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Chapter 13: Main learnings

«Learning without thinking is pointless. Thinking without learning is dangerous.» Confucius

The journey through life and complex systems, focused on the perception, analysis and communication, is over:

- What main learnings can be drawn from this?

- How can they be interpreted simply and globally?

13.1 Key features

What information should be retained and how should they be grouped and linked together even when they seem remote?


Still expanding, the universe was born from an infinitely small point of immense density, the temperature being -272°C.

It is composed of 4% known matter, 23% dark matter and 73%

energy, it is made mainly of vacuum and energy.

In contrast, a black hole is a celestial object with an extremely large mass in a very small volume.

Its gravitational attraction is such that time stops there and neither matter nor light escape from it.

For S. Hawking, the Big Bang simultaneously spawned

multiple universes, black holes being passages between them.

The cosmos is infinite and comprises about ten dimensions, most of them tiny and folded in themselves.


The physical space-time entity has four dimensions: three for the space and one for the time.


The duration, the distance and the gravitation become the geometric properties of the same referential.

Boltzmann gives a probabilistic evolution at the microscopic to macroscopic transition, the entropy measuring the probability of the system stability.

In the current situation, a process takes place where the low entropy of microscopic states tends to complex systems with higher entropy.

The reverse recovery time is however possible but is all the more unlikely as the systems are complex.


The universe presents a great homogeneity at the level of its primary structure, the matter being energy and vice versa.

We distinguish the mechanical waves requiring a support, the electromagnetic and the gravitational ones passing through the vacuum.

The stable matter consists of 4 quantum particles: the quark up, the quark down, the electron and the electronic neutrino.

Per second, 60 billions neutrinos reach every skin square inch.

Quantum physics

The quantum mechanics describes the behaviour of the

infinitely small and is based on 7 principles, including:

Wave-particle duality

Every quantum object behaves both as an intangible wave and as a material corpuscle.

State superimposition

A quantum object can be in several states at once: an electron can rotate on itself in two opposite directions and an atom be in a fundamental and excited state.



A quantum particle is sensitive to minute variations in light, temperature, magnetic field or position leading to the collapse of its superposition.

During this decoherence, the object randomly takes one of the possible states and behaves like a material corpuscle.


When two particles of the same system are separated, they continue to behave as a single quantum object.

Any modification of one changes the other instantaneously, we speak of quantum no locality .


Since the very first organisms, the evolution of life has been accompanied by the parallel development of adequate analysis and communication systems.

Morphologically and physiologically different, plants have analysis and communication systems as efficient as the animal nerve one.

The most striking is the similarity of the internal mode of communication of plants with that of animals, based on the exchange of identical chemical messengers encoded by the same genes.


The consciousness is initiated with the perception of the surrounding environment, then of its own existence and finally of the meaning of the death.

The simplest organisms already have a consciousness, even if at this stage it is still rudimentary.

Perception of the surrounding environment is present in all animals, of self-consciousness appears with the central brain 97

and of death with the cortex in mammals.

In addition to the environment, plants perceive the existence of others, the time flow and the approach of death.

Plants can sink into unconsciousness and synthesize their own analgesics.

Thus, the consciousness is as old as the appearance of life and concerns to various degrees all living beings.


The simplest animals yet devoid of neurons, already possess some form of memory.

Without a complex nervous system, plants nevertheless have short-, medium- and long-term memory.

Human brain

Each brain is unique, with variations between men and women, right and left or Western and Eastern.

Building the brain is a complex 25-year process. This is a permanent reconfiguration of the brain connections, renewed regularly.

Besides the flow of biochemical messengers, the brain is also crossed by electromagnetic waves.

In man, the perceptive consciousness appears before birth, that of life at 4 years and that of death before the 9th year.

The awareness of one’s own existence is a prerequisite for autobiographical memories.

The attention, emotions and sensations are the driving forces behind the formation of remembrance.

Before birth, the child memorized certain experiences and at one year, his long-term memory is operational.

The progressive hippocampus maturation explains the


childhood amnesia observed in early childhood.

During the sleep, neural patterns are transferred from the hippocampus to the cortex, consolidating memories.

The brain functioning and the consciousness emergence would also depend on the state superimposition and entanglement.

Some neuronal particles behave at body temperature as

quantum objects.

Thus the existence in the brain of quantum activities,

underlying biological processes, is gradually emerging.


The development of the personality accelerates during the adolescence by the appropriation of the sense of identity.

This plural process depends on the birth, the genetic material and the environment, leading to a complex personality.

