Resonance with the Self by Martin Euser - HTML preview

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Traditional views of death don’t encourage us to think about it Why knowledge of the processes of death is useful

Man: a stream of consciousness

Death is a gradual process

After-death states according to Theosophy

How can we verify the given information ourselves?


Ch. 6: Roberto Assagioli's psychosynthesis and the act of will Introduction

Phases of the act of will

Bringing a vision into manifestation

Some concluding remarks

Appendix A: A monadic model of the human being

Appendix B: Qualities working within the human psyche


In today's fragmented society, many people seem to have lost any sense of meaning and purpose.

Our materialistic science has taught us that we are just a kind of advanced ape with a big brain brain. Survival of the fittest and fierce competition has been hammered in like a dogma. Religion has lost its appeal for many, because of its inconsistency or incompatibility with science. "God is dead", Friedrich Nietzsche said.

To make matters worse, the world is facing threats like climate change, ecological destruction, pandemics, resource scarcity, financial instability, authoritarian regimes, psychopathic leadership, and so on.

Yet, this is not the whole story. Throughout the ages there have been and still are spiritual teachers who have tried to help the human race by explaining that there is more to this world than the eye can see. They have provided us with insights that could transform this world into a much better place than it currently is.

Indeed, the goal of this book is to summarize some of the essence of these teachings and provide some techniques and practices for you to expand your awareness of what life, death, cooperation and struggle is all about.

The emphasis lies on your inner game and how to deal with the conflicting impulses in your system. Space is reserved on some pages to write down your observations and experiences with the exercises.

Some consideration will also be given to new organizations that strive to bundle individual efforts to change the course humanity is currently on. After all, insights need to be applied in one's daily life and today that life influences the whole globe through its consumption and ecological footprint.

May this information be of help to you, the reader, and the people you connect with. In case you want to contact me, email me at Thanks goes to all those who have inspired me to write this book.

Martin Euser

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The topics of this book comprise a vast terrain. They range from perception, belief systems and world views (religion, science), to the underlying principles that can be seen operating throughout nature. Some of this material can be found elaborated in my book “Mysteries of the human mind”, freely available at

Here, I have condensed some of that material and added some new insights and new articles of mine.

Some may ask: why have I chosen the title “Resonance with the Self”?

The reason for this is as follows: unless one has some clarity in mind as to one's purpose and goals in life that fit well with one's character and potential, one will struggle endlessly and may well despair as to the meaning of life at all.

The study of first principles of how nature works will give satisfaction to the brain and heart. Learning to cooperate with nature, including humans, brings joy to the self (and the Self as well!). The “Self” refers to that part in you that is the spiritual part. In actuality, the Self is your parent from which you originate. Learning to attune to the Self means to discover who you are, deep inside, and learning to cooperate with others for a more harmonious world. What could be more important? This is also the natural way to evolve, to unfold one's potential.

The techniques and practices I describe in this book will provide some help to those who are seeking to get a clearer picture of the situation they find themselves in, and of the global state of affairs at this time in history. It is not a scheme of get-rich-and-happy-quick, of which too many already exist. It is not the little self or ego-personality that is the center around which everything revolves, but the larger world in which it is embedded that should matter. Empathy is the quality that is sorely needed in our world.

Many false beliefs need to be exposed and wrong conditioning needs to be undone.

Humanity as a whole will need a long time to reach that point. You, as an individual, have an opportunity to start now and have a deep look inside yourself.

By doing so, you are also influencing your environment, since all is connected in this world and the universe at large.

Transforming the self is hard work at times. Yet, the gratification and joy can be immense. Have a pleasant and fruitful journey!

The author