The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor can make us Truly Happy


rob me of my happiness? He is an adult and he knows what is good for him. But I should not let my expectations from him make me unhappy.


Realizing that I cannot control my son’s behaviour and the result of my actions, I remain peaceful. But I have neighbours who have sleepless nights. My neighbour’s wife has even developed a heart condition due to her daughter coming home late. Sometimes, we don’t realize, but the truth is that we cannot control everything that happens in this world despite our best efforts.


Another way of being happy is for man to be detached from the result of his efforts. We are too attached and our expectations make us anxious and miserable. When we do something and we want a particular result, we do not wish to accept ‘no’ for an answer. We want what we want the way we desire and if we don’t get it, we become unhappy. How is it possible for us to be happy with this attitude of being attached to a desired result? We must learn to let go. We must be detached from expected results. While we can be very passionate about our efforts, our plans, dreams and goals, we must become dispassionate about the result. Of course, man cannot become detached from the result until he rst becomes aware of the 4th Factor and accepts it. Once he understands and believes in this, his detachment is sure to give him bountiful joy.