The social dimension of identity translates into a sense of belonging to different groups to different degrees.

Some individuals suffer from dissociative identity disorders displaying several personalities, taking turns.

The symptom of depersonalization and of derealization recall the personality dissociation.


Information has a full physical status and therefore specific fundamental characteristics.

To communicate, you must speak the same language but also use the same codes.

Every communication has two aspects: the content and the relationship, the second giving meaning to the communication.

The communication within a community contributes to its

socio-cultural development.


Thought action

The telepathy can be described as the transmission of thought from one person to another without communication through known sensory pathways.

The human thought influences the behaviour of in vitro cells, animals, plants and even objects.

Emotional sharing

Our emotional reactions take into account the context, the relationship, the social norms, involving elaborate cognitive mechanisms.

Emotional contagion is the emotions transfer from one person to another, a kind of wave that can spread within a group.

The emotions intensity of the transmitter, the attention and the importance accorded by the receiver are preponderant.

The use of RNG has made possible to highlight the action of thought at the individual, local and even global level.

Their networking highlighting the presence of a common

consciousness acting locally and globally.

Likely due to collective emotions emitted during major events.

Complex systems

The analog transmission transfers information continuously via a carrier wave.

The chaos theory deals with dynamic systems, sensitive to initial conditions and whose behaviour is unpredictable.

A complex system consists of many entities whose integration leads to the appearance of a global behaviour and of emerging properties.

It is defined by self-organization, bottom-up functioning, resistance to local disturbances, feedback loops and several spatio-temporal scales.


The complex thinking is evolutionary and is based on the articulate opposites and on the self-organization, two concepts of the complex systems theory.

Before birth

We are born with certain knowledge, skills or characteristics that do not depend on our genetic material or environment.

Children between 2 and 4 years remember events or lives prior to their birth and stop talking about them after their 7th year.

The intuition can be defined as the immediate perception of the truth or the ability to predict

It would be developed in the consciousness according to

unconscious empirical methods, thus forming a bridge between the conscious and the unconscious in part collective.

The collective unconscious representing the human psychic memory, it would include the archetypes (universal models) and promote the synchronicity of certain events.

After death

Millions of brain-dead people see their consciousness increased as they enter another dimension, described as a place of love, knowledge and wisdom.

SDE are reminiscent of NDE and occur when loved ones or

caregivers, fully aware, have the feeling of escorting the spirit of the deceased into another reality.

The assisting persons may attend the deceased life review and once again the impression of ultra-reality is evoked.

Healthy people suddenly feel the presence of a deceased loved one and a non verbal dialogue could be established.

13.2 Interpretations

How to interpret these data, what do they teach us?

Two aspects of one phenomenon


The Universe born from a tiny point of extreme density is expanding and contains hundreds of billions of galaxies.

On the other hand, galaxies have in their center a black hole of immense density absorbing all surrounding matter.

Leading the astrophysicist S.Hawking to say that the Big Bang has generated multiple universes connected by black holes.

Auto formation and development

The evolution of the cosmos as that of living beings could reside in the second principle of thermodynamics, describing the direction in which natural processes take place.

The matter evolution is explained by the transition from microscopic states with low entropy to complex systems with higher one.

Thus,the origin and development of a probabilistic universe tends towards equilibrum and this without any any external intervention.

Cosmic and quantum dust

The cosmos has a great homogeneity, the matter being energy and vice versa, it is mainly made of vacuum.

Only four quantum particles are stable, leading to a hundred elements, the essential building blocks of the entire universe.

One of them literally bombards us: every second, 60 billion neutrinos pass through every square inch of our skin.

These fundamental particles are exceptional, being both wave and corpuscle, superimposing different states and even

separated, continuing to behave as a whole.

Tiny variations of light, temperature, magnetic field collapse their superposition, behaving then like any material objects.

Mind universality

In all organisms, the internal communication mode is based on 102

the exchange of chemical messengers coded by the same genes.

The simplest animals yet devoid of neurons, already possess some form of memory.

The environment perception exists in all animals,

The self-consciousness appears with the central brain and that of death with the cortex in mammals.

Plants perceive the time flow, the existence of others and the approach of death and benefit from a short, medium and long-term memory.

They can sink into unconsciousness and synthesize their own analgesics.

Thus, the spirit is present since the life emergence and concerns in varying degrees all living beings.

A sophisticate and quantum organ

The human brain is the most known advanced organ, it is based on the progressive development of a neural network in

permanent reconfiguration.

