The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Discover the Power of the 4th Factor


hit her car from the back and she died instantly. What caused the untimely and brutal death of such a lovely girl? Nobody could understand how and why it happened, but it happened and it was beyond anybody’s control. It was not that she was driving rashly, nor did she do anything wrong. But this is what the 4th Factor is all about – it is beyond our understanding.


Many strange incidents accept and prove the power of the 4th Factor. Its supremacy was known to the family of Priya. She was only 35 years old and she was excited about her life and career. She had young children and she was growing from peak to peak. But one night after a celebration with friends, she slept only not to wake up the next morning. People wondered, “What went wrong? She was perfectly ne.” Could anybody explain?


Suresh was a man in his 40’s serving the poor in order to reduce their pain and suffering. He must have helped thousands of people, picking them from the street and putting them back on their feet. But suddenly one day, Suresh felt uneasy in his chest. And by the time he reached the hospital, he was dead. His family could not accept how such a noble person could die at such a young age leaving behind young children and a wife with nobody to support them. But can anybody explain how the 4th Factor works? It is beyond our comprehension. The 4th Factor has its own unique way of working.


A Punjabi family was having a celebration. Most unfortunately, a young child playing on the balcony fell from the third oor. The