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Positive Pleasure Happy Functionality:

Partial Listing:

Hope, Aspiration: Potential future

increase in satisfaction.

Funny: Comedy, Laughter

Positive Balance: Joy. Present Value

Total Pleasures > Present Value Total

Pains. Pleasure/Pain Ratio.

Social: Unity, Love, Gratitude

Spiraled Metapleasure: Pleasure

because of pleasure. Examples:

Victory/Gain, Nostalgia

Negative Pain Sad Functionality: Partial


Fear, Nightmare: Potential future

reduction in satisfaction.

Tragedy: Crying

Negative Balance: Suffering. Present

Value Total Pains > Present Value

Total Pleasures. Pain/Pleasure Ratio.

Social: Embarrassment, Loneliness, Envy

Spiraled Metapain: Pain because of

pain. Examples: Defeat/Loss,


Internal-Source Feelings Functionality by Sensor Readings from all sensory information sources such as "stomach empty" from blood hormone readings for example.

Secondary Sense Functionality

Sensing entities including environmental

information using a combination of inputs from multiple primary sensors. Flavor is a combination of smell and taste for example.

Emotion Information Meaningful Memorability Experience Functionality

Memory Plasticity Functionality: Situational Intensity Excitement: As emotional intensity increases, memory plasticity increases.

Memory Weight Functionality: Associations of data to high-energy mood increases memory of the data.

Prediction Parity Function: Whether current data matches expected data.

Empathy: (ref recursive perception


Output Impact Range Spectrum Maximization or Satisfaction Functionality

Increased range of output in every affect, for example from speaking another language to a new braiding technique. Development of output given a set of memories. Building patterns with patterns. This is could also be considered Behavior Modification and Code Development Functionality. Core metric in determining impact may be change entropy resulting from output.

Theory Development Functionality

Faith Instinct Functionality: Handling low information domains.

Strategy and Tactic Development Functionality: A Problem-Solution Issue-Resolution Paradigm.

Action Switchboard Paradigm. Energy Fields/Flows Paradigm. Mimickery Functionality. Scientific Method Functionality.

Strategic Choice Functionality: Bias-Dependent Perspective Selection.

Random Selection Functionality: Intersection of dynamic choice range with static state believed unpredicted by an observer.

Code-Filtering Functionality

Refine and develop recognition methods.

Reformation of mind to incorporate and process patterns including geometric patterns, logical causality patterns, linking and factor patterns, and cyclic and/or derivative patterns. Base pattern factors of causality could include time, space, and energy (including as mass).

Gate Range Spectrum Maximization or Satisfaction Function.

Increased static power and exchange potentials in every sense, from a store of food to more influence over peers. Maximization or satisfaction of entropy controls such as mass, time as relative clock speed, and energy. Timed and triggered pattern functions for

'IOG' Input-Output-Gate purposes.

Refer to State-Independent External

Universal/Absolutist Calculation Functionality Focus Priority-Setting Continue Goal-Spooler Functionality (#)

Goal Network Proximities Mapping Functionality.

Logistical Proximities Functionality

Form branching shortcuts/triggers to reduce distance as space and time between functions and memories, especially

line-of-communication functions and solve issues using least distance networks.

Better, Prefer: has/have/having greater goal priority position (than...)

Decision Contemplation Functionality:

Establishment of (an) option(s) set.

Reproduction/Self-Replication, Wants, Needs Goal Distribution Analysis Functionality.

Curiosity Environmental-Input

Experience-Maximizing/Satisfying Seeking


Select Now Decision Spooler Function: Action Switchboard core consciousness function of choosing what to do next at the highest level of consciousness in directing energy flows.

Motive, Impetus, Incentive: Causal node of a multi-nodal goal network.

Initiative: Origination goal node for a goal network.

Job, Task: A selected goal done with time and resources.

Threading Multitasking Functionality.

Probability Cloud Branch-Choice

Action-Commitment Adjustment Functionality.

Subconscious Pushing Functionality: Attempt to push conscious task to subconscious as is required to multi-task.

Interruption Disruption Distraction Handling Functionality.

Cycle Setting Functionality: Timing cycles.

Trigger-setting cycles.

Volume Trigger by Sensor Type Functionality.

Informational / Stimulation Interruption

Functionality: Shock, Confusion, Annoyance Functionality.

Sensory Interruption: Example: Dizziness


Entropy Control Functionality.

Communication Syntactic Protocol Functionality The interaction of perception bubbles (by alignment of focus points) with abstract

exchange that externalizes intelligence.

Channeling Functionality

Medium Channel Functionality

Medium Analysis Functionality Notice

communications medium such as

electromagnetic, kinetic, and multimodal.

Frequency Range Analysis Functionality

Noise Chaos: Pattern Order Dichotomy

Function: Differentiate between signal

and noise.

Channel Development Functionality Create, modify, or remove the focus of communication potential.

Synchronization Functionality

Reciprocity Continuum of Communications

Feedback Affirmation Functionality

Acknowledgment Spiraling Function.

Tell-Back Confirmation Functionality.

Rhythmic Communications Functionality.

Music Functionality.

Communications Code-Matching Functionality.

Synchronicity Pattern Matching Functionality.

Vocabulary Lexicon Coding/Decoding


Grammar Coding/Decoding Functionality

Grammar Articles English Syntax

Functionality. Examples: 'A', 'An', 'the'.

Channel Correlations Functionality: Example: Lips motion by visual channel matches sound waves by audio channel for a screaming


Exchange Interaction Functionality

Metachanneling Functionality

Initiation-Closing Functionality.

Data Transfer Functionality: The specific action sequences as a chain of events to

deliver a message for each protocol.

Communications Event Matrix. A memory structure for tracking and analysis of communications events.

Peer Communication Structure Development

Functionality. (#)

Leader-Follower Relation Control Structure Functionality

Communications for the purpose of behavior modification of a target mind.

Unidirectional Command and Flow

Functionality: Flow of power in one

direction and flow of information in the


Indirect Communications:

Abstract and Artistic Rendering Functionality Side-Channeling Communications

Functionality: Channeling of information

without intentional lexicographical symbols.

Clues and Cues Communications Functionality: Communication by environmental changes such as lawn tape that communicates a boundary.


Relative Observer Sentient Personal 'Perception Bubble'

Mind-Agent Interaction Functionality (#)

Note Sentience is gained by perception of multiple perception bubbles and their interactions. This paradigm of interpersonal relations, is an expansion of consciousness from "merely" an IOG-centric biological computer to a sentience-centric person existing in a nexus of consciousness. Almost all listed IOG

(Input-Output-Gate) functionality are found in most currently known mammals and some insects such as wasps, but few mammals substantially develop most sentience functionality.

Root Sentient Environmental Analysis Functionality: The query or inquisition of environments/nature domains by perception bubble.

'How' Environment External/Objective Causal Structural Dynamics Functionality

World interactions which develop decision-making and goal-forming with a 'What if' "Game Theory" "Twilight Zone" relational connections perspective analysis, encompassing universal laws (both physical and any metaphysical).

Domain Analysis Functionality: How a domain may work as externalized causal structural dynamics Benevolent-Selfish Differential Paradigm Functionality Opportunity of 'self-lessness' (ego destruction) on a "higher plane" as unification, or selfishness as division.

Universally Preferable Behavior Functionality.

Social Responsibility and Blame Attribution Functionality.

Principles (as Morals, Ethics, Virtues, and Values) Analysis Functionality

Reference Rainbow Rock Virtues for an example.

Allusion to Kantism.

Energy Dynamics Universe Analysis Functionality Scientific Method Functionality.

Hierarchy and Reality Layering 'Shell Worlds'

Analysis Functionality

Spacial Dimension Hierarchal Domains Assessment.

Scaling Consideration: Orders of magnitude involved in a domain.

Entropy Consideration: Resource and time limits involved in a domain.

'Entro' Being-doing balance targeting for many

contexts. The literal social conservative-liberal dichotomy.

Recursive Perception Scenario Simulator Imagination Functionality: Abstract 'what if' analysis of an information domain.

Data Generation Generate randomized to some degree by hash type algorithms.

Abstractive Illusion Functionality.

Dream, Pretend, Sport/Game Functionality. Dream Perception bubble as an energy domain tapped for restructuring and analysis of memories.

Creative Envisioning Functionality.

Existential Analysis. Afterlife Analysis: Permadeath, Reincarnation, Heaven/Hell/Purgatory Analysis.

Memory Logistics by Perception Bubble Paradigm (#)

'Why' Conscious Internal/Subjective Causal Structural Dynamics Functionality

'Who' Analytics Observation Mindset Assessment Functionality: Who is who, and who is observing?

Allusion to humanistic perspective. Personal awareness.

Perspective Bubble Construct Functionality Absolute-Relative Dichotomy Functionality: Bound a perspective in absolute or relational information domains.

Absolute: Experiential layer. A closed loop where sensory information applies to one

entity as a "first person perspective".

Allusion to destiny.

Relational: Observation layer. Two or more entities synchronize memory access for a

shared domain of information exchange.

Allusion to free will.

Goals by Perception Bubble and Perception Bubble Associations Mapping Functionality

Determining goals by analysis of perception bubbles including personal and interpersonal relationships.

Principles Selection Functionality: Personal choices of utilitarianism, hedonism, etc.

Locus of Control Attribution Functionality Perception Bubble Matrix Database

Functionality: Object Data. Geolocation Data.

Observers Data.

Indirect-Abstracted Virtue Ideals Priority Functionality

See Rainbow Rock Philosophic Feeling for a list

of universally preferable optimal virtue priority estimation. Related to "Kantism".

Perception Bubble Sensory Analysis Functionality: Sensory information domain and availability by observer or mind-agent.

Example A human may be noticed to have a sense of smell.

Sense Pattern Range Assessment Functionality.

Affect Pattern Range Assessment Functionality.

Observer Matrix by Perception Bubble Functionality.

Perception bubble data with personal

characteristics, negotiation, exchange,

perception, emotion, resource, communication, etc.

Self-Attribution Function Self-Other Dichotomy Function: Filter separates "self" and "other".

Transference and Projection Functionality.

Deferred Gratification Function. Risk-Reward Paradigm (#). Pleasure/Pain Paradigm.

'What' Affective Structural Statics World View Function.

Environmental Domain Network Analysis Functionality.

Object Matrix Functionality

This object matrix functionality branches 'what'

exists to functional inquiries of how, when, and where it exists.

'When' Structural Process Higher-Level Priority Order Functionality: Each perception bubble applies to a point or range of time.

Historic Analysis/Confidence/Availability Functionality.

Event Handling Functionality

'Where' Structural Functionality.

Dimensional Analysis Functionality Available dimensions for the perception bubble.

Geolocation Matrix Database Functionality.

Location Handling Functionality.

Sentient Behavior Network and Achievement Modeling by Perception Bubble Analysis Functionality (#) Estimate/judge optimal and likely behaviors for perspective bubbles as a mind agents.

Personal Domain Matrix by Mind Agent Functionality.

For each mind agent, a perception of agents as a set for each perceived domain.

Self-Other Dichotomy Functionality.


Surrealist Perfection "Unobtanium" "King of All Kings" "God of All Gods" Abstract 'Omnimax'

Allegorically representative of the broadest possible character domain of supreme being(s).

Formational Attributes Omnibenevolent: Good, Integral, Merciful, Gracious, Loyal, Reliable. Reference Rainbow Road Virtues for more attributes.

Omniscient: Omnivision, All knowing.

Omnisentient: Perfect Intelligence. Perfect wisdom. Perfect predictive power.

Omnipotence: All powerful. Unlimited free energy.

Unlimited free time. Unlimited Free space.

Glorious. Dynastical.

Omnipresent: Exists in all places at all times.

Voidability: Able to encapsulate nothingness as an entity and convert any and all to such a void of nothingness.

Paradox Creation: Does the impossible, moves the unmovable, creates comic tragedy, tragic comedy, procures infinity & infinitesimal.

Related: Zeno of Elea.

Reformational Attributes

Omnibalanced: Entropy Neutral. No desires except those already obtained, as perfection is obtained.

Ethereality: Interaction occurs only as preferred.

One root perception bubble domain may control another but not vice versa except as wanted.

Karmic: Just/Righteous.

Immutability: No internal changes, as perfection is obtained.

Paradox Resolution: All paradoxes are completely resolved such that they are not paradoxical with a resolving entity of existence.

Completion Attribute: Unifying of all connective unity.

All of Alls.


Intelligence Functionality: end

Multi-Line Explanations and Supporting Vocabulary Definitions:

#Subjective/Internal Logical Null Semantic

'Null' is a symbolic representation of nothing. In the noise/signal dichotomy, this is like noise though without having a property of "volume" or "sound". In a communications signal/noise dichotomy context where signal is a communication but noise isn't, this is a lesser nothing because this "nothing" is categorized as subjective, in comparison to the absolute (and therefore greater) nothing. Put another way, subjective 'null' is a nothing rather than the one nothing. This 'null' is an imprecisely communicable semantic point because different people interpret this point differently. Such difference of interpretation can be small or large and

this difference of definitions of 'null' is unknowable by the communications counterparty. Subjective null depends on interpretation of an observer as to what is communications noise and what is a communications signal. Noise is definable as 'null' while signal isn't.

#Binary Deviation Cyclic Semantic.

This semantic is the beginning point for multi-part systems for such concepts like lines and circles. This semantic is a beginning support for concepts including dichotomy and "Wave-Particle Duality" because the same semantic that defines lines may also defines waves. A circle implies at least one defining two-dimensional point, a sphere implies the existence of at least one three-dimensional point, and so on. Any point implies the potential for distance to another point, and distance from a point can be perfectly bounded by such structures as circles and spheres. Waves are definable using circles.

#Internal Subjective Abstract Relative Qualitative Experiential Data Semantic

A bitwise incomplete informational concept. May be a unique and unshared or unsharable/unrepeatable experience. Concepts unexplained with mathematic bit-for-bit precision. Generally unmeasurable with a tool. Any experience of nature having both form and model more and rather than the experience has a predictable and singular function. More opinional than factual. An internal/subjective entity might be rendered external/objective by providing a framework of precise meaning. Considered "Internal" because there may or may not exist additional unknown environmental entities affecting the subject of the semantic. So, semantic connections to any additional entities are unknown or non-existent.

#External/Objective Externalized Concrete Absolute Quantifiable Noun Metric Empirical Data Semantic A bitwise complete informational concept. Any definitely sharable/repeatable experience is considered external and objective. Any concept explainable with complete precision. Any concept generally measurable with a tool. Any functional physics or mathematics of nature. More of a measurement than an experience. Any adjustment to an external/objective entity introducing imprecision renders it as internal/subjective.

#Multinary Spacial Positional Dimensional Medium Semantic


'as' Example Sentence: "As the wheel spins, as the indicator shows, as well as we imagined, as you own, it is as operational as it is proven to be."

#Sense Semantic

Touch: Physical pressure input sensing.

Taste: Molecular geometry input sense for liquids or solids.

Smell: Molecular geometry input sense for gasses.

