach, there can still be strife. Which also makes such actions on earth seem less wrong. Also, I wonder why god himself didn’t decide the outcome of this battle. From the types of things the bible usually taught, he should have had the power to do so.

 Though if I was interested in listening to stupidity, it would be interesting to hear a religious expert’s explanations of this. One of which would probably be that “evil is necessary” crap. Another thing is that I would have appreciated an explanation as to why they were fighting that was short and to the point. So I could decide for myself on that point who was right and who was wrong. For them to say that it was good against evil doesn’t mean anything. Though for the dragon to be in someone else’s territory, the likelihood that the dragon was in the wrong is quite high. But when you take into consideration all of the filthy, rotten and disgusting things that the bible taught as being good, you can’t discount the justification for this warfare being in this dragon’s favor.

 I don’t like some of the things these next two paragraphs had to say at all. In Rev. 12:10-11, it says:

 “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before God day and night.

 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

 The first thing I would like to comment on here is its basically saying that this supposed glory of god wasn’t supposed to happen until the devil was cast down. But with what the devil was supposed to represent, I don’t think they should have ascribed him that much power. Not only because true evil isn’t that powerful, but also because the more power people think the devil has, the more power it could have. Then it said the devil accused those people day and night. Though I can’t see a devil having nothing better to do. But as far as this story is concerned, as long as they weren’t false or unreasonable accusations, I see nothing wrong with it. Also, these accusations would seem to show that, unlike god, he didn’t like to see bad things happening.

 Another thing is that I doubt if the devil would be stupid enough to expect absolute perfection from those he accused. Hypocrisy would also be quite stupid. So it’s unlikely that the devil’s accusations would have been unjustified. It then said that they overcame the devil by the blood of the lamb. But instead of overcoming the accuser, they should have done something about overcoming the things he was accusing them of. Then it talked about those people not loving their lives as if it were a good thing. Which as you know is quite evil. Yet another thing is that the word evil itself is interesting. I wonder if its being “live” spelled backwards is an accident. If not, then their teachings that make it easier for people to cease to “live” for god’s sake should give you another hint as to how evil such teachings are.

 They again try to make branding people like cattle seem acceptable in this next paragraph. In Rev. 14:1, it says:

 “AND I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.”

 Not only is god’s ownership of people wrong, but his method of showing that ownership was also wrong. If god wanted to have his name written on these people, he should have put it somewhere appropriate like on their asses. Though there is already something down there that exemplifies the idea of god, allah or whatever much better than any word could. It’s called an anus. Also, I wonder what form this branding took. Did he have his name imprinted into their foreheads? Was it tattooed into their skin? Or was the writing in the form of a scar. Whatever the case was, I can’t see anybody actually wanting such a mark on their foreheads. For one reason, it would be highly unattractive.

 This next paragraph spoke of the punishment somebody would receive if they received the mark of “the beast” in their foreheads or on their hands. In Rev. 14:10, it says:

 “The same shall drink the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:”

 Well I could see god punishing somebody he thought deserved to be punished. But why would Jesu