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Chapter 7: Communication

«The emotions are meant to be shared. » Marc Lévy Let us now analyze communication modes between

individuals, with or without the intervention of our 5 senses.

We will begin with the theories of communication and then study the telepathy, the emotional contagion and the action of human thought.

7.1 Theory

The communication theories study the modes of information transmission from the issuer to the recipient through a specific channel.

Each act of communication involves a linguistic code, a

couple: speaker and interlocutor and an external context.

Cyber model

The first attempt at modelling belongs to the «information theory» of C.Shannon.

It is a mathematical theory that formalises information and its transmission in a probabilistic way.

American telecommunications engineers, C.Shannon and

W.Weaver, were the first to propose a schematic representation of the communication.

In the 1948 article Mathematical Theory of Communications, C.Shannon describes the main aspects of communication:

encoding, redundancy and data compression.

C. Shannon gives to the information a physical status and thus fundamental characters, as for any other material entity.

Psycholinguistic model

The language is not limited to the exchange of information but 57

implicitly conveys acts: «to say» is «to do».

The act of language is an action exercised by speech, it is a social act involving at least two people.

J.L.Austin distinguishes between three types of speech:

- The locutionary act corresponding to the act of saying, producing speech,

- The illocutionary act of speaking, act of promise or

order, and

- The perlocutionary act, the effect produced by the

speaker: a reaction, a response or a challenge.

Beyond the words, the way, the tone, the meaning, the gestures modulate the message transmitted.

The communication within a community contributes to its

socio-cultural development.

Systemic model

The Palo Alto School is a stream of thought born in California, analysing communication and human relations based on

cybernetics and linguistics.

Communication is a continuous social process, combining

several modes: gesture, pose, look, word... It is a complex system open to its environment.


Every communication has two aspects: the content and the relationship, the second giving meaning to the communication.

In talk, external elements are part of it. It is a communication in the communication, also known as the metacommunication*.

Code and language

To communicate, you must speak the same language but also use the same codes, of which there are two:


- The analog code, affective and symbolic where the

meaning: the word has an analog link with the

meant: the sense,

It is complemented by mimics, gestures expressing the

emotion experienced,

- The dialogic one, objective, analytical respecting

syntax and semantics,

The word choice is arbitrary and refined over time,

Through two languages:

- The analog one, including the meaning and meant,

- The digital one in which the relationship between the meaning and meant results from an agreement,

It is at the origin of the different languages, illustrating the specific context of each society.


Shannon gives to the notion of information a full physical status and therefore specific fundamental characteristics.

The language is not limited to the exchange of information but implicitly conveys acts: «to say» is «to do».

Every communication has two aspects: the content and the relationship, the second giving sense to the communication.

When speaking, the context is part of it, it is a communication in the communication.

To communicate, you must speak the same language but also use the same codes.

The communication within a community contributes to its

socio-cultural development.

7.2 Telepathy

The telepathy is regularly studied, it is often observed between 59

close protagonists: twins, mother and child or man and pet.

Thousands of cases have been reported, for example:

- In 1965, T.D Duane and T.Behrendt demonstrated that

the brain stimulation to produce alpha waves in a twin

instantly changes his brother's EEG.

According to G.L.Playfair, 3 conditions must be met: the transmitter must be exposed to a powerful stimulus, transmitter and receiver must be in the right mind state and the more intimate the bond, the stronger the signal.

Debbie LaChusa classifies lived experiences into 5 types: pain transmission, simultaneous accidents, premonition, remote view and awareness of a loved one’s death.


The telepathy can be described as the transmission of thoughts between people without involving any of our 5 senses.

7.3 Thought action

Our thoughts have an impact on the behaviour of animals, plants and even objects.


In 1971, G.K.Watkins and A.Watkins compared the awakening of previously anesthetized mice distributed in two groups.

In the experimental group, mice were observed and in the control one, they were left behind.

They showed that mice receiving human attention woke up

more quickly than those ignored.


In 1967, R. Miller demonstrated a beneficial effect on the rye growth of the thoughts of Olga and Ambrose Worrall, two

recognized mediums.


In vitro

Enzymes are proteins that regulate intracellular reactions.

Experiments carried out in vitro show an action of thought on their activity. For example:

- W. Braud noted a slowdown in the hemolysis* of

human blood in a test tube.

The effect being more pronounced if participants

observed their own blood, which they did not know.


Piloting objects through thought is no longer a matter of science fiction, for example:

- As part of the brainflight project, a drone remote

piloting trial took place in the Lisbon region.

Involving a driver equipped with EEG headsets


relaying his thoughts via Bluetooth to precise controls.