Balance: Kinetic rotation input sense relative to center of mass.

Hearing: Kinetic vibration input sensing.

Pressure Sensing: Mass force field sensing.

Temperature Sensing: Molecular kinetic energy sensing.

Sight: Electromagnetic spectrum input sensing.

#Focus Priority-Setting Continue Goal-Spooler Functionality Requirement: Function input.

Able, Ability, Capability, Qualified, Can: Meet or exceed requirement(s) (to...)

Create, Generate, Establish, Make: Increase instance(s) of...

Change, Modify, Alter: Process to a difference (with...). Related: Differ.

Develop: Create and/or modify.

Modify, Convert,Transform: Change into something.

Enable: Cause ability (to...)

Option, Choice: One of something among multiple different entities, for (an) entity/entities.

Select, Choose, Pick, Decide: Take (an) option(s) from an option set.

Certain, Detailed, Specific, Selected, Chosen Semantic: Named set/group member(s). (Having) Defined options and/or members of a set or group (of...): Related:=

Selection, Selected, Subset, Subdomain.

Goal, Mission, Intention, Objective, Desire, Target, Purpose: A definition of increased satisfaction.

Smart: Able to use logical processes to accomplish specific goals.

For: 'To' within context of a goal.

Accomplish, Achieve, Fulfill: Meet or exceed requirement(s) for...

Need: Having threshold for being or doing.

Form, Manufacture: Alteration(s) to create...

Will: Establish(ed) target(ing) (of.../for...) Way, Method: Process(es) for achieving a goal.

Impact: Change associated with goals.

Intelligence: Methods for willed impact.

General Intelligence: Intelligence generalized with prediction, data compression, and goal networks.

Use, Involve, Spend, Consume, Designate Semantic: Assign for a/the purpose (of...)

Optimal: Accomplish(es) purpose(s) using the least energy of all alternatives.

#Relative Observer Sentient Personal 'Perception Bubble'


Aware: Processing sensory input.

Conscious: Aware, or intelligent and aware.

Free Will: Able to develop unpredicted goals or goal achievement methods.

Destined: Predicted as the result of physics, mechanics, and causality.

Perception Bubble: A specific bounded IOG

(Input-Output-Gate) domain.

#Sentient Behavior Network and Achievement Modeling by Perception Bubble Analysis Functionality

Priority action switchboard for tasks including routine tasks to be done multiple times according to triggered events. For each sequence item as a behavior, develop end state and one or more levels of success/fail metrics for such a state. All behavioral functions within

"Perspective Bubble" and each perspective bubble may have different handling for different domains. So, a behavior network may have different handling of different domains. Determine how goals may work for a given domain such as "How I make a sandwich".

Sentient Behavior Analysis Functionality" map to this network, sharing the same information structure.

#Pleasure/Pain Paradigm

Check energy reserves against expected reserves in any and all forms including mental and physical. If more than expected, then pleasure is felt. If less than expected, pain is felt. More broadly, power instead of energy. Generally, IOG (Input-Output-Gate) increasing is pleasure while IOG decreasing is pain. However, mis-wiring or mistake may reverse the process, which can cause erroneous pain? Pain alludes to death, while pleasure alludes to life.

#Peer Communication Structure Development Functionality.

Heuristics Examples: First, for a verbal group conversation of four people or less, equal parts speaking and listening for each participant is expected.

Second for such a conversation, leave a certain amount of silence after each sentence for thoughtful conversation. Third, adapt to the mindset of your audience, otherwise considered "matching their wavelength" by contemplate their full range of actions and copy those behaviors to some degree such as fidgeting in the same way as a listener for a moment to better understand their range of actions. All of these are ideas of how conversations might be better when they are kept in mind.

#Memory Logistics by Perception Bubble Paradigm

This paradigm, philosophy, and decision process raises two related questions. 1) How will I be remembered by others and 2) Relative timing for each memory. This provides scenario analysis methods with a framework upon which intelligence functionality may be structured. This directly connects back to the concept of priorities. So in this paradigm, the environment is a 'sea of memories'

some of which are more prominent than others, where prominence involves the clock timing to that memory.

#Now Choice Paradigm

The perspective of the impetus of doing for an autonomous sentient person, with characteristics of willed action including qualities of motivation and tenacity. With the paradigm, goals are selected and acted upon, as an action choice.

Philosophic Thinking: Stepped Dictionary: Additional Definitions: Can: (Is possible)/(((Have/Has) (a/the) (possibility))) ([to]) [/] (do/for)...

Material, Substance: Part of something that can be touched.

Bitwise Complete: A set which is entirely defined and discrete with logic.

Artificial: Designed by humans.

AGI, Hard AI, Strong AI: Sentient computerized agent that is generally intelligent and efficient.

Fuller Definition of Strong Artificial Intelligence: Computerized agent that is able to develop ways of accomplishing goals using less energy than alternatives.

Philosophy: The organization and methodology of intelligence.

Sacred Geometry: Universal shapes from which multiple biofractal patterns may form.

Supplemental Philosophic Paradigms:

Order-Chaos Dichotomy Some information domains are domains in which patterns have not been identified. Consideration of methods in forming patterns from these domains is considered chaotic to the degree to which patterns are not identified. To the degree the formation of these patterns of a source domain have a causal or predictable pattern, there is order. There is a risk-return relationship to personal goals

Free Will-Fate Balance The perceived balance of predicted and unpredicted goals and goal achievement methods is used as a basis for impact resolution including lifestyle and governance.


Civic Development

Rainbow Civics (RCIV) is an overview of civics biased to the Rainbow Rock philosophy. This civics development platform contemplates a range of civics that might be held by people with a variety of contrasting virtues and values. Rainbow Civics (RCIV) offers factors to maximize harmony with inclusive and voluntary economic and social participation. Rainbow Civics (RCIV) proposes ideas for intentional communities unifying with shared virtues and values. Rainbow Civics (RCIV) suggests factors of governance and provides a set of important considerations in the process of governance. Civic means associated with the use of force for the intention of

civilization. Civil means associated with civilization.

Rainbow Civics (RCIV): Outline:

Meanings, Suppositions

Natural Society

Civic Principles

Civic Freedoms, Civic Rights

Civil Participation

Civic and Civil Cooperation

Civil Economic Participation

Civic Unity Motions and Actions

Civic Division Motion and Actions

Civic Responsibility and Authority

Civic Property Challenges

Civic Decision Challenges

Organizational Control

Social Harmony Challenges

Civil Entitlement Contract

Philosophic Perspective Matching

Hierarchy of Unification

Organizational Development


Dichotomy A separation two related concepts.

Positive-Negative Feeling Dichotomy Positive feelings are associations with the goals of a person, while negative feelings are associations with obstacles to such goals.

Good-Bad Dichotomy Positive feelings by wanted occurrences or behaviors are good, while the contrary negative and unwanted is bad.

Evil Harming another person for personal benefit.

Morals Universally preferable behaviors of honor to avoid consequential harm, expected of all, for individual and societal good.

Ethics Universally preferable behaviors of respect for avoiding conflict and danger, wanted of all, for societal good.

Civility Universally helpful voluntary behaviors (including morals and ethics) wanted for all people for collective cooperation and societal good.

Civic and Civil

Civil has the context of avoiding physical force against others unless specified otherwise. Civic has a context of using physical force against others to force civil behaviors. So, all things that are civic are civil, but only some things civil are also civic.

Benevolence Civil behavior done because of a sense of internal duty to such an end, rather than external

concerns like reputation.

Societal All things civic, civil, moral, and ethical are each societal.

Civic Freedoms A civic freedom is a universally preferable range of choices for maximum social harmony.

Civic Rights A civic right is a defensively protected behavior for maximum social harmony and individual potential. The right to defense is one example of a civic right. It is preferred to live such that all people defend each other in protection of each other's lives when attacked.

Freedom vs. Right A freedom is a domain of choice that could be wrongfully stopped with force. A right is the protection of a freedom by physical force. All freedoms are also rights, but only some rights are also freedoms.

Civil Entitlement A resource one shares as part of a social contract agreement.

Right vs. Entitlement One does not have a right to other people's property except as agreed by explicit social contract, after which one may become entitled to another person's property.

Emancipation and Choices Emancipation means you are personally responsible for your actions. We suppose people to be created as agents of another person, until they are emancipated. We suppose all people to have equal opportunity for emancipation. We suppose that people who are emancipated are capable of both good and evil.

Economy The well being to continue existence.


Motivations We only suppose someone's motivations if they are stated or otherwise proven in full by not only intuition but also scientific reasoning and actions.

Actions speak louder than words, but neither words nor actions define motivations. As cause and effect, causality defines motivations. Virtue and values define motivations. The person expected to most know their virtues and values is them self, so we notice both expressions and actions in learning motives.

Diversity in Philosophy We suppose different people to try different virtues and values. We suppose that different people may maximize their satisfaction under different systems of virtue and value. We suppose that people of sufficiently different values cannot coexist peacefully except by keeping a distance from each other.

Conflicts Happen In a shared environment where different people have different values, we suppose conflict to be inevitable.

Consistency of Philosophy To minimize the damages from

conflict, we suppose handling the conflict should be done consistently over time with consistent philosophy.

Adaption of New Philosophy To create more harmony, our philosophies may change to enable more successful life.

All manners of the mind may be explored for such new philosophies.

Free Will We suppose it to be a personal choice whether one person helps another, unless they have agreed otherwise or monopolized help for a need. We suppose people to have duties according to their moral duties to help others. Whether they uphold their moral duties is free will unless their actions are harmful towards others.

Protection for Others. We suppose people to protect others and respect property rights as defined by the Rainbow Rock Virtues.

Natural Society

Natural Liberties The design of our universe guides us to liberties that naturally maximize our potential as a civilization. These liberties granted by nature begin with natural freedoms and expand with natural rights.

For absolute and unwavering success, our liberties stand absolute and unwavering in dangerous situations, hazardous circumstances, and states of emergency. Our natural freedoms when protected by force become civic freedoms, and the method of protecting those freedoms are our civic rights. We enable voluntary choices and voluntary association, defend against harm, defend against property damage, do justice, and equalize opportunity, as developed from the Rainbow Rock virtues.

Complete liberty can be secured for all emancipated people, not just one ruling class or people, through great sacrifice of body, mind, and labor. Our rights and freedoms end only where other's begin.

Natural Rules We follow the rules of nature because that provides effective and positive consequences without any mandate.

Golden Rule Care for others at least as well as you care for your self. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Carbon Rule Live and let live. Leave others alone as they leave you alone.

Noble Gas Rule Words against words, blades against blades. We limit our self to expression against wrongful expression, not force.

Natural Consequences People who make mistakes with liberties and people who treat others abusively but without physical violence under natural liberties do not

go unpunished. The natural negative consequences including dishonor, distrust, social ostracism, and banishment from privately owned places, are sufficient to resolve all non-violent abuses of liberty. Inevitable negative effects are upon both the wrongful and their cared ones.

Natural Duties People who seek belonging to civilization are expected to participate as a civil servant to enhance civilization as they expect others to do the same. These civil duties are voluntary. People who fill their duties are expected to be honored, while people who neglect their duties are expected to be dishonored. When enough people tend to their duties, civilization flourishes.

Vengeance and Revenge Nature by the creator of our universe is responsible for ultimate justice when other justice otherwise fails. We focus on compensation for victims and prevention of violence, not vengeance or revenge. Vengeance and revenge may be a personal justice but is not a civic justice.

Intentional Community and Local Governance Because different people hold different values, different people benefit from different models of governance. Therefore, we maximize local authority and so minimize global authority in allowance of different types of government for different types of people. In this way, diversity is a strength.

Civilization People who operate with both morals and ethics are a civilization, and so "civil".

Civic Principles

Self Ownership All emancipated people are entirely the owner (as the sole proprietor) of their body as a sovereign domain.

Self Sacrifice All emancipated people can voluntarily release part or all of their emancipation, but only to be reclaimed at any time.

Property Ownership People may claim previously unclaimed objects harnessed by their body as the "fruits of their labor", where such property is their exclusive domain of control. Releasing effort of energy by people to objects including land creates an earning bond of those objects to the corresponding people.

Homestead Property Honor The first to establish their effort of energy to an object is considered an original property owner.

Threat A behavior which creates expectation of harm.

Property Transfer People may transfer property ownership to any other people of their choice for any

reason, and have no attached civic duties or burdens while doing so except as voluntarily done at all times.

It is the responsibility of the people involved to understand the transfer agreement as the unfairness of any resulting conflict is an opinion rather than fact.

Porcupine Principle Aggression is only for stopping wrongful acts of violence by others. Aggressive (physical) force is stoppable with (physical) force, but words only with words. Also called non-aggression principle (NAP).

Civic Freedom We live free or die trying. Natural freedoms are liberties of both action and inaction in respect natural rules of force, for which we demand tolerance for by all people in all civil places at all times.

Civic Rights When one takes away a freedom of another, they have forfeit freedom to the same degree, and it is right to forcibly stop further erosion of freedom. Those who seek harm may be stopped with harm to them. Those who seek destruction may be stopped by destruction in their direction. As we secure our natural freedoms by forceful action, our natural rights also become our civic freedoms. In judging others we so open our selves to judgment, and so mercy and care is encouraged in exercising our rights of defense.

Civic Freedoms

Freedom of Belief We may believe any belief and hold any disbelief, including any philosophy or no philosophy, any religion or no religion, any politics or no politics, any science or no science, any medicine or no medicine, anything, everything or nothing, at any and all times and any and all places. We protect each other from being harmed for our beliefs and being forced to pretend against our beliefs. The natural negative consequences of mistaken belief are sufficient punishment for all wrongful belief.

Freedom of Expression We are free to use symbolic expression we wish at any time and on any topic. We are free to copy recording impressions any time we wish for any purpose, as copying is never stealing. Silence, costumes, and camouflage are likewise free. We are free to dress or undress our selves in any and all ways possible in all civilized places. Our own judgment is responsible for discovering the source of expression, the truth or falsity of expression, and the value of expression. Our own judgment is responsible for determining how to dress. We are free to use offensive, hateful, and blasphemous speech because one person's

definition of hate is another person's definition of help. We may oppose what you say or wear as hateful, false, destructive, and vulgar, but we shall sacrifice our life so people have right to say these things. We defend each other from forced expressions or being (physically) harmed for our expression. Words against words, blades against blades. We are free to use knowingly false speech in any and all circumstances despite any oath or assurance to the contrary. Natural negative consequences including rebuking speech are sufficient to resolve all wrongful speech.

Freedom of Labor We are free to choose how we use our time and labor at any and all times while avoiding harm to others. Allocating our time and labor for any cause or "no cause at all" to any other person or people is our independent personal choice. False authority of fear is slavery and subjugation, not authority. We are free to labor for our self or for anyone and everyone at their request, in any way we wish, without permission from others. Our own judgment is responsible for determining whether someone is qualified to help us with their labor in the way they claim capable, so others may not forcefully interject their labor opinion. All this is true while (physical) damage to others with our labor is avoided. We protect each other from forced labor and forced assistance. All assistance of all kinds, including assistance for justice and life-saving, is always our choice. We protect each other's right to use and trade our labor freely as agreed with others.