Besides the flow of biochemical messengers, the brain is also crossed by electromagnetic waves.

The existence in the brain of quantum activities, underlying biological processes, opens up new perspectives as to its functioning.

The emergence of the consciousness and of the memory could thus rest on the states superimposition and on the quantum entanglement.

A complex and fragile process

Each one is unique and yet shares with others his sameness, it is a balance between universality and uniqueness.

The development of identity depends on the genetics and the environment, resulting in a complex personality.


Sensitive to multiple factors, it can lead to identity dissociative disorders, the individual successively displaying distinct personalities.

A full physical status

The information has its own physical status and therefore specific fundamental characteristics.

The analog transmission transfers information continuously via a carrier wave.

So this is a physical process in its own right.

Beyond words and codes

The telepathy and the emotional sharing allow the exchange of information through unknown channels of communication.

- The telepathy is the transmission of thoughts between

two people outside the classical sensory pathways.

- The emotional contagion illustrates the transfer of

emotions, a kind of wave spreading within a group.

They allow the emergence of a global consciousness following the perception of common emotions during major events.

The whole is greater than its parts

A complex system consists of many entities whose integration produces the appearance of a global behaviour and new


It is mainly based on bottom-up functioning, self-organization, feedback loops and spatio-temporal asymmetries.

Temporary access to previous events

Children aged between 2 and 4 years remember events prior to their birth even though their memory is under construction.

Even more surprising, once their memory is fully active, they lose access to their prenatal knowledge.


Could it be a privileged access to the human psychic memory, commonly called the collective unconscious.

Much broader

Yet the brain (put) at a standstill, millions of people have their consciousness increased, speaking of another dimension where time and space are abolished.

Fully aware people may escort the dying person’s mind to another reality and others may suddenly feel the presence of a deceased loved one.

13.3 Conclusion

In «The Mind This Enigma», we describe the mind as a

network of quantum particles outside our space-time.

The brain monitoring the daily management and interacting with the consciousness, the unconsciousness and the memory partially delocalized.

In this new knowledge review focused on the consciousness, the memory and the communication, we do not see elements in disagreement with this model, quite the contrary.


Chapiter 14: Discussion

«The reason consists to analyze the things and to draw up them.»


What basic information can help us to build a broader vision of the mind?

What are the clues supporting the existence of a pre-birth and an afterlife?

What happens to our individualities, our personal spirits when we die?

14.1 Basic elements

Void and infinite

Infinite and multidimensional, the universe is made of vacum and energy, its formation and expansion resulting from the search for a thermodynamic balance.

Space-time free

In the end, the material consists of four quantum particles with exceptional properties.

Both wave and corpuscle, superimposing different states and separated, continuing to behave as a whole.

As if at their level time and space were abolished.

A fragile superposition

Tiny variations of light, temperature or magnetic field, cause their superposition to collapse, the particles behaving then like any other material object.

Carrier wave

The waves allow the continuous transmission of information.

Permanent exposure


We are literally bombarded continuously by billions of quantum particles.

Mind universality

If the mind is assimilated with the consciousness and the memory, we must admit that it is neither the prerogative of the man nor of the vertebrates.

Of course the mind becomes more complex with the evolution of species to reach its peak in the man with his amazing brain.

Mind manifestation

The mind manifests itself above all through the emotion, the thought, the memory, the intuition and the dream.

Brain plasticity

The brain is undergoing permanent reconfiguration, both

through the renewal of synapses and certain neurons.

Continuous flow

The brain is continuously crossed by a flow of

neurotransmitters and electromagnetic waves.

From awakening to unconsciousness

The more intense the relaxation, the lower the frequency of the brain waves and the more the perception of oneself and the environment fades.

Going from total control in the waking phase to

unconsciousness during sleep, through the different states of consciousness.

Partially collective

The unconscious is divided into a personal part, resulting from our own experiences and a collective one, acting as the human psychic memory.

This common memory would be at the synchronicity origin


stimulating the telepathy, the intuition and the premonitory dream.

Power of thought and emotion

Human thought allows a form of communication outside the classical sensory pathways.

It also affects the behaviour of animals, plants and objects.

Emotional contagion connects individual consciences into a global, non-local consciousness.

Complex and quantum

The brain can be assimilated to a complex system and would have a quantum component underlying the neurons.

Emergence of a global behaviour

The integration of the many entities of a complex system causes the appearance of a global behaviour.

It is based on self-regulation, feedback loops and spatio-temporal asymmetries.

