The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Discover the Power of


the 4th Factor


By now, we don’t doubt the existence of the 4th Factor. We know that results are not dependent on the three factors under man’s control. There is a 4th Factor that is very powerful and that controls the results of all our actions. It’s time to discover the power of the 4th Factor.


What is this 4th Factor? While we cannot dene what the 4th Factor is, or how it functions, we cannot deny its existence. We can see it in action every day of our life. It is that factor which completes the cycle along with the other three known factors and nally produces the results of all our actions.


Ram’s sister, an amazing girl in every possible way, was getting married. She was the kindest and friendliest soul and the entire community was looking forward to the wedding which was scheduled the next day. A day before the marriage, she decided to go and pick some accessories from the market. Tragically, a truck