Natural negative consequences including starvation, freezing, and parchment are sufficient to punish poor labor choices and societies who do not help each other voluntarily.

Freedom of Travel We are free to travel around and through all open terrain as we respect other people and their property, camping overnight as needed, and drinking from waters as needed. We are free to travel around people's land on boundaries or through designated rights of way to be able to travel forward, lest we otherwise be obstructed from accessing a land where there is permission to be. We are free to travel on all paths of transportation without anyone's permission as we refrain from harm in each of those modes of transportation. We are free to alter our vehicles of travel in any way the laws of physics allows until after physical harm happens, because personal safety is individually our personal responsibility, not the responsibility of others as a collective, and our property is our right to be reformed in any way the laws

of physics allow. We acknowledge anonymous and equal cost burden to any tolls required of the path maintainer to access a maintained path, as all users pay their share of that burden. During our travel it is other people's responsibility to identify us, not our responsibility to identify our selves to others for our right to remain silent at all times for every purpose.

During our travels anyone stopping us must have a just and probable cause. When stopped, inaction and retreat is our freedom, though upon an injustice a pursuit of the suspect is our freedom too. We are free to hunt and gather in communal space and our private spaces regardless of any other's demands while respecting sustainability of nature as determined by the customs of the hunters and gatherers of the locality. We protect each other from harm and wrongful stops during our travel. We protect each other (by any force) to be able to travel through friendly and neutral places.

Freedom of Association We are free to engage or disengage any and all associations including friendship, commerce, alliance, and membership, as we wish with anyone and everyone we wish, at any time we wish. We are free to have and and all romantic relationships with any and all emancipated consenting people. We assert and protect our rights and freedoms as independent individuals even when voluntarily associating with or joining a collective. We protect each other from punishment beyond the natural consequences for associating with others.

Freedom of Trade We trade anything in our possession with any person in the universe at any time we wish and protect each other from harm beyond the natural consequences of doing so. This includes information and our labor services. We never ask permission from others to trade anything because trading is our freedom. All agreements are cancelable without justifying (physical) force being used in retaliation against the canceling participant, though the resulting property rights may be forced. Likewise, we have a right to avoid trading with any person with for any reason, either individually or collectively, though only to the point where a persons needs to continue life are respected rather than monopolized by arbitrary constraint, so an alternative being offered to the contrary. We have a right to pay for only services we agree to use, and use our money exclusively for any goods, services, and welfare of our choice. All trading and trade refusal, including trading of any and all weapons and offensive material, is peaceful and non-violent. All people have a natural

license to engage in any business they deem them selves able to be involved in regardless of lack of permission from false authorities who claim the right to monopolize business by dispensing business rights. It is the personal responsibility of buyers to properly assess the capability of sellers, and the responsibility of sellers to properly assess the capacities of buyers. We protect each other with force from interference in our trading freedoms. Natural negative consequences are sufficient to punish all unwanted trading.

Freedom of Assembly We are free to gather near others in communal places, at any time in any numbers without any permission from or requirement for notification to any other people. We do this while respecting the freedom of travel of others. We are free in this way to rally for causes, protest wrongs, and criticize any person or entity for any reason at any time. We protect each other from being harmed for our peaceful assemblies.

Freedom of Choices We are free as emancipated people to chose or refuse any and all substances to be consumed or used, romantic relationships with any and all other emancipated people, caregiving for any and all unemancipated people with any and all others, taking personal risks as agreed with any and all other adults, and any and all ways we treat our own bodies. We are free to risk or damage our selves while avoiding (physical) damage to other people and their property. We are free to help others and free to avoid the smallest sacrifice of helping others in all circumstances. We build our land individually as we see fit limited only by the laws of physics, without permission from anyone at all, while respecting local pollution limits. We protect each other's freedom of choice with force.

Civic Rights

Right to Equal Authority Civil authority is trust in judgment. Trust is to be earned, not commanded.

Delegation of authority grants rights limited to those natural rights which people already have, so we may not delegate rights which we don't have our selves. We protect each other with force against forceful demanded authority or respect.

Right to Defense We may defend our selves and others from intentional unprovoked (physical) damage with any force of our choice, causing any or all damage to the wrongful attacker until the threat is stopped. When the wrongful violence is done in response to abusive expressions (such as by verbal provocation), accidental neglect, or futile aggressive attacks, the force used

must be limited in severity according to the level of violence expected to stop the threat. After stopping a threat, we may use force only to restrain the attacker.

People initiating violence against others are expected lose freedoms in proportion to their level of initiated violence or damage. People incapable or unwilling to refrain from wrongful violence on an ongoing basis may be imprisoned, relocated, or restrained on a long-term basis according to their level of danger to others. We forcefully defend each others buildings, land fixtures, formally marked or fenced land, and other property from other people entering without permission of the owner or a formal consistent justice process, as the people using such property respect the rights and freedoms of others.

Travelers are expected to be forced to a standard for pollution including light pollution, noise pollution, particulate pollution, or other pollution that is applied equally to all travelers. Travelers may be forced to keep moving while bordering or in land where they are banished from during travel on adjacent rights of way. Inaction as resistance and retreat are our right in any and all circumstances as a natural response to an attack, whether the attack is justified by the attacker or not. Catch us if you can, but we defend our self against punishment for lack of cooperation. When someone is behaving in a way that is believed likely to cause physical injury to others, we may forcibly stop them for warning. A person stopping someone for warning must follow a formal and consistent method. If the warned person then ignores the warning resulting in damages, the consequences are expected to be more severe than otherwise.

Right to Caregiving We defend our ability to bond with others, both people or living bodies of nature, as their exclusive caregiver or caregivers when they cannot take care of them self such as by child birth or by debilitation. We may protect our cared as we protect our self. Any caretaker may delegate, split, or transfer status as caregiver with others by public decree. As a caregiver, we decide what actions benefit our cared, what medical actions will help our cared if any, what education will help our cared if any, and what nutrition will benefit our cared. Only actions that caused, or will cause beyond any and all doubts, long term (physical) damage by a caregiver to their cared are sufficient to forcibly transfer caregiver status to others. Short term damage should result in public notice but not removal. Emancipated people are expected to delegate to a trusted organization a formal and

consistent process by which they can be assigned to a caregiver upon debilitation. Without that declaration, the local customs are expected to decide who the replacement caregiver shall be. In a formal and consistent way, we may defend living bodies of nature as we defend our property while such bodies in nature are peaceful to us. Even dangerous and evil people are expected to be cared for in a civilized society. We defend our right by force as emancipated people to physical proximity to any and all other restrained adult people for purpose of generally helping them (unless they object), whether they are emancipated or not, for at least most of the time on a daily basis, including dangerous people (including those stopped for investigation). We may force our way to help others in restraint to ensure their bodily nutrition and temperature needs are met to local standards, to exercise our freedom of expression with the cared in close proximity, to supplement their nutrition and temperature preferences such as with a thick blanket or a wet fabric for cooling, and act as witness to monitor for any abuses by restrainers or captors at any and all times such as by public access camera and microphone as the restrained person allows.

Right to Property and Self Upon emancipation, we each own our physical bodies in full to do as we wish, including harm to self, while respecting the rights of others. As we invest our energy in objects by moral and ethical ways, we own those objects as extensions of our self. Only the laws of physics determine what items we can own, keep or make on our land, and carried in public ways. People may create, grow, own, and develop any item they wish, while that item isn't being used to harm others. People may keep everything they earn such as wages, gifts, and compensation. People may keep any amount of any thing for any length of time they wish. We defend each other's ability using force to peacefully obtain and keep, and build on our land, anything we want at any time while such things are not harming others.

Such a defense provides privacy and private property. We may arm our selves in every way for defense against any and all threats, both real and imaginary, and bring such military force anywhere and everywhere we travel. We keep our family and neighborhoods safe in part by being well armed both independently as individuals and collectively as militias. Copying is a protected activity as our freedom of expression, not considered theft, when the original is left undamaged. In response to the force of taking property without permission of

the owner, we use the minimum force necessary to take it back such as by entering the thief's property without their permission as needed to do so for justice. We may furthermore interpret trespassing by a thief to our constructions as an act of violence and defend our self accordingly. Property rights are rights of equal opportunity to needs, so when a need is being used to take away another need of greater value, as a monopoly and wrongful leverage, force may be used to re-open such opportunity. This is because energy investment is honored as an ownership of objects rather than people, who would be implicitly owned with enough wrongful leverage.

Right to Civic Justice We act to prevent damaging violence by being vigilant, by being well trained and well armed, and by identifying, arresting, and restraining or re-locating violent people. We help victims of damaging violence to receive compensation and constrain attackers. Revenge and vengeance are a privilege neutral to civic justice, while defense and victim compensation are a right of civic justice.

Victims of violence are expected to have the strongest influence in civic justice against the violator. A formal and consistent system of justice enables us to live orderly lives. Wrongful harm is expected to be resolved with compensation provided by the person doing harm, using peer pressure instead of force. Force may be used to constrain violent attackers from further attacks. Force may be used is to return property to its owner if stolen, giving it to the most justified owners when the current owner dies, or holding it pending a prompt verdict of justice when used for evidence of wrongdoing. Force may be used to prevent people engaged in punishment from being more cruel than the wrong itself. We are considered as innocent unless declared guilty by a consistent and formal trial verdict. A suspect until then might be considered 'guiltbound' as informal opinion but not in the process of justice. We may demand such a judgment by a jury our peers with a public audience open to all and their recording devices unless both suspect and victim (or associated caretaker if unemancipated) request otherwise. Any and all evidence used against a suspect, and any investigation information used against a suspect, must be certainly accessible by both the victim and suspect at all times.

We must provide a formal, consistent, and kind living space to people in our captivity. With justice, we protect not just specific classes of people, but all people equally. We appeal to people's rights, not rights

of one class. We force people to be gentle to those in captivity while the captive is being gentle. The only allowed reason for holding a person in captivity is an unacceptable chance that they will do wrongful physical violence if released. Justice inaction unsupportive of justice, include a failure to pay financial interest charges and resisting arrest by inaction. Natural reflexive defense includes defensive posturing or fleeing in retreat is justice neutral. Justice negative actions include destruction of evidence of a crime after learning of an investigation and physical attack to stop an investigation. Penalty stacking for justice neutral action or inaction, is itself injustice, because the burden justice is on agents of justice, not on evaders of justice. Penalty stacking for natural reflexive defensive is unjust because healthy human nature is to defend and run from danger. Penalty stacking for justice negative actions is just.

Right to Investigate Both accusers and the accused are entitled to a formal and consistent process of investigation before any action of justice resolution.

Evidence of guilt reduces privacy rights to the degree that civic harm may be suspected by the evidence. People accusing someone of a wrong and seeking formal justice are expected to identify them self, required as a condition of that justice, to their accuser, if the accuser requests. If someone is suspected of a civic wrong as a result of justly obtained evidence or trustworthy testimony, an investigator may force a search of the accused or their property without permission of the accused, but with permission of a person confirming validity of the search who has an honored record of likely guilty verdicts for those being searched. Forced searches must be done in a formal and consistent approval and search process. Searchers must be gentle with their searches, compensating others for any damages done to them or their property during the search, and maintain the property in the same condition and orderliness as the beginning of the search. If someone is believed more likely than not to harm a specific person, or there is a probability of damage to an unspecific victim by dangerous behaviors, we may forcibly stop someone and arrest them. Like with searches, an investigator must have an honored record of likely guilty verdicts for those being stopped or arrested and also follow a formal and consistent process. If there is evidence a person has committed an act of violence, they may be forced to a formal trial with a consistent and speedy process to determine a

verdict. Evidence must be released to its owners after the trial. Upon probable cause of committing a crime, we will catch you if we can by force, without penalty or punishment for inaction or retreat beyond natural consequences.

Civil Participation

Civilization Natural liberties including emancipation, independence, and rights are respected by civil cooperation and societal agreement. Legitimate societal authority is developed by voluntary cooperation.

Firstly, acceptance of individual responsibility leads to respect upon developing their ethical obligations of cooperation. Then, acceptance of collective responsibility enables people to gain honor for developing their moral duties of cooperation.

Individual Responsibility, Ethics

Obligations are ethical expectations to avoid risk, temptation, and conflict, derived from people's social circumstances and choices.

Promises as professed by a person create

obligations. Implication of a job or task creates an obligation. Commitments of service are obligations.

Respect Adherence to values and expectations as a person meets their obligation earns individual respect. Acknowledgment of accomplished

obligations is respect. Avoidance of negative expressions such as insults is respect. Treating people with dignity according to cultural standards is respect. Paying tribute to others as obligated is respect.

Disrespect Action that denies or reverses a warranted respect.

Collective Honor, Morals

Duty is the expectations of behavior for a common good as shared virtues or values. People are expected to live according to their

philosophy, including their standards and morals.

As people group together in consensus of morals, duties are the expectation of behaving according to those goals.

Honor Honor is the acknowledgment of cooperation with others and the contribution of others.

Delegation of control to a common good or group representing a common good is honor. Recognition of virtuous character is honor. acknowledgment of performance is honor. Attribution of credit is honor.

Dishonor Action that denies or reverses warranted honor.

Society vs Civilization A society are people that have rules which govern their behavior which may be involuntarily forced rules. A civilization is a society of voluntary civil cooperation in protection of liberties and personal independence.

Participation Encouragement Civilized people have a duty of care as part of a civilization to participate in organizations that enable civilization, and a duty of care to be leaders when capable of doing so.

People are responsible for organizations they are involved with both as individuals and collectively.

People are expected that if they are concerned with something being done rightly as part of an organization, to take it upon them self to ensure it is done well. People are not expected to wait for others to initiate action but rather initiate action as they are capable. Those considering them less intelligent, less wise, and less capable than average should consider them self civil followers, while those considering them self more intelligent, capable, or wise than average should consider them self civil leaders. Yet everyone can participate, and everyone can be part of leadership. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. We encourage maximization of abilities including leadership abilities for any and all organizations for maximizing strength in numbers as a unified collective. Yes we can, yes we will!

Volunteering Firstly, a person joins an effort without having been forced. Secondly, they participate in the effort without any direct economic benefit to them self. If you see a problem, solve a problem. If you get an instinct to wait, question yourself as to why wait.

Experience Sharing. When you learn something profound, consider sharing it. When you have an epiphany, consider to share it. When you improve your self, please share it. When you suffer a serious setback, please share it. Lets learn others mistakes so we don't have to learn from our own mistakes.

Honor and Shame We encourage participation in both formal and informal systems of honor and shame according to the system of one's tribe and culture.

Information Sharing People are encouraged to share information and content they find valuable with friends as a means to build virtues and values with people they care about. People are encouraged to consider the lives of those in their intentional

community, and help them by developing information exchange.

Value Signaling Participation Being involved with a project for the appearance of caring about an effort and gaining the associated esteem. This is helpful when you actually care about the virtue or value in addition to appearing to care.