Beyond biology

Some consciousness manifestations occur in the brain

physiologically deactivated if not clinically dead.

The skull volume is insufficient to house all the memories and knowledges accumulated in the lifetime.

Prenatal memory

The progressive maturation of the hippocampus explains the childhood amnesia observed in the early childhood.

Yet children between the ages of 2 and 4 years remember

events or lives prior to their birth.

At the age of 7 year when memory is fully operational they stop talking about it.

Suggesting that those memories did not belong to them.


Consciousness paradox

People with a brain (put ) at standstill experience an increased consciousness, having the feeling of entering a hyper-reality.

Others healthy and conscious, witnessing the death of a loved one have the impression of escorting him to the doors of another dimension.

An ambiguous concept

Each one is unique and yet he shares with others its sameness, it is a balance between the universality and the unicity.

So each brain is unique with its own identity.

Some people suffer from dissociative identity disorders, others from depersonalization or derealization.

14.2 Broader Vision

Can we proceed a step further?

- The disconcerting properties of the quantum particles.

- Leading to the abolition of the space and the time at

their level.

- The likely existence in the brain of an underlying

quantum activity that of neurons.

- The physical limitations of our skull.

- The access to a boosted consciousness the brain at

standstill or even clinically dead.

- The accompaniment of dying persons on the threshold

of another reality by perfectly conscious persons.

- The emotional sharing during major local or global


- The emergence of the consciousness and the memory

from the very first organisms.


- The plant sensitivity to anesthetics, diving them into a form of unconsciousness.

- The influence of the human thought on the behaviour

of others, animals and plants.

Support the thesis of a partial delocalization of the individual spirit of living beings organized into a global structure.

14.3 Construction

How the global spirit was built...

In order to achieve thermodynamic equilibrium, quantum

particles emitted during the Big Bang were structured step by step into macroscopic objects.

Leading initially to galaxies, stars and planets and later on to living beings.

Similarly, the mind could be seen as a complex system issued from cosmic particles.

Their structuring causes the emergence of a global behaviour and new properties, including self-organization.

And the individual mind?


The brain construction is a complex process that begins at the very beginning of pregnancy and spans 25 years.

It is based on the neurogenesis, the synaptic bonds and the specialization of the brain areas.

The neurogenesis occurs mainly during gestation, except in the hippocampus where it persists even in adults.

This is a permanent reconfiguration of the neural network through the renewal of their synapses.



The brain whose working space is limited manages the body, acting as an interface to the delocalized part of consciousness, unconsciousness and memory.

Underlying neuronal activity, a quantum component of the brain is more and more often evoked.

The quantum particles at the brain origin could come from the global mind.

What connection between them?

Information transfer

First, we are permanently bombarded by cosmic photons,

electrons and neutrinos.

Next, our brain emits electromagnetic waves possibly of

quantum origin.

Finally, the information with physical characteristics can be transmitted by a modified carrier wave.

The information exchange is therefore possible between

individuals and with a complex delocalised system.

Global consciousness

The information transfer via a carrier wave would explain the emotional contagion as the action of thought and telepathy between living beings, of the same species or not.

14.4 Development


The concept of a collective unconscious is quite similar to that of a global delocalized mind.

The non-local mind could be permanently nourished by the experiences and knowledges acquired from the simplest

organisms up to the modern man.


This concept recalls the collective unconscious of Jung, fed by our personal experiences since the dawn of humanity.


At least three observations, quite surprising, illustrate the existence of a Pre-birth:

- The recognition of the phonemes.

- The knowledge of individual past lives.

- The innate part of the personality.


The perception of sounds appears in the 7th month of the pregnancy, familiarising the baby with his mother tongue before his birth.

But how can one explain that a newborn recognizes

temporarily the sounds of many other languages?

Previous life

We have no conscious memory of our early years, the memory being fully operational around the 7th year.

How can 4 years old children remember other previous lives and stop talking about them once 7 years aged?


The conditions to which the embryo is exposed during the gestation and the birth influence his future personality, regardless of his heredity.


All this happens as if during pregnancy, the embryo had access to the global spirit and therefore its content.

The environment also acts on its development, but in a broader context, a kind of universal epigenetics*.



The interactions with the global mind would be conditioned by the complexity level of the species as well as by the type of awakening at the present moment.

Double exchange

Throughout the life our experiences, knowledges and thoughts would feed the global mind.

In return, this one would modulate our emotions, reflections, memories and dreams.

