The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor can make us Truly Happy


of its results. What is the way to happiness then?


Spiritual saints have given good advice when they say that we must make our efforts an offering. If we surrender our efforts and do not let them be controlled either by our expectations or desires, we can truly be happy. After all, if man’s ultimate goal is happiness, then why not follow this advice to have eternal joy and peace?


External bliss need not be a dream. It can become a way of life if we adopt the 4th Factor into our belief system and then adapt to its will. This is a formula for happiness.


Chellaram worked very hard. But somehow, he never made too much money. Despite this, he was called by his community as a millionaire, a “smile millionaire.” He was always cheerful with a smile on his face. What made him happy? A simple philosophy of ‘making others happy.’ He did not let the problems and challenges of his life interfere with his happiness. He resigned to the Divine Will and accepted it knowing that eventually, what mattered was not how much money he had in the bank, but how many smiles he created. He was truly a “smile millionaire!”


Think about it. You might have met many millionaires and billionaires. But if they do not have any peace and joy, they are worse than beggars on the street. They are frustrated and wear a frown on their face. The rainbow of joy is missing in their life.