Private civility is people managing private land with general civility. This includes allowing people to visit to at least one designated place such as an entry way for inquiries as visitors. This also includes avoiding character judgments based on surface appearances. We expect civilized people to help others in emergencies by providing points of contact to help providers, directions to lost people, and temporary shelter if available during natural disasters or raids by hostile people. We encourage kindness such as basic respect. We encourage people to be well armed to provide civic defensive help.

Civic and Civil Cooperation

Civic Social Pressure People are encouraged to behave in ways that enable civilization, especially in response to uncivil behaviors. People are informed why they should behave according to a set of virtues and values such as the Rainbow Rock virtues and values. With Civic social pressure, honor goes to those who behave well, and shame to those who behave badly. Peer pressure applied in good ways is civic social pressure.

Civil Economic Alliance People are encourage to build economy in ways that align with their morals and ethics.

People are encouraged to consider the virtues and values strengthened when choosing partners in economic development.

Civic Bond People who agree to behave according to a good set of shared virtues and values are encouraged to unite in strength as an intentional community. This agreement forms a civic bond. Agreement forms unity, and unity leads to compounding strength.

Contract See the Contract subsection for details regarding contracts in general.


A contract is an agreement among people.

The strongest possible contract is:

Formalized and signed in writing.

With a delegation of support including mediation and arbitration.

With civic enforcement of any breach.

Has participants with equal negotiating power.

With participants having influence over terms and conditions.

With ways to end the contract promptly and harmoniously.

With all terms and conditions have been carefully considered.

With is maximum possible unity including shared philosophy. In the strongest possible unity, there is maximum possible strength of numbers.

Contract Constraints

Contract constraints are derived from natural freedoms. People may voluntarily sacrifice freedoms and rights in exchange for the benefits of the dispute resolution process and voluntary societal cooperation to reduce conflict and contract violations. Such sacrifice of rights should only be done with the highest standard of care and consideration. Natural rights sacrificed under contract are always recoverable by decree regardless of any statement to the contrary. Contract participants may reclaim any sacrificed rights or freedoms sacrificed as part of the contract by decree, but resulting unleveraged property rights as the contract defined upon the reclaiming are irreversible.

Social Contract

A social contract is an agreement among people about the delegation and distribution of authority including physical force. Civic rights are absolute demands of force of every moral individual to every other individual. Civic rights are not negotiations or agreements. However, protection of a right can be delegated with a contract. Sacrifices of a freedom can be made using a contract that can be canceled at any time such as by simple decree.

Liberation of Intentional Communities

You people do you in your space, but our people expect to do us in our space. And so to each person their space. Rather than concern of specific social contract to a specific set of rules, laws, definitions of harm, and specific circumstances when violence is warranted, concern is for people to share life with other like-minded people who have similar specific rules, laws, and definitions of harm in complete contrast to more common ways of life without being attacked by larger groups of people seeking to force their way of life on smaller communities. A broad set of freedoms and rights is suggested for leaders proposing a state of civilization. It is

encouraged to generously provide space to others to test unique and opposing systems of freedoms and rights within a domain that gives them the authority to do exactly that as an intentional community with other like-minded people who agree with such a set of rules. Earth is a big enough planet for many systems including capitalism, communism, fascism, and socialism to co-exist in peace toward each other. We consider it inconsiderate behavior to live in the most communist places in the world and convert the area to capitalism rather than moving to a capitalist place. Likewise, please don't live in the most capitalist places in the world and convert your area to socialism, but instead move to a less capitalist place in respect of local diversity.

Civil Trade Contract As a consequence of the natural right to property ownership, people may trade their property or services. Trades of property are accomplished by forming a contract. The more important a contract, the more it is expected to be formalized by a signed written agreement. A verbal agreement is considered weaker, and an implied agreement is considered weakest. The strength of the agreement also depends on the negotiating power of each party. So, contracts authored equally by both parties are considered strongest. People in any trade are encouraged to decide who the mediator and the arbitrator will be for their contract. The strongest possible contract is one with agreed upon mediation or escrow service and arbitration as described nearby.

Civil Market Contract is a standard treatment of implied contracts which may be agreed to by people exchanging value. This most applies to situations where there is no formal contract in circumstances of value exchanges. When making a firm offer to an unspecific person as an open offer, this also forms a market contract. Civil Market Contract participants also agree to be subject to fairness and reasonableness adjustments with weak contracts including vague, changeable, re-negotiable, or "boilerplate" contracts. So, mass market "boilerplate" contracts terms or conditions may be unenforced beyond what contract arbitrators consider to be fair and/or reasonable. A weak formal agreement may be expected to be supported correspondingly weakly for a weak contract by the involved participants such as mediators and arbitrators. In a contract, if all negotiating power is one sided in a "take it or leave it" offer, then minimum agreement is assumed and the contract is considered weak. This is especially true for

items having a low fixed price as a percentage of someone's purchases. Common expectations of what people believe are "reasonable" or "fair" may become the effective contract with written parts either partially or entirely ignored as unsupported for dishonorable contract provisions by arbitrators and mediators. A contract weakness would include a missing timeline for completion of a service. These market expectations are then effective as a contract instead of a written contract. Contracts where terms are individualized where both parties have contract editing powers are an indicator of a sufficiently strong contract.

Civil Mediation. A civil mediator is a person who is trusted to know what is fair and reasonable for a trade.

This person advises all people bound by a contract what to do when something bad happens with the trade. Civil trade and contract offers are only expected to occur with an agreed upon mediator and arbitrator. Any contract without such agreed terms is expected to be considered a Civil Market Contract rather than a Civil Trade Contract

Civil Arbitration When contract participants have a dispute they may delegate a mutually trusted judge or judges to determine property ownership that results from a civil contract. An arbitration can determine how to resolve a contract violation. This information may be used by arbitration enforcers to force the resulting property ownership, who may delegate civil enforcers to transfer the property as agreed.

Civil Enforcer Arbitration enforcers and other civil enforcers are given permission by people in a trade to take and transfer their property and may also be given permission to enter their land and buildings, to force a trade to be done according to the terms and conditions as agreed by the contract participants. Arbitrators are expected to refrain from violence against people except to defend them self in enforcement of a contract.

However, they are expected to use physical force on properties which may include damaging force when considered beneficial by the arbitrator. All arbitrators may reduce their taking of property where it will avoid a likely death, as doing otherwise is beyond arbitration. Instead, additional people processes are expected to be involved in dangerous circumstances.

Contracts involving intentional death are beyond the realm of civility. Such contracts would be considered neither civil nor civic.

Dispute Resolution Organization (DRO). An organization that organizes and formalizes disputes and their

settlements. A Dispute Resolution Organization (DRO) is expected to have arbitrators and/or mediators on staff who act on behalf of the organization. All major agreements under Rainbow Civics (RCIV) where all people involved are of the same tribe are expected to be resolved firstly by mediation and secondly by arbitration. A Dispute Resolution Organization (DRO) may also offer escrow services.

Civil Escrow A trade service where people hold payment or items until the terms and conditions for the trade are considered met. The payment and items are encouraged to be released to one of the people of the trade within an expected timeframe. Escrow is encouraged with contracts involving more than two days worth of wages including for rental and leasing security deposits, auctions above that amount, used items, controversial offerings, uncommon offerings, and unfamiliar offerings.

Defensive Force Using violence to end harm or end anticipated harm to one's self or others is an encouraged civic action.

Provoking Offensive Force is recommended to be stopped by civic action. Using violence as a means of self-enrichment at the expense of others is provoking offensive force of aggression. Initiating violence against someone who is not an immediate danger is a provoking offensive force. Inaction or retreat are never provoking offensive force. In these circumstances, violence is used without any harm existing or without harm being directly threatened. Provoking offensive force is also used by some when a punishment, revenge, or vengeance is unwarranted but happens anyway. The Carbon Rule "live and let live" is a principle against provoking offensive force, and the Golden Rule of "Treat Others as You would Have them Treat You" is generally also a principle against using provoking offensive force.

Civic Force People are encouraged to minimize violence to maximize peace and harmony. So, physical force is expected only to stop harm. Furthermore, harm is only expected to be stopped in this way with a consensus that the harm is substantial. Even when no voluntary bond exists, people might live with others who don't cooperate and are anti-social. So, people may use force to stop others from violence according to the non-aggression principle. The Carbon Rule "live and let live" is a principle opposed to provoking offensive force, and the Golden Rule of "Treat Others as You would Have them Treat You" is generally also a principle against using provoking offensive force. So, we encourage stopping provoking offensive force using civic


Civic Enforcer Those who force people to remain safe from others are civic enforcers. A civic enforcer uses force in less circumstances than others because they are expected to use force regularly, and so use it more cautiously. A civic enforcer would not participate in punishment, revenge, or vengeance. They would participate in isolating and constraining a dangerous person. Civic Enforcers have an expectation to use the minimum force required to keep others safe. Civic enforcers are expected to risk their life in the process of controlling other lives. Risks to those creating safety should be carefully compared to the risk of those breaking safety. Civic enforcers are different than military enforcers as they do not operate with intention of lethal force. Actions involving lethal force are considered neither civil nor civic.

Definition of Harm The definition of harm defines the boundary between defensive force and offensive force.

Where there is a difference in perspective of the definition, there is a conflict. Sufficiently different definitions are expected to result in multiple governments who separate to different locations in different tribes.

Damage Resolution Governing systems such as a civil court system may be in place so that people may right wrongs with a formal system in place so that people can have a consistent way of having justice.

Military People who force organizations to remain safe, by defending people upon an external request for defense, are the militia. Militias stop their opponents using any force that feels right including a force that kills an aggressor. Roles of military and civic enforcement are expected and encouraged to be separate.

Civil Economic Participation

Participation Incentive Guidelines. Economic systems are generally limited in strength to the strength of their incentive structure. As a means of wealth creation in our communities, we consider to offer an economic system of compensation, rewards, and awards that minimizes corruption potential and maximizes good behavior. Economic civic participation includes activity such as allocation of investment resources, purchasing decisions, selling decisions, and any other economic exchange. A factor in success is the trustworthiness of participants. For less trust requirements, we develop checks and assurances of performance that enable transfer resources to others that reduce the trust

needed. Respect and protection of property rights is important to economic participation. Monetary structure is also important to economic participation. We consider how much trust to place in others and whether it has been earned and proven. It is easier to measure success in ways that are wrong than right, so we consider whether incentives for behavior are measuring success properly. The best timeline for transferring value in exchange for economic performance is a challenge to determine. Strong economic incentives may be done in a way that are cost efficient because they shift behavior in the most beneficial way with the least amount of resources. The goal of incentive structuring is to create a system where people who dishonor their economic commitments are expected to find increasing hardships, while people who prove their character over time with honor are expected to access increasing wealth.

Virtue Incentive. We encourage trading with people who favor strong virtues and values such as the Rainbow Rock philosophy. We encourage networking with and supporting businesses and value creators that align with our virtues and values. By selecting partners, associates, and connections that build such virtues and values, these shared values multiply together. This virtue incentive is considered a powerful incentive method to promote the Rainbow Rock philosophy. This is considered civil shopping.

Commercial Civility We encourage trading with people who operate with civility. Such behaviors include contracting based solely on qualifications that match the specific skills of their job. Generally this means avoiding contracting based on appearances and associations. Penalties for personal expression, beliefs, and associations are discouraged. Surface layer garments, decoration, or other identifying clothing which substantially covers a body may be expected and required by a voluntary contract for commerce while maintaining civility. However, any more invasive requirements on that topic may be considered uncivil, such as asking a business manager (a position where appearance isn't critical to the success of the job) to mask their natural appearance with makeup. A level of politeness or courtesy of expression is encouraged and could be likewise required for commerce with civility. A level of restraint from language deemed offensive by a supermajority by local customs may also be likewise required for commerce with civility. Any additional expressional requirements may be considered uncivil.

Offerings. An offering is a product or service

available in a marketplace for trade. People are encouraged to advertise services they can do to help others. Such encouragement could be offering requests or a profit incentive advertisement. People are furthermore encouraged to teach and mentor others about how they can also create such value. Such encouragement may be by requests to admired people that may include a profit incentive.

Offering Review Incentive. People are encouraged to agree before a trade whether to review an offering experience. Otherwise, only those especially happy or unhappy end up being the only people to review, and so the review system causes an incomplete assessment.

People with offers should have an incentive ready that provides a better offer for people electing to review the offering. All offers representing a major purchase decision are especially important for review. Reviews are an act of generosity to others.

Certification Development Incentive. People are encouraged to develop organizations that honor good business behaviors who market offerings to match such good behavior and offerings, as a certification. People are also expected to independently verify whether such certifications are trustworthy when practical to do so, and, if so, support the offerings of businesses that support the certifications of their choice. So, certifications are a formal method of more quickly and accurately establishing trust. Certification organizations are encouraged to continuously maximize transparency about their money flows. A certification is a way of showing that a market offering is trusted to meet standards by other trusted people. Trusted people may incentivize businesses to behave well by offering to make public statements about the quality of the business offering. These statements may be in the form of a seal, icon, or other offering logo. The certifier may receive money in exchange for the public statement, but in doing so there is also incentive to trust someone without the trust being earned. So, the certifier may show their process of quality assurance and provide evidence of quality checking upon request as an information service.

Implied Policy Incentives. Buyers effectively set policies by purchasing offers from businesses that have policies even when those policies are not stated and proven. If for example a business has never given reason to believe it notices whether slave labor created a product they purchase, they have a partially implied policy that slave labor is acceptable, because in willful ignorance they tempt their businesses or their

competitors with incentives to operate immorally. What matters is what behaviors buyers specifically put effort into ensuring, and everything else is implied to be permissible by the buyer. Selective ignorance is a powerful choice of moral consequence. Buyers individually set policies with each of their purchase decisions. Simply by shopping, buyers are the root rule setters for businesses. People are encouraged to notice virtues and values claimed and enacted by trading partners.

Civil Awards Incentive. An economic civil award gives value to businesses who behave well. Positive reinforcement is applied for good civic behavior.

Businesses may be encouraged to advertise their behavior standards in this way. Awards may have a context of competition and may furthermore be given rarely for difficult achievement. An award may have the context of an ongoing challenge. For ethical and moral communities who want wealth expansion, we may offer awards that expand wealth while maintaining moral and ethical standards. Awards are expected to be given without the recipient necessarily expecting it.

Civil Rewards Incentive. Economic civic reward is to offer positive reinforcement for good civic behavior.

The recipient gets the positive value conditionally by specifically encouraged behavior. The offer may be earned outside of the context of a competition and may be something that everyone can achieve and also expect to have an opportunity to get. As with awards, rewards enable well behaved people to become healthy and wealthy while adhering to moral and ethical civic standards. An example of a civil reward would be to shop at a store which has taken extra steps to be environmentally friendly such as giving re-usable bags to regular customers.

Pull vs Push Incentive. Both push and pull incentives in balance better achieve health and wealth. A customer advertising their demand (request) for an offering is a pull incentive, while a seller advertising supply of an offering is a push incentive. When a community is focused excessively on either push or pull incentives, consider developing the less supported incentive option.