Sophistication in the evolution course

From the early living beings, an information exchange would take place, its quality and effectiveness increasing with the evolution of the detection, analysis and communication tools.


There are about ten modified consciouness states, the more we let it go the more it fades away, ultimately leading to the unconsciousness.

To each state could correspond an access level to the global mind, releasing us gradually from the bodily constraints.

The awakening stage would be limited to the physical brain capacities, the following delocalized would see their access amplified as we approach the unconsciousness.

Entanglement, State superposition and Decoherence

The entanglement, the state superposition and the decoherence of the quantum particles could play critical roles.

The brain quantum activity would be minimal in the awakening phase following the decoherence of its particulate components.

During the unconsciousness stage, it would be maximized

thanks to their restored possibility to superpose and entangle.



To physical death

Once dead, the quantum particles, the ultimate components of our mind, are released from any body structure.

Free, they recover their fundamental properties such as non locality, states superimposition and entanglement.

As during sleep but this time permanently and independently of any physical constraint.

Survival of the spirit

- The encountering of deceased loved ones during NDE,

the patient sometimes ignoring their deaths.

- The feeling of escorting the dying person’s mind

during an SDE, often shared with other witnesses.

- The knowledge of facts prior to the birth relating to

other deceased persons.

Are some elements in favour of an after-life for the individual mind beyond the body physical death.

The simplest hypothesis being that it joins the global, delocated and timeless spirit.

14.5 Individuality

Common component

The man share 25% of his genes with all living beings, 35%

with the daffodil and 99.4% with the chimpanzee.

The common part is largely majority yet each brain is unique.

Individual spirit


Each mind corresponds to a person and is shaped by his

individual journey.


All of us regularly feeding the global spirit with our personal experiences.

After death

At the time of death, the brain quantum particles are released, free to recreate new links, they could join the universal mind.

Coming from a single quantum object, they would nevertheless keep a certain coherence and could temporarily be involved in new entanglements.


The global mind is enriched by our individual experiences and later by our ultimate brain components.

These quantum particles nevertheless remain partly entangled preserving a form of individuality to our individual minds.

14.6 Summary

Many arguments support the existence of a global, non-local, timeless spirit accessible to all living beings.

The emergence of the consciousness and the memory begins with the very first organisms, becoming more complex in the course of evolution.

The physically limited brain monitors the body and interacts with the partially delocalized consciousness and memory.

The global mind could correspond to a quantum complex

structure exhibiting a global behaviour and new emerging properties.

The quantum component of the brain, underlying the neurons, would stimulate the exchange of information between our

individual minds but also with the universal one.

The quantum particles possibly derived from the global mind being found in the brain at the neuron level.


The construction of the individual mind would be sensitive to its environment, as a kind of universal epigenetics.

The individual minds would be able to connect to the global one as soon as the early stages of the embryo development.

The brain quantum activity would be minimal in the awaking due to the decoherence of its particles and optimal during sleep thanks to their temporary release.

Throughout life our experiences, knowledges and thoughts would feed the global mind.

Stimulating in return our reflections, memories, intuitions, dreams and emotion sharings.

At our death, the brain quantum particles physically released could rejoin the universal mind.

Coming from a single object, they would keep a certain

coherence level, preserving in part our mind individuality.



«Those who seek the infinite have just to close their eyes!»

Milan Kundera

What could mean a partial delocation of the consciousness and the memory out our space-time.

Does it imply a communication between spirits?

The quantum component of the brain would allow the

exchange of information between the individual minds and with the universal one.

Fueled by all personal experiences, it would stimulate the reflexion, the dream and the emotional sharing.

Do a pre-birth and an after-death exist?

The individual mind construction is sensitive to its surrending, the embryo having an early access to the global mind.

The brain quantum particles could come from the universal mind and return to it at the physical death.

What about the human individuality?

Coming from a single quantum object, these particles would hold a certain coherence, preserving in part our individuality.

What could be the origin and the form of a global mind?

The non-local mind would correspond to a self-regulated

network of quantum particles, their association inducing the emergence of a global behaviour.



