Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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The Management Structure

I have before likened the formation of the Universe to Russian dolls. The systems being integrated one into the other under a unified commandment. Management models describe such organizations as "a vertical management structure". We, poor humans, don’t rank high enough in the Universal management structure to even be shown the full organization chart. Therefore, we are unaware of the number (if limited) of levels under, above, inside, outside or besides us. We are trapped in our doll, and prevented from seeing beyond our little world.

But for a few exceptions, and with the intention of making it look simple, we could say that a body of entities under a unified direction governs us human beings. Let's immediately clarify the word "exceptions". Multiple personality individuals are victims of multiple heads or split authority management. Others are under the influence of 'spiritual virus' that skew the normal pattern of behavior and introduce erratic conducts totally out of line and reason. These situations constitute the exceptions I was referring to.

The rule is: all our components have a life of their own. We are constituted of parts organized on the same model as our whole. Our organism, as a human being, enjoys some independence and all our components benefit of the same. Yet, we operate in perfect symbiosis. One cannot be what he actually is without all others playing their roles. However it is impossible for a human being to identify each and every piece of the systems he is composed of and describe their role. Each separate system embodies other systems, parts and components that we are obviously unaware of, and hence unable to identify and/or define. To exemplify, think of a conversation with a child who asks questions about how babies are made. Whatever your answer, he will continue with "why, how and when?" until you come absolutely out of answer.

Now that we know a bit more about ourselves, let's revert to our current concrete reality and see how we can use the opportunities placed at our disposal. We are managed mainly by a number of systems referring to us through the subconscious. Notwithstanding, we are at liberty to influence, if not control, some aspects of our life. We are offered the possibility of cooperating more intimately with our subconscious with the intention to improve our condition. By working more closely with our intimate partner-boss, we can develop and enjoy substantial benefits by way of additional physical, intellectual and spiritual potential. Those who understand the principle and incorporate it in their lives immensely increase their chance of attaining the state of happiness we all long for. Working in harmony with one's superior offers better chances of success than otherwise.

We are not alone in the Universe. We are extremely tiny, yet we are important. Here on earth, we enjoy opportunities to prove that we are capable of climbing the steps to higher management levels. Like employees in an organization, we are expected to learn, improve and perform better and better. We are not really given a choice. A higher entity has obliged us to perform or pay a heavy price for non-compliance. Disobeying or striking is no valuable option.

The knowledge of what has just been disclosed makes it possible for you to improve your daily life, alleviate your difficulties, help you become a better person and extract a great deal more happiness and satisfaction from life. Spreading happiness around will just add the magic touch required to really make it happen.

Those who believe that their involvement is not worthwhile, that their life is vain, that their absence would make no difference in the humanity are absolutely wrong. You have a role to play in this theater and it needs to be played out fully. It cannot be discarded without disturbing the whole show. I play my role with enthusiasm and find happiness in it. Play yours gracefully, with your mind and your heart wide open. We all have the same importance and the same impact, you and I… and all our fellow men.