The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living in Surrender and Acceptance




Living in Surrender and Acceptance


Every human being has to act.


No one can escape from action. As long as we are alive, we have no choice but to act.
The mind thinks, the body senses and feels, and together they desire and crave. The ego makes man believe, “I can do anything.” But when man doesn’t achieve the anticipated result, he becomes miserable.
Thus we get into a vicious cycle that makes us miserable and this vicious cycle rules our life whether we accept it or not.
Can we escape from this vicious cycle?
Of course, we can! If we acknowledge the existence of the 4th Factor and we submit to this Cosmic Power, we will be far more peaceful and our life, far more harmonious.


But, it is possible only when man develops an attitude of gratitude and learns to live in surrender to the 4th Factor, accepting the Power of this cosmic controller that nally decides the results of all his efforts.
We need not worry about the past. The past is gone, it’s over. Similarly, we need not be anxious about the future. We need to put in our best efforts and then surrender.


The 4th Factor can make the possible, possible and if it so desires, the possible can become impossible.
If we learn to accept the 4th Factor and live gracefully with its omnipresent existence all around us, we can truly be happy.