1 Biological senses

1.1 Animals

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1.2 Human brain

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1.3 Brain construct

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1.4 Plants

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La conscience des plantes, J.Scheppach, Marabout Sciences et Nature, Février 2018

L'intelligence des plantes, F.Daugey, Les Éditions Ulmer, Mars 2018

2 Consciousness

2.1 Animals

Chimpanzees: self-recognition, G.G.Gallup, Science, vol.167, no3914, Janvier 1970

L'émergence de la Conscience - De L'animal À L'homme,

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2.2 Humans


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2.3 Plants

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Ethylene response factor, M.Müller,S.Munné-Bosch, Plant

physiology, 169, 2015

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3 Memory

3.1 Animals

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Le génie de l'animal, Les essentiels de la recherche, N°30, Juin-Août 2019


3.2 Humans

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Le Grand Larousse du Cerveau, Construction de la mémoire, R.Carter, S.Aldrige, M.Page et S.Parker, Larousse, Septembre 2019


3.3 Plants

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Brilliant Green: The surprising history and science of plant intelligence, S. Mancuso & A.Viola, Island Press, 2015

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4 Non locality

4.1 Consciousness

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L'Alchimie de nos rêves, Athena Laz, Hugo New Life, mars 2022

4.2 Memory

What Is the Memory Capacity of the Human Brain? Paul

Reber, Scientific American, May 2010

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La clé des songes, M. Kontente, P. Etevenon, Ned. T. Sahin, Sciences &Vie, n°262, mars 2013

5 Quantum mechanics

5.1 Matter structure

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5.2 Quantum physics

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5.3 Quantum computer

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8 Leçons essentielles sur la Science quantique, E.Ransford, Guy Trédaniel éditeur, 2018

Ordinateur: maîtriser l'ubiquité des particules, H.Leroux, Science &Vie Hors-Série, N°292, Octobre 2020

5.4 Quantum brain

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The possibility of processing with nuclear spins in the brain, M.Fisher, Annals of Physics. 2015

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Un saut quantique de la conscience, M.Beauregard, Guy

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6 Individuality

6.1 Nature


La continuité entre génération, Paul Antoine, Brigitte Culot & Laurent Cugnon, Biologie 6e secondaire, Hatier, 2007

Le Grand Larousse du Cerveau, Un cerveau , une personne, R.Carter, S.Aldrige, M.Page et S.Parker, Larousse, Septembre 2019

La symphonie du vivant, Joël De Rosnay, LLL, 2019

6.2 Development

marcia.html, L’identité: perspectives développementales, V.Cohen-Scali & J.Guichard, 2008

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La Psychologie du développement, Enfance et adolescence, A.Florin, les Topos, Dunod, 2018

6.3 Universality - Unicity

L'Homo sapiens et l'émergence de la conscience, N.T.Tran, L'Harmattan, 2020

Universalité de l'humanité et unicité des individus, Conférence d’Éric Lowen donnée le 15/07/2006, à la Maison de la

philosophie à Toulouse'identité

6.4 Multiple personality



7 Communication

7.1 Theory

A Mathematical Theory of Communication, C. E. Shannon,

Vol. 27, pp. 379-423, 623-656, July, October, 1948.éories-de-linformation-et-de-la-Communication.pdf, 2008éorie_de_la_communication_de_l'


7.2 Telepathy

origines-de-la-telepathie_152573, 2021

Les jumeaux et le mystère de la télépathie, Guy Lyon,

Playflair,InterEditions, 2013

7.3 Thought action

Possible PK influence on the resuscitation of anesthized mice, G.K. Watkins & A. Watkins, Journal of the Parapsychology, 3, 1971

The positive effect of prayer on plants, R. Miller, Psychic, 1972

Premier drone piloté par la pensée, Marc Zaffagni, Mars 2015,

Evidence for consciousness-related anomalies in random

physical systems, D. Radin & R. Nelson, Foundations of physics 19, 1989

7.4 Emotion sharing

Empathie, contagion émotionnelle et coupure par rapport aux émotions, D.Favre, J.Joly, C.Reynaud et L.L. Salvador,

Enfance, vol.57, Janvier 2005


emotionnelle-decryptee-par-christophe-haag_133145, 2019


7.5 Global connexion

Tous connectés. L'émergence d'une conscience mondiale,

R.D.Nelson, Massot Éditions, 2019

8 Space

8.1 Origin

Temps, Matière & Espace, Science &Vie Hors-Série, N°260, Septembre 2012

8.2 Space-time

Philosophie et gravité quantique, B.Le Bihan, La recherche N°566, Juillet-Septembre 2021

8.3 Structure

La relativité restreinte fait toujours loi, C.Bonneau et H.