Pull incentives include options such as purchase agencies, trade unions, buyers cooperatives. Push incentives include options such as advertising, marketing, and salesmanship.

Civil Commercial Partnership. It is socially beneficial to profit with economic offerings. Networking with others multiplies success in business. People are

encouraged to enable maximally simple ways to network with like minded people who appreciate each others businesses.

Market Leverage Diffusion Centralization of power of economic offering is a feature of monopolies and oligarchies. Offering providers for a specific offering often become dominant in a marketplace for multiple reasons including the 'network effect'. The network effect is the ability for large organizations to more easily dominate their market in markets where participants generally want the other people they associate with to also be involved such as a social media network such as "Facebook". Monopolies and oligarchies form in other ways as well not explained here. Formation of monopolies and oligopolies create security risks through supply-demand imbalance potential introduced by a single point of failure. When there is a supply-demand imbalance, prices are unstable and unbalanced. Also, if the service fails or behaves maliciously, there is no readily available alternative for a monopoly and few alternatives available for oligopolies. Another security risk for a single point of failure is malicious gathering of information regarding all people connected to the monopolized offering provider. For example, if everyone in the world used a single bank, and the bank's password database was stolen, everyone in the world would be suddenly unable to bank securely. While the risk pairs with an opportunity of reward of economic efficiencies, the broad system is for essential services an unwarranted risk in some circumstances such as banking. It would be safer if no single bank was above a set threshold as a market share limit. So, monopolies on critical systems are discouraged by leverage diffusion methods such as civil shopping practices, consumer union activism, campaigning for alternatives, and support and development of alternative offerings. Market leverage diffusion is expected to reduce barriers to market entry for new organizations for more choices and more security in offering availability and price stability.

Civic Unity Motions and Actions

Intentional Community is a group of people who share their philosophy with like-minded people in close proximity. By joining together in proximity, people may find compounding strength in numbers, while enjoying unity with others. By networking with like-minded people, harmony is increased. Goals become more achievable as the number of supporters generally

increases in an environment of shared virtues and values.

Unity of Family Agreement on family values enables formation of a family as with a marriage. Agreements on family include handling of children, boundaries of behavior with each other and consequences of such behavior. Agreement on a range of who is allowed into a family for different purposes form agreement on family.

Unity of Friendship Agreement on values enables formation of friendships or alliances. Friendship includes shared interests, joint efforts, and time in proximity.

Civil Organization Any organization with a declared allegiance to civil behaviors of a specific philosophy may be considered a civil organization. This organization expects to gain support the more honorable its behaviors in competition with other organizations who may be more or less honorable. Organizations of this type may gain honor by being publicly transparent with their accounting, management, and activities. A civil organization is expected to state their priorities of virtues and values.

Civic Charter Organization A civic charter organization is a civil organization (with formal loyalty to the principles of governing people), that enables all its property to be transferred by force by judgment of a governing body when deemed justified, in exchange for the opportunity for a higher level of public support. A civic charter organization is considered a "public organization" even if privately owned because they wish to subjugate their property to standards of civilization, and they intend their offerings to be maximally available to all of civilization. This may contrast with an independent person whose ownership may be more difficult or entirely impossible to change by force depending on government. A civic charter organization delegates authority over their organization property to a governing body for governing purposes, effectively giving that body the authority to transfer property to other people at their discretion and giving that governing body the highest ownership rights as a trustee of the assets. So, the governing body decides how the property may be used but are discouraged and disallowed from directly using that property for the direct benefit of the governing body.

This is done under trust that the transfers will be solely to transfer resources from any people doing a moral, civic, or civil wrong to people who are victims of that wrongful behavior. The governing body is expected to account for the organization activity by

monitoring, reviewing, enforcing contracts, and so on.

Corporate Formation Currently, corporations are organizations where you get extra rights and privileges in exchange for money. Instead, corporations could be claims of loyalty to a certain priority of virtues and values shared under a group having delegation of authority. Corporations could then work as an organizational alliance. Corporations may reform as Civic Charter Organizations.

Spark Start One person begins to solve a problem with the opportunity for others to join for shared completion of an effort.

Critical Mass Initiative People are encouraged to collectively begin an effort if a certain number of others join the cause.

Civil Trade Union Where there exists a problem with unequal negotiating power, unions are expected to be developed. Civil trade unions are generally formed at the time of this writing as consumer cooperatives and labor unions. However, these organizations are only valid to the degree they are not granted extra rights or forced privileges unobtained by others, which renders many or most of these organization's dishonorable entities. Unions are able to solve problems of monopolisic leverage without violence.

Civil Public Organization A civil public organization is a collectively owned organization. If for-profit, the method of making it public is for the organization to issue transferable interest shares where any owner may transfer their shares to any person of their choice for any reason of their choice.

Fluid Collective is a collective in which organizational control transfers without an internal process from one person to another, such as by stock ownership. This fluidity is what make the organization a type of "public organization" or "publicly owned organization". This contrasts with a private organization which membership is exclusive and transferred only with approval. The natural state of organization is fluidity because organizations can outlast the creator's interests or lives.

Civic Division Motion and Actions

Peace in Separation

Dangerous people who do harm to others may be separated. Those who refuse to separate may be forced to behave such as by being imprisoned. It may be preferable to avoid violence by moving away from dangerous people who band together.

Travel Rights

The natural right to travel means that people and the property they carry are expected to be able to travel around people's land in peace, without being subjected to additional rules or interference of the land owner. Generally this is expected to be allowed to occur on all boundaries of the land, but owners of large areas are encouraged to provide additional or alternative options by having two or more paths going through the land to connect at least four directional sides. Owners of small areas all within yelling distance might only have one path available. Where there is a public way, people have equal opportunity to travel on such public ways. For example, everyone is expected to be charged the same price who uses the road in a similar way. Furthermore, everyone who pays the way is expected allowed unless proven a danger to others with damages evident, or otherwise proven probable such as in a mutually accepted formal setting. We cannot exist in harmony with those who interfere with travel rights. However, dangerous behavior of a person always may reduce their rights in proportion to their level of danger.

Rule Your Land

Land owners may create rules they expect visitors to follow which disrespect or ignore the protection of others as agreed for the visit. They may also be as unfair to visitors as they would like, to the degree this unfairness does not cause direct harm. Failure to help, or a failure to be fair, is not the same as harming. Land owners may furthermore delegate their control of these rules and unfairness beyond the ordinary definition of harm to others such that those agreeing to the rules do not consider them self harmed even though others would not agree to such a definition, and so others consider the perceived harm acceptable. This allows for such things as consensual fights when the property owner allows it. However, this consent to additional rules and unfairness is always voluntary and may be reversed by leaving the property. If you don't like it, leave. People who do not wish to follow the additional controls or be treated unfairly on the land are expected to either respect the added control or leave the property, upon their wish or a demand of the owner.

Separation by Principles

Certain definitions of harm conflict with others and create environments where people cannot peacefully coexist because one person claims harm while the

other continues there activity claiming no harm takes place. These people may separate into two or more distinctive groups. These groups are encouraged to publicize their activity and associated well being so others can determine whether certain controversial activity is helpful or harmful. These groups may consider furthermore to establish location boundaries that define where there activities are welcome.

People who adapt specific philosophies and furthermore establish boundaries for their culture may move together as intentional communities. These stripes of separation are the rainbow in Rainbow Civics (RCIV) that we hope to eliminate collective aggressive violence.

Local Customs

Some moral and ethical issues are much more culture-dependent or otherwise controversial. The more controversy involved in an issue, the more it is expected to be resolved more locally. It then becomes the duty of people to avoid places that are hostile to their concept of morals and ethics. However, it is equally the duty of the locality to advertise any unexpected handling of moral and ethical issues and so any ignorance for such local laws is only respected to the degree it is advertised to others.

Civic Responsibility and Authority

Personal Responsibility Each person in a collective is just as responsible for their actions as they are outside of the collective. When doing a job for another, you do a job for your self. When acting for another, you act for your self. Every action you do for your collective is an action you do for your self. It is the laws of physics that may take things outside your responsibility or control, while the laws of people take nothing entirely outside your control. Following the law of people is a choice until the laws of physics take away the choice, and supporting and obeying a law is likewise a choice, albeit with consequences.

Passive Responsibility When someone is able to do something because you indirectly enabled them including by trading, informing, and energizing, then you have passive responsibility. If a persons actions are considered harmful as a result, this is negative enabling. Passive responsibility delivers an ethical responsibility of civility. For example, if smoking a substance is unhealthy, and you sell them the substance knowing they will smoke it excessively, there is an ethical responsibility to avoid selling them the

substance even when though doing so is within our natural rights. There is an ethical responsibility to inform people about the dangers they are expected to encounter as an indirect result of one's actions.

Authority of Principle A set of preferred principles, generally as virtues and values, are authority, with people only having authority in terms of how closely they align them selves with those principles. People having maximum alignment would be considered to have equal authority. Principles may include concepts such as virtues, values, morals, ethics, and logic.

Legitimacy of Authority Those who do good gain legitimate authority. It is logical fallacy to believe someone because of their authority. It is emotional folly to ignore someone because of their authority.

Empowering authority is only well done on the terms of the submitter. Delegating power is only well done at the terms of the delegator. People are responsible for the actions done on their behalf by delegated authority.

Authority by fear is enslavement. Authority by love is civilization.

Root Authority of Liberty and Law Principles define good behavior. Those acting on such good behaviors legitimize their authority. Alternative sources of authority including strength, popularity, and merit, are not a respectable source for authority of law.

Emancipation and Choices For emancipation, a person is capable of maintaining their own life and living space without help except their necessary physical resources.

For emancipation, a person proves capable of good choices when evil selfish choices are available. An emancipated person proves capable of expressing and then achieving personally variable goals. For emancipation, a person proves mature as being capable of deferred gratification and having an ability to recognize and learn from mistakes at least defined on their own terms.

For emancipation, a person should be either physically capable of safe reproduction at the current time, or past the average age of safe reproduction ability given the type of body. When enough of these emancipation factors are true to the satisfaction of others in their local community, then a person is emancipated.

Law A law is a method of people forcing others to behave in certain ways. Civic Laws are the behaviors that are forced upon people by one or more other(s).

Due Diligence of Law Using physical force against another is an extreme measure having extreme consequence. Supporters of law are expected to have both logical and intuitive investigation into their legal

theories. People don't forget emotion in their theories, but evidence and reason is sometimes forgotten. Those who support laws in any way are expected to sense their effectiveness and inform law initiators and other enforcers of the effectiveness of such laws, and all participants are expected to help eliminate or change laws that are ineffective or unhelpful. Objective and subjective analysis of laws should be ongoing. Confident judgments on theory alone are unacceptable, because theories require trials and evidence. Creation and maintenance of any or all laws should involve learning, discovery, and intelligence. Only mindful and evidenced participation is encouraged, while ignorant participation is discouraged.

Rule vs Law and Ostracism. A rule is behavior that is encouraged by social pressures. Ostracism is ignoring someone or shameful criticism of that person in public.

Breaking rules results in ostracism for any given rule violation. To criticize behavior in secret is a mere confrontation, while shameful criticism in public is a form of ostracism. If the criticism lacks shame, it isn't ostracism. Shame is to express distrust of someone. Laws threaten physical force of defense.

Suggestion The natural consequences of failing to follow a suggestion are the only penalty for not following a suggestion. So, the three forms of governance are therefore suggestion, rule, and law which exist on a continuum ranging from pure suggestion to pure rule to to pure law. Within that spectrum, a line is drawn upon which ostracism and shame is recommended, and another line is drawn upon which defensive force is also recommended.

Victory Defines Law Laws are effective by definition.

If a physical force isn't effective in getting people to behave the desired way, it isn't then a law except as a

'paper law' technicality. When people want something, they sometimes use force to accomplish their mission.

The force could ignore any and all rules or competing laws established to stop the behavior for accomplishment. If such a behavior is not stopped by force, their use of force renders the law void (as a mere rule, not a law) either entirely or at least to some degree. When the ruler of force deters the disobedience to the degree needed to stop it, only then is the rule a law. Paper laws and actions by enforcers are attempts of law, while victory by the mighty is the law. Laws are always what is, and never necessarily what should be.

Centralization of Authority. A centralized authority

is a top-down structure where a small number of people control a larger number of people. An entirely top-down structure is where a single person has full authority over all aspects of a collective. A bottom-up structure is where authority emerges from individuals within the collective. There is generally a continuum of bottom-up to top-down where organizations may have some aspects of authority that are top-down while others are bottom-up.

Local Governance Only authority that a person has independently on their own accord can be delegated to others. Leaders are expected to be empowered by delegating to them authority which we have as individuals who unite under sufficiently similar virtue and value. We expect that our family and neighbors care about us more than other people who are less like us in far away places, so we generally prefer decentralization of authority. When someone knows you as a person, being able to recognize your personal identity, and might give you the same attention as their personal friends, they can give you full care. People who can give you full care are generally better delegates of your authority than are people incapable of caring for you as a friend and neighbor. A person who has no knowledge of your existence in a distant land is not your authority, unless you formally agree without any wrongfully applied pressures that the person should be your leader, and that person has your definite moral support. By encouraging diversity of governance, we offer people choices of governance that fit their personality, their virtues and values, and their lifestyle. So, people who are unique and special will be able to discover a governance model that allows them to be in an environment that allows them to succeed given their diversified life goals. Those who wish to be ruled someone who is unaware of their existence in a distant land may submit them self, however those who wish to reject that in favor of a local leader who knows them may do so as well.

Kindness to Restrained People Restrained people including captives, arrested, or otherwise stopped people are entitled to a minimum duty of care. The physical standard of living support is expected to be similar, except for amount of space in freedom, to the local population of the place of accuser at the time of the alleged physical violence. This is required of the restrainers, except as considered luxury by that population. Such standards are expected to include water when thirsty, wetting fabric and fluid when hot, nutrition, bedding, personal basic grooming, and medical

care. Such standards include a private secure area for bathing and sleeping also when the local population has the same. Local standards of pollution including limits of noise pollution, air pollution, and water pollution should also be upheld.

Duty to Disobey We disobey morally wrong commands except to temporarily deceive stronger enemies. Bowing to evil is a great mistake. This mistake will be relegated to the past. We stand ready to sacrifice our lives so that good may prevail. We only know victory over evil and fight all else to the grave and beyond.

Civic Property Challenges

Property conflicts are easy to occur and difficult to resolve, so people have a civic duty to maximize civility when resolving such conflicts. Disagreements which are easy to occur include traveler or migrant pollution, ownership claims, sharing common areas, property boundary locations and authority, property abandonment, and nature preservation. Challenges of property include capital allocation, land distribution, and collective property transferal.

Traveler Pollution People traveling through or around land are expected to comply with a minimum standard of the land owner for pollution including light pollution, noise pollution, particulate pollution, or other pollution that is applied equally to all travelers.

Objective Property Right The idea that a person is able to have a stronger bond to a place or thing relative to other people. Generally considered a wanted beneficial system except under idealized communism and socialism.

