The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor can make us Truly Happy


Look around you. The sun glows, the water ows and the wind blows. They seem to do it blissfully, unconditionally and happily. We too have to act and we cannot escape from action. But we can escape from misery and sorrow, if we resolve to be happy all the time. If we constantly live with happiness triggers, things that make us happy and eliminate those joy stealers, the thieves that rob our bliss, we can be at peace. For realizing this, we must accept the Divine Will of the 4th Factor.


Those who live with the 4th Factor, climb the third peak of happiness, a destination of ultimate joy and eternal peace. Some people call this Nirvana and others Liberation. Whatever you call it, it is that state where one is free from ignorance. One who has achieved liberation, lives with the realization of the truth that a 4th Factor rules the world. Such a realized being dances with joy and enjoys absolute peace, despite the many storms that may seem to control his life. We too can live on this third peak of happiness, transcending the rst peak of achievement and passing the second peak of fullment. We will reach the third peak of enlightenment, the state of eternal happiness that knows no pain, misery and sorrow.


What does it require one to do? It needs us to accept the existence of the 4th Factor, to acknowledge its power, to surrender to its Divine will and to accept results that it