Sci-Fi Film Fiesta The Lost Last Volume 12: Speculations & Ruminations
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Author: Chris Christopoulos
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The Lost Last Volume 12 “Speculations & Ruminations” deals with various implications, themes and ideas that often arise out of the world of science fiction films and literature referenced in the other volumes of this eBook series. All of this material is organised into four broad sections:Part 1: “Going Forward”Part 2: “Dystopia Now”Part 3: “Poetic Ponderings”Part 4: “Sci-Fi Future Is here & Now”The content of this volume is intended to encourage a bit of thought and debate about the world we live in, the kind of future we would (and wouldn’t) wish for ourselves and for future generations, along with an appreciation of the sometimes abused, tenuous and fragile nature of what many of us take for granted such as freedom of thought and speech and our system democracy.