Subjugative Property Right The idea that a person is able to have stronger control over another person than even that person has over them self. Generally considered illegal except in the context of voluntary hourly wages or annual contracted salary.

Capital to Character For maximization of wealth and elimination of poverty, allocate the strongest property awards to people who are most able to produce the highest rates of return on investment with the given capital.

Land Ownership People are encouraged to honor the assignment of land to people based on inheritance, culture, species, and other factors.

Living Nature Preservation Challenge Additional life forms may offer a desired diversity of life, and certain life forms might otherwise go extinct without a preservation effort. We may give some honor to others

who use land by giving another life form usage of land by preventing interference by a competing life form that would damage its environment or directly kill it. It is our challenge to decide the amount of honor that is best given.

Abandonment Challenge We give some honor to property ownership where the property is not being used. However, it is our challenge to decide the amount of honor that is best given before considering the property abandoned.

Collective Transferable Interest People in this system are able to be part of a collective that not all people are necessarily part of, and furthermore able to transfer participation in that collective to another person. Participation methods include token basis, honor based, popularity based, family basis, and others. An example of such a system is a theater ticket where any ticket holder gains an ability to enter the theater. The ticket represents an entitlement which can be transferred.

Land Rights

Factors of honor of land ownership include energy invested including by maintenance and development, homestead claims, local customs, usage, honor of agreements of the claimants, inheritance agreements connect to the land, protection covenants for the land. All of these factors contribute to honor of land rights by others. With sufficient honor, the land right is respected. With dishonor, the land right is invalid. Like any property, land may be abandoned if left unused as open wild terrain.

Terrain being developed are expected to be first surrounded by construction stakes at yelling distance apart. These stakes are honored or dishonored according to local customs.

Communal Civic Space

means open and wild terrain (roughly yelling distance away from any designed structures), public or collective fluidly owned outdoors land and paths, and paths of travel among places of different owners. Communal civic space is places away from military equipment stations, military fortifications, and areas accepted to be used for hazardous purposes. In such space, rights and freedoms any attempt to sacrifice a right or freedom is ignored, as such sacrifice by contract or land owner's rules is not honorable.

Inheritance Factors in honor of inheritance include the legitimacy of the claim, relationship strength of the claimants, stated virtues and values of the

distributing person as they match claimants behaviors, and culture membership of the distributing person.

Inheritance is expected to be handled systematically by people involved, especially family, with wills, and with the help of a will mediator. People are encouraged to have written wills. Otherwise, it should be handled as any ownership dispute.

Civic Decision Challenges

Organization Control Methods

Example Setting Example setting is expected to be the most common method of organization control.

Consensus Building Consensus building methods like campaigning, public speaking, and voting are options for people to consider.

Forced Behavior Force to control others is expected to be used with great reservation and care as ethics and morals demand.

Reinforced Behavior Rewards and/or punishments are used to encourage behavior the organization expects to be beneficial.

See Rainbow Cooperation (Rainco) for additional decision-making structures.

Civic Resolution

Civic Threat Communications of what behaviors will result in defensive force being used is a challenge.

Too many rules or not enough rules being relayed to others is a challenge. Ignorance of standards is a problem that can be caused by either too little communication. Too much communication which could be interpreted as being hostile or simply excessive nagging and so ignored. Too little communication causes passive responsibility to the quiet person.

So, civic threats should be used in moderation for a harmonious civilization.

Civic Hazard Currently, driving while intoxicated is a civic hazard. Civic hazards are expected to be resolved by compensation to victims who are harmed such as by being physically struck by an intoxicated driver. This is different than for example, police tickets paid to people other than the actual victims of actual harm. Instead, as it is now, police tickets speculate about theoretical harm done to abstract people who may or may not actually exist. Every life activity introduces the chance that an action will unintentionally harm another. These types of hazards are expected to be resolved with a mutually agreed upon delegation of authority. Investigation is expected to focus on statistical probabilities while

resolution is expected to involve posting a bond for the direct benefit of actual victims.

Civic Force A force used with the expectation that unwanted behavior will be corrected. Probable damage may be expected to be resolved using forceful means.

The optimum force to be used is a challenge and so it is a civic duty to use careful judgment in resolution of civic force.

Social Harmony Challenges

Tribal Stripe People who agree on circumstances when physical force should be used, and also share a definition of wrongful harm, are expected to unify to find strength in numbers. When enough people are in close enough proximity, this tribe is mappable with boundaries, and within these boundaries may be considered a tribal stripe. These people are not necessarily formalized as a government organization, but they may do so. When formalized, land owners may withdraw their properties from such as stripe agreements at any time, as they see fitting, despite any previous agreement to the contrary.

Civic Caretaking Challenges Most civic force is difficult to resolve. People have a civic duty to establish clear contracts including mediation and arbitration to handle such conflict. Joint child caretaking almost always involves substantial conflicts, and is a challenge to handle gracefully. Caretaking of dangerous people is also a challenge.

Severity of Response When harm of others occurs, it is a challenge to decide what stopping force should be used to stop the harm from happening. An option that is often wrong is ignoring the conflict by doing nothing. More successful options include but are not limited to polite requests, the minimum possible force required to stop the threat, the same force as the opponent, a higher force than the opponent, and the maximum force available to terminate the threat.

Definition of Harm The definition of harm defines the boundary between defensive force and offensive force.

Where there is a difference in perspective of the definition, there is a conflict. Sufficiently different definitions are expected and sometimes encouraged to result in multiple governments who separate to different locations.

Determination of Intentions. When someone intends to initate (physical) harm against another person, they may be stopped by force. Determination of intention is a challenge. Actions are evidence of intention. Words are

evidence of intentions. While people have the freedom of speech to say what they wish with only natural consequences, their words could provide evidence of the intention to be violent and so indirectly lead to force being used against them. A suggestion that violence be used against someone should generally be taken at face value as a threat.

Civil Disobedience When a false authority command is given, it is the duty of people to reject the command.

When an immoral action is requested or demanded, it is the duty of others to reject the action or request. If one's life will be destroyed or permanently damaged by by disobedience, then at least find a way to compensate damages using the resources of the false authority.

Privacy and Record Our freedom of expression allows us to record any and all activity at any and all times. Our right to remain anonymous as a freedom of expression allows us to disguise our selves any way we wish at any and all times at communal places. We expect broad recording and documentation of investigations for fair investigations that are then released by the consent of the people being investigated. We expect minimum recording of activity in right of ways. We discourage recordings of public right of way areas unless a crime is committed in that place and near that time. Governing and security people are expected to record activities in communal places only according to a consistent process of sharing minimum such information only when a crime has been committed for a limited period of time. It is unethical to share recordings of a crime without the consent of the victims.

Transparency of Accounting Transparency of accounting is important for civil public organizations. Such organizations are expected to keep minimum secrets that would otherwise tempt malicious people such as bank vault access activities. Organizations that comply with transparency expectations are encouraged to be supported over those that don't. However, forcing transparency shall be defended against as a freedom of expression.

Civil public organizations are expected to account for all expenses and inventory all assets in excess of an amount determined by people of the locations the organization derives and allocates its resources, proportionally to those economic impacts. At the current time, corporations have a veil of secrecy used to leverage existing wealth. So, major stakeholders are given better access to information than small corporation stakeholders. Civic charter organizations may be forcibly monitored to achieve such transparency

as they irrevocably dedicate property they are the owner of to people having full access to organization property at all times, as a mutually agreed condition of their creation.

Transparency of Management Transparency of management is important for civil public organizations. They are expected to keep minimum secrets that would otherwise tempt malicious people such as security patrol activities. The public expects maximal and equal access to records of public organizations such that labor is generally done in public view, though not necessarily recorded to every detail. In exchange, the public is expected to support organizations more than otherwise to compensate for the competitive disadvantage of secrecy avoidance. Some activity can be more profitably accomplished in secret, such as secret recipes for food.

Chefs that create recipes in public on behalf of a collective are expected to find their self and their collective rewarded with higher prices and salary to the chef than competitors who simply copied the recipe. Such reward activity is expected to expand civilization as people share valuable secrets with each other more openly. So if for example Pepsi-Cola were to reform as a Rainbow Cooperative for-profit collective under a respectable governance model, and further reform to a civic charter organization, its recipes would become known by competitors, but people of civic duty would honor the company over more uncivilized alternatives such as Coca-Cola which refuses civilization in this example. Furthermore, people copying the freely available recipe such as competitor Cola-Cola would need to offer much more than the same item at the same price, or alternatively give substantial voluntary loyalty payments to earn our business.

Reckless Behavior People causing environmental health problems or recklessly endangering the health of others are expected to compensate specific victims as they provide likely evidence of the damage, or unspecific victims as proven with a statistical probability of damages. Such damages are to be paid to a mutually agreed upon organization of restitution which keeps the money for victims with public transparency of accounting.

Liberation When one is enslaved to a master against their will, the enslavement is expected to be dishonored. Furthermore, physical force may be used to aid the slave so they may live as a free person in another place upon their request. All labor contracts are cancelable at any and all times with negative consequences being forcefully limited to natural

consequences only.

Social Entitlement Contract

Social Needs include food, clothing, shelter, education, and health care. People may become entitled to all of these resources as explicitly agreed in a social contract. This can be done as collective ensurance access to all social needs.

Insurance vs. Ensurance Unlike insurance, entitlement is an ensurance that society will operate healthy as a whole. In some cases people may receive benefits even if they have not specifically earned them for the good of society.

Entitlement Agreement People agree to contribute portions of their income or expenses to social entitlement programs. In exchange, them self and their children will be entitled to social needs, especially in situations or circumstances where they might otherwise be unaffordable.

Morality of Entitlement Principles of property rights in combination with personal consent of 'my body, my choice' and 'no means no', make it not just unethical but immoral to take other's property without an explicit agreement regardless of how benevolent a property taker claim to be. Society is expected to transition from the immoral position of civic entitlement to a moral position of a civil entitlement contract.

Challenge to Voluntary Nature The challenge is that people will give others their resources in hopes that they will voluntarily agree to give back resources upon becoming an adult. However, simple positive social pressure will encourage most people to do so, and the pressure will succeed when the contract is considered a good social contract. Generally upon failure, it should be presumed that the social contract simply is not good enough, and people should not be shunned for disagreement with the contract.

Positive Social Pressure People will be given public acknowledgment for participation in a social entitlement contract when they give as much or more than they take.

However, if they are shamed for doing otherwise this would not be positive social pressure and could be discouraged.

Negative Social Pressure People could be given shame or avoided in some way for taking more than they give.

However, this is considered a discouraged social behavior because of its capability to amount to a monopolistic effect and ability to give unfair outcast labeling to simply who may disagree to the social

contract for good reasons. The more someone is wealthy but unhelpful to others, the more negative social pressure is an acceptable option.

Organizational Control

Platinum Rule

A collective action is moral only as the same action by one person acting alone is moral. A majority may only be delegated authority that is already possessed by individuals. A majority may not commit wrongs against a minority. However, a majority can agree to voluntarily cooperate by voting.

Control Root

Authority Authority is control over others.

Authority means faith, trust, or obedience to another person regarding one or more topics (especially trust domains). A communicator provides information to a listener, who behaves according to the information provided. The information provider is the leader and master while the listener is the follower.

Positive Reinforcement Control can be gained by helping those who behave in preferred ways or obey commands. This system of positive reinforcement is considered a love-based system. Positive authority may be obtained by rightfully obtained by delegating rights, responsibilities, and resources to honored people as representatives, caretakers, and trustees.

Negative Reinforcement Control can be gained by hurting those who behave in unwanted, disobedient, or violent ways. This system of negative reinforcement is considered a fear-based system. Negative authority is obtained by harming people who behave in such ways but avoiding such harm to people who avoid such behavior. Negative authority is rightfully exercised by physical force to the degree it stops attacks by initiators of physical violence and stops impending initiation of violence.

Civilized Control The ratio of positive to negative reinforcement for a group of people determines the level of civilization for that group. The higher the ratio as more positive reinforcement is used compared to negative reinforcement, the more civilized the group.

Fluid Collective is a collective in which organizational control transfers without an internally restrictive process from one person to another, such as by stock ownership. This fluidity is what make the organization a type of "public organization" or

"publicly owned organization". This contrasts with a private organization which membership is exclusive and

transferred only with approval. The natural state of organization is fluidity because organizations can outlast the creators interests or lives.

Philosophic Perspective Matching:


Cooperation is achieved by carefully considering philosophic similarities and differences. Networking with like-minded people to achieve goals, and otherwise persuade others to join a unified perspective in creation of shared goals. Perspective matching is important for mutual trust, forming alliances, and forming communities.

Factors of Cooperation

Factors of cooperation include personality, family values, friendship perspective, alliance perspective, community perspective, resource tactics, networking strategies, philosophy of cooperation, philosophy on life, and shared virtues and values. Certain factors of cooperation are more important than others for different purposes. Each factor determines how closely people may cooperate and for what purposes.

Tribal Stripe

Different ways of life make different people happy.

Certain ways of life are incompatible and conflicting with other lifestyles. People are encouraged to form intentional communities as tribal strips along how it is they expect to be able to cooperate with others.

Hierarchy of Unifying Factors

At each level of cooperation, people may unite or divide for different purposes. People are expected to develop factors for unification and division along these philosophies to decide who it is they wish to cooperate with. The closer to a match they are from another person, the generally closer they should seek to be both physically and mentally. The further of a match, the more distance from that person they should seek to establish as they reconcile these differences.

Intentional Community

is the process of determining who a participant can feel comfortable in living proximity with, forming personal relationships with, and forming organizational relationships with. Without sufficient agreement on factors of cooperation, participants may consider each other opponents with contradictory goals.

Hierarchy of Unification:

Unity of Logistics

People's location offers a range of contact which

determine who they can communicate or otherwise interact with. Controlling one's location is a foundation in physics for unity. The further away people are, the less able they are to unify. Internet communications allow the possibility of longer-distance unity, though it is not as strong of a unity as an be offered by closer physical proximity.

Unity of Goodness

Philosophy of good includes virtues, morals, ethics, rights, freedoms, and other foundational philosophies.

When people agree on these factors, they can likely cooperate for any purpose, but upon disagreement there will likely be conflict for any purpose as one person's perspective of harm is the other's perspective of help.

Dividing behaviors into good and bad unites people as they agree while dividing people as they disagree.

Unity of Goodness requires Unity of Logistics to be able to connect in the first place.

Unity of Communications

People's range of communication abilities and and protocol capabilities determine the limits of who they can form agreements with. Unity can only be achieved with a shared language or expression. Without recognition and sharing of intentions, there is no merger of consciousness. Improved communication skills lead to improved unity. Unity of Communications requires a Unity of Logistics for connections.

Unity of Philosophy of Cooperation

Agreement on methods for voluntary agreements (including contracts), social manners, protocols of exchange, handling conflict, and methods of earning respect and trust. Agreement on tolerated proximities (such as what is considered an invasion of space) and tolerated behaviors of others. Without agreement on how to agree, there are no agreements of any kind. Unity on Philosophy of Cooperation requires a Unity of Communications.