Poirier, Temps, Matière & Espace, Science &Vie Hors-Série, N° 260, Septembre 2012

La relativité générale a mis l'univers en équation, C.Bonneau et H.Poirier, Temps, Matière & Espace, Science &Vie Hors-Série, N° 260, Septembre 2012

Dernières nouvelles des trous noirs, S.Hawking, Flammarion BBC, 2016

Big Bang, trous noirs et mondes multiples, H.Colimard,

Science & Univers, N°34, Novembre 2019

9 Time

9.1 Flow


La découverte du temps, W. Blum, Science et Philosophie, Éditions Place des Victoires, 2017.

L'horloge biologique mène la danse, A.Debroise, Le temps, La Recherche Hors-Série n°20, Décembre-Janvier 2017

Le temps existe-t-il, C.Rovelli, La recherche Hors-Série n°27, octobre-novembre 2018

C'est notre corps qui donne le tempo, E.Chalet, Le temps et l'Espace, La recherche N°566, Juillet-Septembre 2021

9.2 Reversibility ws-of-thermodynamics/a/what-is-the-first-law-of-thermodynamics


Le retournement temporel, une question d'échelle, E.Dormy, I.Gallagher et E.Trizac, La recherche N°566, Juillet-Septembre 2021

9.3 Abolition e-quantique-intrication-quantique-4814/

L'Intrication quantique et l'espace-temps, R.Alléaume, La recherche N°566, Juillet-Septembre 2021

10 Complexe system

10.1 Data communication


Christophe Alleau Université de Poitier





10.2 Chaos theoryéorie_du_chaos


10.3 Complex systeméorie-des-systèmes-complexes,

Georges Lepicard

Robustesse et émergence dans les systèmes complexes: le

modèle des automates cellulaires, Jean-Baptiste Rouquier, Université de Lyon, décembre 2008

10.4 Complex thought

Introduction à la pensée complexe. , Edgard Morin, Edition Du Seuil, 1990

Sur le lien entre pensée et système complexes, Leonardo G.

R.Zova & Pascal Roggero, Hermès La revue, N°60, 2011

Des neuroscientifiques identifient le cheminement de la pensée dans le cerveau, Victor Garcia,,


11 Before birth

11.1 Innate

La Psychologie du développement, Enfance et adolescence, A.Florin, les Topos, Dunod, 2018


11.2 Astrology


L’astrologie, Julia & Derek Parker, Sélection du Reader's digest 1993

La double astrologie, Suzanne White, Aux Éditions du Dauphin 2003

11.3 Reincarnation

Twenty cases suggestive of Reincarnation, I. Stevenson,

University of Virginia Press, 1988

11.4 Intuition

Le Génie de l'intuition, Gerd Girenzer, Belfond, 2009

L'Intuition, sixième sens ou réminiscence?, Delphine Bailly, Ça M'Intéresse, N°8, Septembre 2016

le-cerveau-en-roue-libre_104367 Août 2016

11.5 Synchronicityé



12 After death

12.1 Near death

La vie après la vie, ils sont revenus de l'au-delà, R.Moody, 2003, Poche

Mort ou Pas? Pim Van Lommel, InterEditions, 2015

Mon bref passage dans l'autre monde, Fabienne Raoul, 2019, Leduc Editions

Mieux comprendre les expériences de mort imminente, Penny Sartori, GuyTrédaniel éditions, 2020


12.2 Shared death

Glimpses of eternity: sharing a loved one's passage from this life to next, R.Moody, 2010, New York, N.Y. : Guideposts At heaven's Door, William J. Peters, 2022, Simon & Schuster Paperbacks

12.3 Post mortem contact

Hello from Heaven: A New Field of Research-After-Death

Communication Confirms That Life and Love Are Eternal, B.

Cuggenheim & J.Cuggenheim, March 1997, Penguin Random House

A systematic review of research on After death

Communication, Jenny Streit-Horn, Univerity of North Texas, August 2011

12.4 Mediumnity

Le Livre des Médiums, Allan Kardec, 1861

Ces âmes qui guident nos pas, Anne Tuffigo, J'ai Lu, 2018édium_(spiritisme)



Absolute zero

Lowest theoretical temperature determined from the perfect gases extrapolation to -273.15°C.


Located in the temporal lobe and part of the limbic system, it is involved in the emotional evaluation of sensory stimuli.


Acylhomosérine lactose, used by bacteria to count themselves.


Neuron fibrous extension propagating the nerve impulse.


Beta-actin is a structural protein isomer of actin, involved in the formation of synapses.


The bit is the basic unit in computing, it can only take the values 0 or 1, expressing the yes-no alternative.


Main organ of the nervous system of vertebrates and other chords, considered as the central seat of superior functions.


