Talaash – Discover Your True Self by AiR - HTML preview

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Very few people in this world actually ask questions; not many are true seekers. If I look around, people pray to God, but they don’t question who is God, what is God, and where is God. They just pray to God because everybody is praying. They have grown up believing in God. They follow certain rituals because millions follow the same. They give in to some superstitions because they are made to believe that this is the way it works.

But how many people question what they do? How many people actually stop to ask, to get answers, to get explanations, and to understand the meaning of life and all that life is about.

To me, at the age of 48, after 25 years of Achievement and 8 years of Fulfillment, I stopped. I decided that it was time to move from the plateau of Fulfillment, to go down the valley a valley that would start from scratch, a valley that had no answers but that had questions questions that would fuel me to think, questions that would provoke me to read and to talk to masters, to browse, and to talk to God. I decided to search and to find the answers What is the true meaning of life?

While I was living in bliss, in peace, and in joy, travelling around the world, I asked myself the questions: “What is life?” “What is the purpose of life?” “Where did I come from?” “My birth was a gift from my mother and father, but how did they come about?” “How did my forefathers come about?”

What came first the chicken or the egg? If one says chicken, then the next question arises: “Where did the chicken come from?” Of course, the egg! But where did the egg come from? If the egg came first, then there must have been a chicken. Where did that chicken come from? Do we have answers? The tree came from the seed, but the seed came from the tree so what came first? What is this whole mystery about creation? How were we born? The process may be known to us, but life is still a mystery!

What happens at death? The power leaves the body. The body lies limp and lifeless. We cremate or bury it. But who has actually left? Is it the physical body that has died or has the life inside escaped? Normally, we refer to death as one has “gone” or “passed away” while the body still remains in front of us. So what has actually happened at death? Does anybody have answers?

Is there something like heaven and hell? If yes, then where are they exactly located and how can one reach there? Are they somewhere on Earth or physical domains in outer space? Where is God? We know that this whole universe is the creation of a power we call God but Who is this God? Where is God? What is God? People talk of God, and there are millions of Gods around the world. Ultimately, who is God? Are there many Gods, or is there just one God?

Is there a law of cause and effect just like the law of gravity? Is there a law that rewards and punishes people according to their actions? Many a time, good things happen to bad people just as bad things happen to good people. So, do we get results of our good deeds in this lifetime or in a life beyond? Is there a life beyond? Is there rebirth?

What is the mystery of death and rebirth? How are we reborn? Of course, we are born, and it seems that