The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor can make us Truly Happy


Doshi was one such business tycoon. He was once on a ight with me and we were talking about happiness and how one should be happy. Unfortunately, he had to sit with me in the economy section as there were no seats in business class. As the 4th Factor would wish it, his competitor suddenly appeared from the business class section of the plane, walked over to him and asked, “How come, Doshi, you are in economy class?” That was enough to put re in Doshi’s life. He was upset beyond description. He cursed and swore for the rest of the ight and although he was a billionaire, it seemed that he was bankrupt when it came to happiness.


Why do we let what happens around us inuence our peace and joy? One who wants to be eternally happy must realize that we can’t control what happens around us. Things may happen to us, and things may happen around us. But happiness is caused by what happens inside us, and that is under our control, despite what happens outside.


Anybody can be happy and most people are. But can we be happy all the time? Yes, look at Pushpa! She lives with an attitude of gratitude. Whatever she gets, she is grateful for it. How can she be unhappy? Happiness doesn’t depend on how much you have, as somebody rightly said, rather on how little you need. And if we are grateful for whatever little we get, we create a recipe for eternal happiness.