The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor


can make us Truly Happy


If you look around, you will nd many people happy, but their happiness is intermittent. People live a life where there is joy and sorrow. Sometimes they are glad and sometimes they are sad. As they go through pleasure and pain, they scream in both joy and anguish. And so is life, a bouquet of roses and thorns, there is day and night, pleasure and pain, loss and gain. Who is there who doesn’t experience both happiness and unhappiness?


But there is a way to be happy all the time. It has got to do with the 4th Factor. If we acknowledge the existence of a power beyond us, and we realize that there is a 4th Factor that acts beyond the three factors that are in our control, then we can be peaceful. How can we move towards this life of eternal bliss?


Many things are needed for man to become happy all the time. It is not very easy but it is possible. We have already