The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor can make us Truly Happy


The richest man is not the happiest, but the happiest man is the richest. Man will learn this secret when he lives with contentment and fullment. Unless we are satised with what we have, we are bound to have our happiness bubble burst. The fullment that is born out of contentment starts with being satised. We can live with love and laughter, meaning and purpose, faith, hope and inspiration, freedom and liberation and nally, with peace when we accept the 4th Factor.


One cannot be happy with fullment as long as one is burning with the ame of desire. The moment we have desires and cravings, we automatically set expectations on results. This twin quality of desire and expectation kills man’s happiness. Actually, it is not wrong to desire, but when our desire becomes a craving and our expectation passionately specic, we end up becoming miserable when the results are not what we want them to be. Suppose, I want my son to come home every night by 10 p.m. I advise him, I explain to him the importance of being in time, try to discipline him and even warn him of dire consequences. Still, there is not a single day he comes home before 11 pm. What should I do? Should I stop controlling my son? Of course not! I can keep on telling him and nd new methods to make him change. But why should I lose my happiness, when he does not meet my expectation? Why should I create a desire that is going to