The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor can make us Truly Happy


spoken about acceptance and surrender. This takes away a lot of our stress, anxiety, and misery. But while it may do away with the negative, how can we ll our life with positive energy and joy?


Man must learn to be humble. He has to learn to transcend his ego. As long as he thinks that he is a supreme being capable of doing anything and he can make the impossible, possible, he is bound to become miserable. All this is related to his arrogance. The moment his arrogance is in command, he forgets the existence of the 4th Factor. He doesn’t realize how powerful the 4th Factor is. Instead of humbly submitting to the 4th Factor, he lets his arrogance dominate and instantly loses the joy that he can live with. Therefore, humility is one of the principle keys to man’s happiness.


What causes man to lose his humility? It is his ego. The ego believes, “I am everything, and I can do the impossible.” This ‘I can’ attitude is good in the material world, but it can devastate a person’s happiness eventually. Have we not learned how overcondence has led the emperors of the world to their doom? What should one do? We must learn to transcend our ego. This will keep our condence in check and make us content.


Is the richest man in the world the happiest? Of course not!