The pilot was able to turn a drone to the right or to left in mid-flight.


A RNG is an electronic device generating numbers randomly.

In 1989, D.Radin and R.Nelson analyzed the results of 600

experiences studying the effect of thought on RNG output.

The probability that the sequences of numbers generated are due to chance is less than one chance in a billion.


Human thought influences the behaviour of in vitro cells, animals, plants and even objects.

7.4 Emotional sharing

Emotional contagion is the transfer of emotions from one person to another, a kind of wave spreading within a group.


Our emotional reactions take into account the context, the quality of the relationship, the social norms, involving elaborate cognitive mechanisms.

The intensity of the emotions expressed by the transmitter, the attention and the importance accorded by the receiver are preponderant.

We tend to adopt automatically the expressions, the behaviours of others: facies, voice tone, posture, body language.

This immediate, unconscious and automatic mimicry is a

fundamental component of human relationships.

The mirror neurons of the brain imitating the expressions of the other resulting in the same perceived emotion.

When observing a face, the brain areas activated in the receptor are identical to those responsible for the primary emotion of the transmitter.

These areas include the pre-motor cortex (mirror neurons) the primary motor cortex, the cortical and subcortical areas of the limbic brain (insula and amygdala).

The transfer of emotions is not specific to man and is observed also in other animals having a social life.


Emotional contagion is the transfer of emotions from one person to another, a kind of wave spreading within a group.

The transfer of emotions is not specific to man and is observed in other animals having a social life.

7.5 Global Connection

Global Consciousness Project

The Global Consciousness Project was born in Princeton in 1998 from the international collaboration of scientists and engineers.


The aim is to continuously collect and analyse data from a global network of 70 RNG across the globe.

For more than 15 years, synchronized random data, issued locally at a rate of 200 per second, has been transmitted to a central server.

The aim is to study the possible effects of collective emotions emitted during major world events.

To highlight or not the presence and activity of a global consciousness.

Local event

Initially, the R.Nelson’s team tested the local effect of a group of people or of highly symbolic places on the generation of numbers randomly.

They analyzed RNG traces out of lab, therefore:

- Periods of resonance and group coherence are

observed during full moons or pagan festivals.

- Sacred places, concert halls or sports stadiums having also a significant impact.

Devil tower

An Indian ceremony held in a sacred place of a volcano known for its healing power showed significant data deviations.

Egyptian temples

Group meditations and incantations in temple ruins or Great Pyramid chambers produced significant record modifications.

This was not the case for the temple of Philae ... moved from its original site during the construction of the Aswan dam.

Television broadcasting

D.Radin observed a notable effect on the RNG results of the television broadcasting of the Academy Awards ceremony.


The same was true for the O.J.Simpson media trial, another event followed by millions of televiewers.

World Event

Based on these first results, dozens of RNG have been

calibrated and distributed across all continents.

The hypothesis of the existence of a global consciousness sensitive to collective emotions can then be tested.


Several hundred rigorously defined global events were tracked and RNG patterns were compiled and analyzed before, during and after the selected periods.

The selected events include wars, terrorist acts, disasters, celebrations or else demonstrations, elections and sport events.


The total number of events selected today is 500 and covers a period of 17 years.

The probability that the observed cumulative deviations are due to chance is tiny. It is of one chance in a trillion*.


The GCP* team remains cautious in the result interpretation individually, locally or globally.

Nevertheless, the existence of a world consciousness even temporary has been highlighted on several occasions.

Such a result is challenging and its interpretation delicate, opening the way to new questions and perspectives.

Here are the main ones:

- Individual consciences can be connected and phased,

- Cooperative intent has a global impact,

- Consciousness is global, broad and non-local.



The existence of a world consciousness even temporary has been highlighted on several occasions.

7.6 Conclusion

The information has a full physical status and therefore specific fundamental characteristics.

To communicate, you must speak the same language but also use the same codes.

Every communication has two aspects: the content and the relationship, the second giving sense to the communication.

The communication within a community contributes to its

socio-cultural development.

The telepathy illustrates a mode of communication between individuals without involving any of our 5 senses.

The human thought affects the behaviour of animals, plants and even objects.

The emotional contagion is the transfer of emotions from one person to another, which can spread within a group.

It is also observed in animals with a social life.

The use of RNG has made possible to test positively the action of thought at the individual, local and even global level.

Their networking highlighting the presence of a collective consciousness acting locally and globally.

Likely due to common emotions emitted during major events.

Thus emotions and thoughts modify the behaviour of others and can be linked in a broader consciousness.