Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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Your life must be dedicated to the task of finding your point of harmony with all other elements of the Creation. Happiness lies in no other place.

No creation of the Universe can exist as a fully independent entity. Every form, whatever its composition or substance, exists as part of a larger system that is part of the whole. One cannot always take and never give back. If you wish to make happiness yours, you must first spread its seeds around. These will then grow, ripe, and bounce back to you the boomerang way. It you're too stingy and mean to act generously, happiness will elude you for the duration of your life.

This book will guide you through the labyrinth that will take you to the destination you must reach to dutifully complete your mission on planet Earth and make the whole voyage a happy and fruitful adventure.

Secrets of the mind is also used as a prerequisite to the enhancement of the mind-brain combination. The reshuffling of the mind that is proposed throughout this work will pave the way for a real physical 'rewiring' of the brain with the goal of largely improving and enriching one's life.

Before you get to the ‘how-to’ part in Get a Brain lift, I urge you to proceed with some reorganization of your mind, reject some prejudicial ideas and make room for many concepts you will have to scrutinize carefully with an open mind. Some views will be new to you, others will seem very odd, perhaps even a bit disturbing. Think about them; mull them over and over as these new notions carry an unlimited capacity to improve your life on this planet and beyond. Because there is no one else like you in this world, these exercise will allow you to blend your very unique and map the road you will walk on for the rest of your life.

Reshuffling your mind implies that your existing standards will be put to trial. New and different ways of assessing, scrutinizing, and imagining things will be introduced. The language may not be what you’re used to; the format will be different; and the subjects arranged in, what may seem an odd manner. Many times, you might disagree with the notions expressed and the conclusions drawn. You will find points so obvious as to make expressing them redundant. The whole content will offer you the occasion to test your own beliefs, ponder mines, and confront both groups in order to retain what looks more promising for you.

The keyword here is ‘Challenge’. The idea is for the reader to be disturbed one way or another. You are not expected to agree straightaway. You must mix and remix the arrangement of your mind to suit yourself. The end result will be a very clear, decisive, and personal opinion that will guide you till you reach the next level of existence.

Do accept the challenge this book offers you: it will make you stronger, better and happier, while making clear to you the very reasons for your existence.

Any fool can appreciate success. If you cannot accept negative experiences you have not learned much yet for they account for half of the lessons you have to master to reach your life's destination.

The second sequence of the program is concerned with Brain Power it will introduce you to the concept Psy-Powered Workout or, more simply PPW, a technique that will help you drastically improve your intellectual and physical capabilities. After the reshuffling has prepared the mind for the next stage, this part will create a the link between your physical power and your intellectual potential. It will also teach you how to improve the conscious brain, and how spreading happiness can bring harmony and complete happiness to one’s own life. The association results in a dramatic increase in power and richness of life while fully complying with one’s existential mission.

The whole human physical organism is under the direct control of the brain, and the development of intellectual potential will normally lead to the improvement of the physical body. Part III further explains PPW, lays down a few dos and don’ts and the best ways to get the results you long for.

For those who are impaired in some way, everything expressed here is based on a general principle. Don’t take it too literally: you are a unique physical, psychological and spiritual entity. Adapt the principle to fit your own situation and work with your personal reality.

These sequences are not a must but are highly recommended Nature is very demanding but leaves no worker unpaid. You work on the goal, and you enrich your life, one way or another.