Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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Understanding the Metamorphosis of Reality

Understanding the notion of metamorphosis of reality is difficult for a majority of people. I will reduce it to a very simple example. While composing text on my computer, I create a reality: the text itself. When it comes to a second draft, I can treat it in several ways. Change it and keep all former versions available for recall, or I can delete, replace, and save the corrections, crushing the former text and replacing it with the newly created one. What is erased is gone forever, irretrievable.

It is the same with our lives. It is possible for us to change and remember the past. It is also possible to go much deeper, pop up in a new reality, erasing the past without a trace of memory. This is realized mainly when the past reality would be incompatible with the new one.

In our world, we manage the computer but at the Universe's level, man is more like a sentence in a text than the writer and operator of the machine. Modifying a life is like adding a bucket of water into an ocean. As soon as it is done, the whole ocean consumes the alteration and the pail of water just added loses its former condition forever.

Within its field of authority, the potential for change in a person’s life is without boundaries. Yet a number of conditions have to be met for a dream to become a reality. No alteration will ever take place without a reason to be. Let me tell you the short story of the pop star Céline Dion who is an inspiration for French speaking Canadians and a lot of other people all around the world. To the Quebecers she is “Céline” and most have the feeling that they know her personally. Why is that so? The answers lie in Céline’s traits of personalities. Mrs Dion is a genuine, generous, friendly and nice person. She can get about anything money can buy, yet she has not lost her human sensitiveness.

I am quoting Céline Dion as an example, not because she is a pop star but because she represents the keenest of evidence that fairy tales are sometimes made true. Céline was born in a very modest family. She attempted a regular public small town school. She could rely on no highly placed relation to push her up the ladder in the artistic community or anywhere else.

The girl was enjoying three elements that would allow her to walk out of an ordinary and possible dull life. They were: a) She was gifted as an artist b) she had a mother who, though not highly educated, had dreams, vision, and guts, c) Céline had an exceptional will power and was nursing her own dream.

Early in life, the child and her mother were dreaming of a future for Céline. That dream was intense, emotional and sustained. What was different with this dream was that the dreamers, united in their goal, were working seriously on its transformation into a reality. Céline’s mother would write a song for her daughter: “Un rêve” (A dream). She would contact influential agents and try to convince them that her daughter had a talent for singing. Slowly, very slowly, though being scorn by many of her co-citizen, Céline emerged from the crowd and transformed into one of the most successful and respected artist in the world.

I hear people saying loudly “You’re talking about a person exceptionally gifted by Nature. It’s not the same with me. I’ve got no special talents!”. You’re wrong. You don’t understand the meaning of my words. Céline’s fate was hers to accomplish and yours is different. Céline was successful with her life and so can you. You’re a different person with a different destiny. I want you to understand that Nature has provided you with some freedom to use at will in order to perform your role as a human. You’re an actor. Your role is defined within certain limits but the way you play it is your choice. Let me tell you this: “There are clowns among kings, and there are kings among clowns”. A good actor can earn the best reward playing the character of a humble servant as a lousy one will fail miserably in the skin of a rich prince.

The role you are playing as a human is no guarantee of happiness. The way you play it is.

We poor humans have not invented all possibilities. We are only entitled to use and adapt a very small number of them to fit our human situation. Scientists have correctly taught us that nothing is created and nothing is lost in our universe. Humans have the capacity to discover, adopt and adapt what actually does exist in their universe. Man has not created any part of any universe. All building blocks destined to form a physical of metaphysical creation already exist. The same can be said for all principles and notions, whatever their type or variety. Man has not created bad and good; justice and injustice; the desire for changes; heroes and villains; love and hate; the need to eat; the feeling of satiety; the possibilities for particles to agglutinate, reshape, transform, expand and grow into something larger or more refined. To humans, all these principles and notions are raw material they may and can use to alter the composition of the universe they lives in but, for the sake of this explanation, it must be considered man never "created" anything.

If you have ever seen photos of galaxies in movement you have certainly noticed that they form and move in ways very similar to hurricanes on earth. Even at this level, the pattern repeats itself.

Reality is not frozen forever. It can metamorphose. The question is how. The problem with understanding or accepting this concept lies in our inability to remember the most dramatic changes. Man can see through polished clear glass but he cannot see through most other solid matter. The existence of the possibility of substituting a reality for another is certainly difficult to grasp but is in fact highly plausible for people trained in the metaphysical fields. But for a few geniuses, one doesn’t become a great musician without devoting a lot of efforts and sacrifices to the profession.

Scientists are the only ones who know for sure that neutrinos are a reality. We place our confidence in them. Only a few amid us hold some evidence that reality can be changed. Trust me on this one. It’s a fact.

Time has come to revert to this actual reality that is yours. You have created your reality; you are responsible for you current situation, good or bad. Your perception of your environment is also your own creation. You have the capacity to design for yourself a new reality, change everything you want to. All this is part or playing your role in the theatre of humanity.

You are justified in being skeptical. So far, you have just been told, over and over, that you should declare yourself satisfied with your condition. I tell you: change only what you want to improve and disregard what you hear from others. They only represent the mirror of your own being. You hear through them what your subconscious wants you to hear. What you need to do now is exert more influence on your subconscious mind.