Unity of Force

Philosophy of force determines which virtues, morals, or ethics are to be forced on others. A pacifist would never force any ethic on others. A non-aggression principle adherent would force another person to refrain from physically harming others. A dictator would generally always force any and all their virtues, morals, and ethics on others with ample opportunity to do so economically. A harmonious Unity of Force requires Unity of Goodness, because otherwise philosophies may be attempted to be forced without an agreement that what is being forced is good in the first place.

Unity of Governance

A social bond as a set of behaviors based on a Unity of Force and Unity of Cooperation. Based on this shared philosophy, people may establish and implement their shared perspective collectively as a governing body.

This is encouraged by negotiating shared agreements on governance together in a compromise when there would be otherwise an insufficient strength of numbers for a population or intentional community. So, people may form a collective representing agreement on using force for personal self-defense, and another group forms agreement on collective self-defense. These groups are two different layers of unity that can then merge into an alliance because their values to not conflict.

Governance agreements may also include voluntary submissions, allegiance, or loyalty to an authority or government organization for final judgments.

Economic Governance

Agreement of economic governance, where participants declare a set of philosophies that govern their commercial contracts and civic behaviors of exchange.

Social Governance

Agreement of social governance for agreement on topics such as terms of self-defense.

Unity of Values and Vision

An interest group based on the importance of a topic or virtue. A shared domain of intentions for the future.

Success in this shared vision is expected to depend on a shared unity on more fundamental topics like a unity of governance.

Topic Knowledge Trust

is Trust based on either a shared interest or confidence in another's knowledge regarding a specific topic.

Unity of Resources

Agreement among people for resources to be exchanged or otherwise allocated for a goal.

Unity of Strategies


The methods decided upon to allocate resources to accomplish a goal.

Transparency-Privacy Balance

Agreement of expectations of what information is expected to be shared to the public domain and what information is expected to be kept private.

Unity of Tactics

The specific implementation of strategies done to accomplish a goal.

Unity of Family and Friends:

See Civic Unity Motions and Actions section.

Unity of One

The strength of one's mental ground is the integrity of their system of values. A mature mind offers resilience of perspective during life's challenges. Development of a strong mental ground in place of scattered incohesive thinking creates unity of mind. Properly prioritizing, recognizing, and organizing one's system of virtues and values provides a platform on which someone can know them self and their goals. Having a unified mind internally allows one to well unite externally with others for intimate personal relationships. See Rainbow Rock:Philosophic Feeling for a philosophy offering internal unity.

Perspective Unity Development


People are encouraged to form agreements upon each of these layers of unification to form a strong collective bond. By Unity of Philosophic Perspective, Unity of Organization, and Unity of Consensus Action, unity is achieved.

Unity of Philosophic Perspective

A Philosophic Perspective consists of Unity of Communications, Unity of Philosophy of Cooperation, Unity of Force, and Unity of Governance.

Unity of Organization

Agreement of Unity of Philosophic Perspective, Unity of Values and Vision, and Unity of Resources may be considered an organization, a collective, and a cooperative. People are encouraged to communicate with each other when they share these factors.

Formation of consumer unions, purchasing agencies, businesses, cooperatives, charities, and any other organization type provides strength in numbers to achieve goals more effectively.

Unity of Consensus Action

An organization forms Unity of Strategies and Unity of Tactics for effectiveness as a Unity of Consensus Action. A Unity of Consensus offers its participants the full strength of numbers.

Value Match Quiz

A series of questions designed to determine whether someone should consider them selves part of a philosophy, or provide others with access to a specific domain of information. A person with opposing values to an organization is more likely to violate the privacy of that organization, and so if values are sufficiently different, the person should be denied access to the service of the organization.

This quiz is expected to be used before any

controversial information service is provided, and especially a service controversial to the same jurisdiction as both the service provider and the service recipient.

Organizational Development: This is a list of items organizations are encouraged to consider on a regular basis: Organization Constitution Considerations

Founding Philosophy, Founding Mission, Founding Virtues and Values, Organizational Civil and Civic Duties, Organizational Missions

Organizational Classifications of People, Organizational Decision Making Philosophy, Organizational Conflict Handling Philosophy

Collective Personality, Organizational Cultural Guidelines

Organizational Considerations

Metrics of Success, Actions and Events, Perception of Internal Actions and Events, Perception of External Actions and Events

Formal Recordings of Actions and Events

Recordings of individual and collective

responsibilities, changes in duties

Recordings of recognitions and attributions, identity tables, contact tables, and honor.

Recordings of web of trust, command hierarchy or command network,

Recordings of restructuring including changes in governance, constitution, control structure, decision making processes, and hierarchy.

Recordings of processes, collaboration methods or framework, and behaviors

Recordings of agreement or opinion metrics, public relation and public perception metrics.

Recordings of contracts and agreements

Recordings of finances including balance sheet, cash flow, income statements, receipts, disbursements, etc.

Enforcement Practices

Incentive Structures

Social Incentives Gratitude, Status, Rank, Belonging Impact Incentives Official Recognition, Peer Recognition, Visibility of Impact, Peer Networking Mastery Incentives Official Recognition, Peer Recognition, Visibility of Mastery, Mentor Networking Attributions and Responsibility

Impact Statistics: Qualitative and Quantitative.

Individual, Group

Qualitative: Anecdotes, Reviews, Comments Quantitative: Statistics, Graphs, Charts

Individual Responsibility, Individual Voting Responsibility, Individual Awards, Individual Rewards Individual Credit for Work Attribution, Individual Punishment and Penalties

Collective Responsibility, Work Party Participation, Vote Responsibilities, Public Statements, Official Actions

Control Structure, Authority, and Honor:

Controlling Attention, Control Hierarchy

Control Distribution

Voting Controls

Conflict Handling, Honor of Authority

Web of Trust Authority

Passwords, Encryption Keys, Trust Rank

Chain of Command Authority

Honor of Claims

Actual vs. Agreed Powers

Agreement is limited to the strength of

communications of the people in agreement. Agreement is a matter of perspective. The more a perspective is shared, the stronger the collective powers. Those who can spend organization resources, have actual powers.

Those who can use physical force to access corporate resources have actual powers relative to how easy the force is to use. So, physical force may determine actual powers.

Capital to Character. Allocate the strongest resource control to people who are most able to produce the highest rates of return on investment. See analog

"Capital to Character" at the Civic Property Challenges:Capital to Character section.

Layered Organization

People of any one layer are not by default more important to the organization than people in other layers. Importance is considered based on assessment of value added to the organization by any one person.

Two Layer Modeling

Organizations that differentiate participant types can be considered layered organizations.

Example Names

Leader-Volunteer Master-Servant,

Leader-Follower, Guide-Follower,

Student-Teacher, Worker-Boss

Thee Layer Modeling

Example Names: Ringer-Coherent-Guider,




Decision-Making Methodology

Organizational Strategies Consensus Building, Voting, Trial and Error, Ranking, Scoring

Organizational Tactics

Brute Force


Brainstorming, Debate, Public Forum, Open Mic, Consultation, Appraisal, Delphi Forecast

Organizational Participation

Inclusion Filtering, Who is welcome

Exclusion Filtering, Who is unwelcome

Charity, Asking for help and coaching, Offering help and coaching, Offering development, Operations development, Organization development

Recommendations, Gratitude, Organizing Events, Organizing Roles, Organizing Governance, Organizing Resources, Organizing Contests

Fundraising, Work Groups, Work Parties, Pay it Back, Pay it Forward, Activities with Strongest Support Organizational Roles

Separation of Duties, Separation of Financial Stream Management

Advertising, Marketing, Accounting, Research and Development, Human Relations, Technology Integration Offerings Development

Interactive Content, Models and Demonstration Units, Mockups, Visualization Tools

Peer Collaboration

Creating a sense of belonging.

Peer Communication Platforms, Networking and Goal-Matching Platforms, Social and Social Media Platforms

Meetings, Meetup Clubs, Forums, Mentorships, Conferences Cooperation Encouragement

Ostracize Takers, Protect Givers From Burnout, Identification of Simple Help Methods, Help Others Help Them Self

If X Others Do Y, I Will Too Pact

Peer Recognition

Creating a Sense of Significance, Shout-Outs, Compliments, Peer Reviews

Mentorship and Mastery

Lessons, Apprenticeships, Tutorials, Coaching, Lectures, Speeches, Books, Magazines, Articles, Show and Tell, Skill Mastery Systems


Hands-On Workshops

Exhibitions and Museums

Resource Management and Flows by Stakeholder

Primary Resource Management Information Operations Practices, Depreciation Structure, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement

Time Contributors

To Organization

Operations Labor, Time Allocation Control, Resource Allocation Control, Offering Development, Organizational Development

To Each Contributor

Subsistence & Security Services, Participation Impact, Skill Mastery, Recognition

Wage, Salary, Profit Sharing, Compensation, Damages, Fraudulent Gains

Capital Contributors

To Organization

Capital, Consignment Goods, Rental Equipment To Capitalist

Bond, Stock, Dividend Distribution, Rental Fees Capital Primary Resource Management Information Rent vs. Buy Factors, Depreciation Controls, Security Measures, Balance Sheet, Stockholder's Equity Statement, Due Diligence

Contract Strength, Ratings and Reviews, Certifications and Equipment Expertise Information

Organization Alliances

Civil Action partners including Civil Trade Contract partners, Civil Market Contracts partners, Mediators, Escrow partners, and Dispute Resolution Organizations (DRO). Reference Civic and Civil Action section for details.

Government Alliance

Civic Alliances

Governments, Dispute Resolution Organization (DRO) alliances.

Economic Civic Participation (ref Rainbow Civics section) Incentive Structuring, Virtue Incentives, Offerings, Offering Review Incentives, Certification Development Incentive, Implied Policy Incentive, Civil Awards Incentives, Civil Rewards Incentive, Push and Pull Incentive

Civil Participation (ref that section), Content Sharing, Experience Sharing, Organizational Formation, Commercial Partnership.

Civil Collective Actions (ref Civil Social Participation:Civil Collective Actions)

Honor and shame, value signaling, spark start, critical mass building, volunteering.


Important factors of governance of societies.

Civic Analysis: Outline:

Root Authority

Civic Honor of Authority

Distribution of Authority

Executive Authority


Liberty Constraint Models

Resource Constraint Models

Resource Constraint Determination Metrics Social Constraint Models

Resource Governance Models

Health Metrics

Governance Classifications

Civic Analysis: Root Authority

Authority of Popularity Those deemed to be the most liked, charming, and sociable are deemed most authoritative.

Authority of Principle

(Source: Rainbow Civics:Civic Responsibility and Authority:Root Authority of Liberty and Law) A set of preferred principles are identified as authority, with people only having authority in terms of how closely they align them selves with those principles. People having maximum alignment would be considered to have equal authority. Principles may include concepts such as virtues, values, morals, ethics, and logic.

Authority of Strength

Those deemed as having the most strength relative to others are deemed as the most authoritative. People of equal strength would be considered to have equal authority. In this context, strength refers to energy flow strength such as economic strength and physical strength.

Authority of Divine Connection

Those deemed as having the strongest connection to God or a supreme being residing in another dimension are deemed as the most authoritative.

Authority of Merit

Those deemed to be the most skilled in a domain of talent, most intelligent, or most successful at a variety of metrics such as organization management or family values, are deemed most authoritative.

Root Authority Overlap

Root authorities are may overlap, such as economic strength being considered a merit for authority. Root authority could be considered additive so that root authority can be two or more types of authority together.

Authority vs. Trust

Rightful authority may be demanded, which many consider to be demanding respect of personal liberty as freedoms and rights with others. But, trust must be earned, not demanded. Both authority and trust may be delegated to others.

Civic Analysis: Civic Honor of Authority: Voluntarism - Tyranny Dichotomy

A purely voluntarist population never cedes to any threat of violence in favor of restriction of behaviors to perception of what is morally or ethically right. A purely tyrannical population always obeys all commands under threat by more powerful people in determining the rules for the less powerful. A voluntarist population follows a codes of law, conduct, and behavior as each believes to be the most authoritative law (currently most often considered to be natural law), while a rule of might population obeys specific people as believed to be the most powerful.

Majority Rule

Majority root is to claim majority or specific supermajority of a population by virtue of "wisdom of the crowd" to establish what liberties and laws are valid upon their will upon a vote of some sort, sometimes in exchange for guarantees of security.

This theoretic system has never been implemented because as it currently stands abstaining broadly speaking is approximately effective as one vote of yes and one vote of no. However, this effect may contradict of the non-voters wishes. Abstaining does not create implied support for any delegation of power or use of force to accomplish an objective, though this is typically the result in current voting systems. For example, if 65% of emancipated Italians participated in voting, a 2/3rds supermajority (as might be expected to determine basic rights) for Italy would be unobtainable, because a supermajority of the population does not vote. A simple majority of 1/2 plus one would be challenging because more than 3/4ths of the voters would need to vote yes for any given proposal to achieve a majority of the population. So in practice, systems by which voting

is claimed to be a systemic root, the minority group of most voters holds the dominant power.

Strongest Minority Rule

The population group ready, willing, able, and acting to assert physical force for issues of liberty and law is naturally expected to assert power over a population. This describes typical modern governments because voting rarely achieves a majority of emancipated people for any given vote.

Ruling Class and Natural Root

A natural root of authority does not imply a civilized or justified authority. The strongest minority are the common natural root of authority, and this often results in an internal process based on rule of might by individuals within the group that provides for a subset of people establishing the ruling class of a population.

Civic Analysis: Distribution of Authority Checked - Unchecked Dichotomy

A method of ethical assurance is to require exercise of power to be balanced with multiple people or classes of people, such as to avoid the use of force without support of multiple people in agreement. A pure monarchy and total anarchy have no such checks, while other forms of government do have checks.

Democracy - Oligarchy Dichotomy

The political authority distribution of a population from the highest number of people possible as a Democracy to one single person as a monarch. The expected effect of democracy is more moderation of rule and wider distribution of resources, while the expected effect of monarchy is unitary rule and concentration of resources. Populations where less than half of people consider them selves to be a part of the government are considerable as oligarchy, while more than half the population considering them selves to be a part of the government may so be considered a Democracy.

Cooperative Republic

Voluntary delegation of voluntary root powers to a personal advocate. This is considered the only civilized foundation of authority by those claiming purely voluntary root authority. People could still achieve a Democracy, Monarchy, or Divine rule in practice by delegating authority to such a system, but enabling one to withdraw their support at any time without legal consequence to a Cooperative Republic.

Divine Rule

Distribution of authority from an intelligent being in another dimension to one or more people in this dimension.

Civic Analysis: Consolidation of Authority Fiat Republic

Forced delegation of authority to a local advocate who is designated to be a personal advocate. This is typically done by strongest vote, where the voting block with the highest numbers controls delegation of authority. A Republic is currently mistaken for

"majority rule", while voting systems are currently by a minority of each population.

Cooperative Republic

Voluntary delegation to a personal advocate for the purpose of a specific social contract.