One of the 3 structures of the brain, it is located under the brain in front of the cerebellum and continuous with the spinal cord.


One of the three brain structures involved in motor control and certain cognitive functions.


Cerebral cortex

Refers to the peripheral grey substance of the cerebral



The caudolateral nidopallium is an avian brain region

analogous to the mammalian cortex.


Which relates to the faculty of knowing.


All the functions of the mind related to knowledge.


Endocellular structure of tubulin microtubules and actin microfilaments giving the cell its rigidity.


Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is a biological macromolecule containing the genetic information.


Main neurotransmitter involved in the brain reward circuit.


Includes the brain, the cerebellum and the brainstem.


Unique neural spatial-temporal map of a memory in the brain.


Enthalpy is the sum of the internal energy of the matter and the product of its volume times the pressure.


Entropy is a quantitative measure of the disorder or dispersion 132

of energy within a system.


Gene expression variations due to environmental changes.


Small endocrine gland of the epithalamus secreting melatonin, it plays a central role in the sleep regulation.


Global Consciousness Project, analysing collective emotions.


Gigabyte or Gb is a computer storage unit equal to one billion bytes.


Destruction of red blood cells in the blood plasma.


Part of the limbic system, in the temporal lobe, it plays a central role in the memory and spatial orientation.


Cerebral disorder, characterized by an increase in the volume of cerebral spinal fluid in spinal cord or the brain.


A hydrophobic substance repels or is repelled by water.


At the base of the brain, it connects the autonomic nervous system to the endocrine one and is involved in the regulation of main biological functions.


Small region of the cerebral cortex inside the lateral groove, 133

source of our emotions and empathy.

Insula system

The insula system, or insula cortex, is one of the two internal lobes of the brain that form part of the cortex.


This makes one being himself and not another.

Kinetic moment

The kinetic (or angular) moment is one of the fundamental properties of motion with the amount of motion and energy.

Limbic system

Set of areas of the brain involved in olfaction, memory and regulation of emotions.


Luminescence regulatory transcriptor, AHL protein detector.


Area of cell division at the origin of plant tissues or organs.


Thinking about your own thoughts.


Methylation is the binding of a methyl group to a substrate.


A microtubule is an endocellular structure of tubulin

constituting with actin the microfilaments of the cytoskeleton.


Lipid membrane wrapped around neuronal axons and allowing their electrical isolation.



Formation of a myelin insulating sheath around the nerve fibers promoting the transmission of the nerve impulses.

Neural tube

Refers to the primitive nervous system of the chord embryos.


Near death experience.


A nerve cell that transmits nerve impulses.


A chemical that allows neurons to transmit nerve impulses to each other or to another cell, muscle or glandular.


Mechanism of neuron production in the brain and the nervous system as a whole.


Basic eye photoreceptor of some aquatic and terrestrial


Olfactory bulb

Region of the vertebrate forebrain processing information from the olfactory chemoreceptor neurons.

Outer space

Beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, space between the stars.


A basic element of a protein, composed of several amino acids bound by peptide bonds.



Sound specific to a language distinguishing it from those belonging to others.


Substances produced by plants regulating their growth

involved in the communication between individuals.


Post mortem contact or After Death Communication (ADC).


Basic particle of matter, associating to form hadrons including protons and neutrons.


Quantum counterpart of the bit, it can overlay the distinct states 0 and 1 and cover any linear combination of these values.

Quorum sensoring

Mechanism for synchronizing a set of bacteria, based on the emission and detection of a chemical messenger.


Ribonucleic acid or RNA recalls DNA, containing ribose

instead of deoxyribose and uracil instead of thymine, it plays a key role in protein synthesis.


Electronic device generating numbers randomly.


Individuality in what it has of immutable, of universal.


Neurotransmitter regulating the mood and the emotions.



Infection caused by the presence of pathogens in the blood that spread throughout the body.


Shared death experience


Elementary kinetic moment of a particle rotating on itself and displaying integer or half-integer values.

Spinal cord

Refers to the central part of the nervous system extending below the brainstem along the spine.


Pair nerve structure located under the cerebral cortex, involved in voluntary movement, appetite, libido and pain management.

Terminal lucidity

Unexpected return of consciousness shortly before death in people suffering from psychiatric or neurological disorders.


Zone of functional contact between two neurons or between one neuron and another cell.


The anterior part of the brain consists of the cerebral

hemispheres and associated structures.


Anatomical structure of a diencephalic grey substance,

involved in regulation of consciousness, alertness and sleep.


Billion of billions


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