Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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Pushing the Limits

Researchers of the 'Centre de Recherche en Biologie de la Reproduction, CRBR' a Canadian university hospital research center affirm that an ovum doesn't lose its original propriety of reproduction despite aging. Each ovum reproduced is just as efficient and has the same potential as all those that proceeded. Those to come later will also be just as able. The ovum also enjoys another very interesting capacity: when interfering with cells, it resets their biological clock to zero; these cells then regain the original proprieties they had previously lost through the process of aging. Isn't this a clear demonstration that the aging process is stoppable, even reversible?

Other researchers on the diabetic disease have made another scientific discovery: They have evidenced the capacity of 'dead' cells to come to life again. Personally, convinced as I am of the incredible capacity of the human mind, I'm not surprised for I know that this is just normal evolution for humanity.

You have heard about stem cells! These now famous cells that science thought could not even exist a few years ago. They were first found only in rare human tissues (e.g. fetus, umbilical cord). Nowadays, scientists recognize that they are present in all human tissue. These cells have the exceptional capacity to reprogram themselves, replace and assume a new and specialized task in an injured tissue. This is just another demonstration that we have, in ourselves, the capacity to deal with and correct the aging process. Believing has replaced denial of stem cells in the science community. Soon, researchers will learn to tame this formidable potential deeply hidden in the complexity of any living creation.

Every day brings new evidences that we, human beings, are endowed with the potential to change the reality of our daily life. Using the power that has been incorporated in our organism – physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual or whatever one chooses to name it -. We can improve each and every aspect of our lives as well as those of other people, individually or collectively. Most people are totally unaware of this capacity they have, though they benefit this process on a continuous basis, without their conscious participation. What I advocate in this book is that you become conscious of your own capacity and use it willingly to upgrade your life and reach perfect harmony with Nature.

Have you ever sensed you can suddenly feel and see something you had missed for a long time? Something that seems to have existed for ever but was kept hidden to you till the time was right? What doesn’t exist for you at this moment may very well be available to a fellow human being. Your reality is unique and ever changing.

Your mind has been forged by a number of dictums, dogmas and beliefs. Your development is the product of a culture. And any culture, whatever its source, has fences and limitations. While what has been achieved may be commendable, the process of growth, inevitably, slows down. You may even have reached a point where no serious gain seems possible. The spark of life that was active in your early age is already losing its intensity. Your unconscious mind has become impervious to your conscious request for improvement. It remains insensitive to your demand to rekindle the fire, return into action, restart the process of development and grow more intelligence and more abilities for you. The stagnation will persist unless you challenge it with something radically different and appealing Your brain and body develop for as long as there is a need to adapt and extend their capabilities to cope with the environment. As soon as that point is reached, they become less excited and the subconscious stops seeking to expand the development of your abilities merely because there are no more challenges goading them. In a way, it shuts itself up and begins to run in a closed circuit.

Unless you put new logs in the fireplace, the intense flame of constant growth and development dwindles. If you are to make some progress, time has come for you to poke through the embers, shock and surprise your mind with new ideas. We’re not unlike students who feel tired and bored at the end of a school day. However, if you manage to ignite their interest with something new – in contents or presentation – you might well hear them ask for more. It’s all about piquing their interest or curiosity.

In order to get your brain to restart the process of generating new neurons and synapses, and developing additional intellectual and physical capabilities, it is important to remove some barriers and limitations that have been erected in the past. It is essential that these borders go.

Let's call the first phase of modification: ‘The Reshuffling of the Mind’. When one is placed in a new, unfamiliar environment, the brain works overtime. Faculties are sharper, and your sense of observation is in full alert. Let both sides of your brain – the gray matter and the white matter - explore, analyze, assess and understand the new situation and react appropriately. The brain analyses all new elements it is confronted with, compares them with the ones he is already familiar with, and draws some conclusions. In doing this, the mind develops new knowledge and new abilities.

The human mind, in this way, is not much different from muscles which, after stretches of disuse, respond to sustained physical stimulus by developing more strength and, in the long run, resistance to fatigue. The same principle works with the brain. When exposed to and confronted with new notions, especially when they are arguable, debatable and controversial, the brain’s capacity expands and grows more powerful.