Delegation to a family advocate.


Delegation to a local advocate.

Judicial Consul

Delegation of authority to a judge.


An alliance which forms a cooperative governing body for specific aspects of governance such as commercial exchange between allied lands.


Governing bodies forced to cooperate as a conglomeration of more local powers to participate in a larger body of government. This often used as a part of totalitarian consolidation.


Delegation to the strongest people including both those with military and economic power.


Delegating those who focus on advocating the scientific method as a social solutions with the most amount of power.


Delegating those who focus on advocating technologies as a social solutions with the most amount of power.


Delegating those who focus on advocating spiritual philosophies as a social solutions with the most amount of power.


Delegating those who focus on advocating commercial activity as social solutions with the most amount of


Fascist Consolidation

Delegating those having the strongest economic power, while forcing business behavior by regulation. As such, this is also a model for economic resource constraint.


Delegation to private commercial corporate interests.

Mercantilism vs Fascism

Mercantilism as with fascism is a delegation to those with strongest economic power, but without necessarily having business regulations. So, fascism is a type of mercantilism focused on business regulation.

Communist Consolidation

Delegation to those offering to manage businesses by commandeering of industry and commerce, and its money flows. Furthermore, commercial profits may be limited and redirected by such delegates, including by corporate tax.

Fascist vs. Communist

Under fascism, title to industrial and commercial property remains private, while under communism title to such property are taken without

permission of the previous owner by a governing body. However, enough fascist regulations over those resources can be effectively the same with both systems. The other aspect of fascism is the business owners directly controlling government which include by election. Additionally, profits may be considered good under fascism while considered bad or restricted under communism.

Military Dictatorship

Delegation to the physically and militarily strongest people.


Delegating all power to one person as a ruler who claims and exercises maximum authority over a population.

Claim of Divine Right, Philosopher King

Socialist Consolidation

Delegation to those directly offering give away other people's personal wealth, without their permission, to designated classes of people. This combines with communism when businesses are the source of wealth.

Totalitarian Consolidation

Delegation of control of most people's time, rules of common activities, and resources, to rulers by

multiple consolidation methods.

Civic Analysis: Executive Authority


Authority by overpowering physical force. Leadership of dictatorships and despotic government is fiat authority.



Leadership by a "head of household" or "man of the house".


Person responsible for controlling another person.


Leadership of a ruling mercantile family within a broader competing power structure. This may also be named a mob.


Leadership by a ruling family. Titles include king, queen, prince, and princess.


Leadership by a family extending over multiple population centers.

Tribal, Governor

Leader of a localized population having shared cultural values.


Leader of judges having authority to establish prohibited behaviors.

Presidential, President

A leader of the most organizational authority elected by vote.


Authority by specialty or expertise in a specific domain.

Cohesive Authority

Leader of a cooperative, as voluntarily delegated personal authority on an individual basis.


Leader of an scientocracy or technocracy.

Divine Leadership

Leader of a theocracy.


Leader of a mercantile group.

Corporate Executive

Leader of a chartered commercial business or fascist organization.


Leader of one or more organizational ventures.


Leader of organizational personal relationships and associations, organizational formation including constitution.

Supreme Leadership

Supreme leader of a despotic tyranny.


Leader of a communist organization.

Global Community Organizer

Leader of a socialist organization.


People formally delegated with the most authority are the figurehead of an organization representation for duties of decision-making, public speaking, and negotiations. They are also the actual head of an organization if they have the highest influence for such duties. A figurehead is typically provided with a title to mark them as the organization leader.

Executive Authority: Class Constraint Models: Classed Society

In a classed society, everyone has different privileges delegated from a ruling class to the ruled class. Those in the ruling class take resources of less powerful people at will and redistribute them as desired.

In fascism, monarchy, and despotism, people are divided into a ruling class and subject class. The ruling class has full control of the subject class.

In socialism, people are divided into at least an upper and lower class. The upper class are the distributors and lower class are the distribution recipients. So, two or more classes exist according to their level of control over economic resources.

In a communist society, people are divided into at least a producer and consumer class, and furthermore classed according to their abilities, and their perceived need for economic resources.

Classless Society

In a classless society, everyone has equal authority of force and law.

In anarchism, anarcho-communism, anarcho-capitalism, and voluntarism, there is no ruling class having exceptional abilities. The right to to imprison others or take others resources without permission, is no greater for any one person than any other person.

Civic Analysis: Liberties: Social Liberties

Social liberties are cultural expressions respecting natural rules of force. Social liberties allow freedom of belief, freedom of expression, freedom of choices, and freedom of assembly. These liberties are protected by the right to civic justice, right to defense, and right to caregiving.

Economic Liberties

Economic liberties are personal private ownership over the creation, modification, and movement of resources, while respecting natural rules of force.

Anything other than full control of one's resources is a level of constraint. Economies liberties allow Freedom of Labor and Freedom of Trade by respect of Right to Property and Self.

Sharing Liberties

Sharing liberties are actions of used for travel, helping others, and exercise of equal authority.

Sharing liberty allows freedom of travel and the protection of that freedom and others through the right of equal authority. Sharing liberties can be considered socioeconomic liberties. Such broad liberties are supported by people who support an unclassed society but may be opposed by people who support a classed society.

Civic Analysis: Liberty Constraint Models: Left Wing - Right Wing Dichotomy

Left wing means a preference for economic constraints in rejection of economic liberties.

Right wing means a preference for social constraints in rejection of social liberties.

Authoritarian - Libertarian Dichotomy

Authoritarian means constraints in rejection of liberties.

Libertarian means asserting economic, social, and sharing liberties.

Libertarian Left/Right means voluntary sacrifice of economic (left) or social (right) liberties for an intentional community.

Liberal - Conservative Dichotomy

Dynamic Type

Conservatives want laws to remain the same with any recent changes to be undone.

Liberals want laws to change dramatically.

Static Type

Conservative is the "right wing" while liberal is the "left wing" ideology in the left-right

dichotomy. In addition, static conservatives may want to conserve the environment and the scope of their interaction with nature as a

conservationist, which is a subset of a

conservative position that can be independent to the left-right dichotomy.


The desire to limit one's natural resource utilization in relation to all available natural resources. Conservationism consists of both forceful and voluntary constraints. The forceful constraints may be considered left wing economic constraints.

Civic Analysis: Resource Constraint Models: Capitalism

Defending individual and organizational owners of economic resources, to continue ownership as full control of such resources. This system is contradictory to fascism, communism, and socialism.

Rather than constraining businesses from

participation in commercial activity, this system defends economic participants for continuance of their commercial activity. People who are not considered owners of the resource are constrained from control over that resource without consent of the owner. When a non-government body has an industrial monopoly where the industry is unregulated, this is considered a capitalist supply constraint. This is typically done using business contract leverage. Some capitalist constraint systems fragment or otherwise deleverage such monopolies, while others allow them.


Requirements by force to only utilize

government-approved organizations for economic resources, including by licenses or permits, but also by dictating supply and demand control edicts directly as quantity and quality controls, as the source for the means of production or other economic activity. This system is contradictory to communism and capitalism, but compatible with socialism.

Examples of fascism include fishing permits and hair cutting licenses. Fascism often forms industrial monopolization when consolidating industry as a partnership of chartered business (as corporation) and the state. As with capitalism it could also fragment monopolies, but the reverse would be expected more often.


The redistribution of personal and organizational economic resources by a governing body from people or organizations with more resources to people or organizations with less resources. This can be partially done indirectly by market price controls including business minimum wages. Private business regulations unrelated to supply and demand (which are considered fascism) are socialist business regulations. This system is considered compatible with communism and fascism, but contradictory to capitalism.


Placing means of production, including production of monies, into the hands of a governing body. The government body is believed as claimed by the people of those under this jurisdiction to advocate for their interests. This system is contradictory to fascism and capitalism, but complimentary to socialism. Communism may include mandated industrial monopolies by forcing competitors to government-run businesses closed. A common implementation of communism is a government-operated logistics service for mail delivery.

Fiat Business Regulations

Business regulations by force of government are categorized as fascist or socialist depending on their nature. Fascist regulation is focused on supply and demand as quantity, quality, and allowance of production and distribution. Socialist regulation is focused on worker terms and conditions and customer benefits. An example of fascist regulation is a requirement to get a fishing license. An example of socialist regulation is a price limit on fish for sale. This contrasts with capitalist business regulations which are set by customer contracts as either implied or stated. An example of a capitalist business regulation is a customer who only shops at a market which has ethically sourced fish and pays their workers a living wage.

Civic Analysis: Resource Constraint Determination Metrics Capitalism

Ratio of resource usage per unit time as government to non-government resource usage. Currently this could be measured as annual non-government spending to total spending published as GDP measurements. This can then be multiplied by the inverse of the fascist constraint metric to subtract out fascist constraints, as they reduce capitalism. The inverse

of the capitalist metric is the economic constraint metric.


Ratio of government chartered businesses such as corporations to sole proprietorships, in terms of employees and revenues. Per-capita licenses, economic approvals, and permits. Average hours worked for tax accounting. Number of people in prison for prohibited business activity. Number of words in business regulations more related to supply and demand controls than pricing or worker benefit controls.

This would be best measured as annual chartered (by corporation), licensed, or location-controlled/zoned commerce business revenues to total spending published as GDP measurements.


Government welfare and wealth redistribution payments per unit time. Number of words in business regulations less related to direct supply and demand quantity and quality controls, but more related to market price controls and worker benefit controls.

Currently this could be measured as annual government spending on welfare and wealth redistribution efforts, to total spending published as GDP



Government revenues by industry per unit time.

Currently this could be measured as annual government revenues from all business activity, tariffs, corporate taxes, commercial fees, fines, permits, and licenses, then less any socialist redistribution costs (because those are already measured as socialism). Divide this number by total spending published as GDP measurements to determine the percentage of communism.

Civic Analysis: Social Constraint Models


One group of people forces another otherwise unwilling group of people to behave to a conformed society. Culture, social behavior, reproductive behavior, and personality traits are required by force. Restraints may include requiring permission for action, banning others (outside a ruling class) from having certain substances, and requiring participation in group events.

Theocratic Constraint

Specific belief systems are required by force.

Specific beliefs may be mandated to be taught in

schools. Distribution of specific educational material may be mandated. People expressing specific beliefs may be officially ostracized.

Fascist Constraint

Controlling social behaviors through businesses supply and demand regulations. Zoning regulations determine where specific roads and buildings can go. Flow of goods is tightly controlled at borders, with many items banned and others being taxed in some way. Checkpoints along borders may be established to ensured such supply & demand regulations are enforced.

Communist Constraint

Controlling social behaviors by management requirements by government owned industry. Private roads are disallowed or otherwise restrained such that most or all roads are government owned. Most or all schools are government owned.

Socialist Constraint

Controlling social behaviors by attaching requirements to receipt of socialist welfare benefits, and business price and worker benefit regulations.

Cultural Constraint

Specific cultural expression is forced. Cultural arts, music, dance, speech or ceremonies may be required by force. Borders are closed to people flowing from one side to another. Marriages and other caretaking contracts may require a

government permissions.

Ethnic Constraint

Specific ethnicities may be restricted more than others. Borders are controlled to filter out specific ethnicities. Genetic programs may be established to maintain people of specific characteristics.

Medical Constraint

Specific medical treatments or items are required by force. Controlling social behaviors by attaching requirements to medical treatments.

Ecological Constraint

Land and building developments must be approved by a regulator for environmental protection

assurances. This generally assumes that someone's property freedoms will be abused to damage the environment without cooperation with government development agents.

Intellectual Constraint

Intellectual property and processes are restricted

by government regulation. Academic controls require education of various types for the population such as mandatory schooling.

Security Dictatorship

The definition of harm may be expanded from actual physical harm to theoretical harm. Fines may go to a government rather than victims of crimes. A large fraction of the populace might be put in prison for ethics violations that are not expected to be forcible according to freedoms and rights.

Weapons may be banned for those outside a ruling class. Border Checkpoints and internal checkpoints ensure the lower class is unarmed and avoiding intoxicant and banned items.

Totalitarian Dictatorship

Controlling social behaviors using most constraint models.

Social Equality

Force may only be used to stop the wrongful force of others under the non-aggression principle, carbon rule, and noble gas rule in any matter related to culture, reproductive behaviors, or personality traits, rather than property ownership or resource flows. The same social rules always apply to everyone who can act as a person. Social equality can include theocratic equality for equal religious opportunity, market opportunity equality for freedom of supply and demand as an open competitive marketplace, ownership opportunity equality for equal opportunity to own means of production, property distribution rights equal opportunity for each individual just as much authority chose how their property is to be best distributed, medical choice equality for the right to determine the medical treatments of one's own body, culture opportunity equality to give everyone the choice of cultural expression, ethnic equal opportunity to give all people equal freedoms of opportunity, and land development opportunity equality to give all people the same right to develop land as any other person or group.

Freedom Auditing

Volunteers exercise freedoms to their maximum extent to ensure they are fully intact. This is currently called rights auditing but in fact most current auditors are not testing rights but freedoms, most often the freedom of speech and freedom to remain silent. A right is the use of physical force to maintain a freedom. Current freedom auditors generally avoid the use of force.

Civic Analysis: Resource Governance Models Civil Court

The redistribution of personal and organizational economic resources by a governing body using a civil court system which requires the people who cause damage by engaging in commercial activity, declared by such a governing body to be unjustified damage, to compensate the damaged people. This is considered compatible with other governing constraint models.



Restricting and taxing flows of commercial originating from unfavored sources of economic resources.


Offering benefits and subsidies to favored sources of economic resources.

Bread & Circus

A dictating group may control its population with games. A dictating group may supply food to needy people.

Financial Dictation

A dictating group may label compensation for ethics violations as fines and fees be funneled through them rather than victims being directly compensated for wrongs. They may take as much as all of the money for them self.

Ethical Bond

A society having social equality may require people to hold money for ethical violations of risk of damage,

Civic Analysis: Governance Classifications Security

Military (External Focus)

Border Walls

Policing (Internal Focus)

Physical Restraint


Banking, Utilities, Building Construction, Goods Services

Entertainment, Healthcare

Intangible Property, Zoning


Logistics, Border Customs, Transit Systems Social



Family Structure Health



Redistributions, Property Constraint, Diplomatic Culture




Civic Analysis: Health Metrics

Volunteering Time Spent

Communal, Intrafamily

Mortality Indicators

Infant Mortality, Longevity, Reproduction Rate (Replacement Rate or More Needed)

Physical Capability Indicators


Walking, Climbing, Lifting from Ground, Grip Manipulation


Eating, Dressing, Cooking, Bathing, Reading, Writing, Calculating, Heavy Machine Operation Mental Capability Indicators


Cooperation Ability

Family Stability

Caretaking Marriage Success Rate, Time and Distance Spent Moving

Social Stability

Morality, Ethics, Cooperation Level

Please color the Rainbow Rock. This text is to be re-written any way you wish. If you have this writing, re-write as you own any ideas that you receive as you accept or reject. This is a beginning, not an end.

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