Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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The Bond that Link our Parts Together

We have already imagined how cosmic objects are formed. Let’s now look at man and try to understand why all our parts stick together.

No particle is exactly free. It is necessarily part of an organized system. Before our formation, all our components were parts of another creation. Why did they detach themselves from that organism to associate with ours? The answer is “evolution”. In the very same way, our bodies will terminate their current lives and associate with other parts of creation – whether as leading entity or as a junior associate will be determined depending in many factors that will vary for each of us.

It is easy for a human to realize that there is a force that binds all our components together though that force remains unidentified. Each human being is made of billions and billions of elementary particles clinging to one another. At one point, the process of growing stops; leaving the organism free to continue its life as a mature creation. Later, the reverse process comes into action and plays its role until the moment comes when all particles that had associated with the body get free and move out to carry on their separate mission. What is that force that attracted all the particles required to build men? How come they were free to be used in our composition and why will they, one day, part from us and join another organism? Why has the elusive intelligence that presided over our formation made us temporal? Is it a “use and discard” concept as some thinks of? Why does that powerful force that firmly held billions of particles together give up after 50, 70 or 100 years? Why does that force keep an interest in our organism only while it is living as a human being abandoning us afterwards?

The answer to these all-similar questions is always the same: evolution. No creation, whatever its form, lasts forever. Man, as every other part of this creation

must move ahead. You and I must work positively to our future well-being. This planet is our school. Nature is our teacher. Just like in this life, the best students will have a better chance of getting the best jobs in their next assignment. One must realize that the various systems composing this world are copies of larger systems, one inside the other, culminating only with the ultimate one that is the Universe. As any good parent, Lady Nature wants you to grow in strength, intelligence, and wisdom; however, remember the essential: this teacher of yours will never ask for more than you can give. The ultimate measure used to rate your performance refers essentially to the efforts devoted to complete your task and takes into account the talents you were afforded when you were born.