The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Discover the Power of the 4th Factor


entire family rushed to be with the child who was soaked in blood and immediately took him to the hospital. Incredibly, within minutes, the doctors were able to revive him. He had a few fractures, but no fatal injuries. He was discharged. The same evening, the aunt of the child slipped and fell in the kitchen and died on the spot. How could somebody falling from the third oor, on the same day, in the same house escape and somebody slipping in the kitchen fall and die? But well, we cannot control the results of our actions. Results are controlled by the 4th Factor and these are beyond our comprehension.


Sometimes, we question the 4th Factor, even curse it. But it is our ignorance that stops us from realizing the power of the 4th Factor. Nothing happens by accident. It is all as per a divine plan. The only problem is that while we know what is happening, we don’t know why it is happening.


When we see things happening, we must contemplate and try to understand why such things are happening. The power of the 4th Factor seems to be based on cosmic laws, not just random acts. Whatever happens is not because of the whims and fancy of someone. We must discover the power by deep contemplation.


Think about it. The entire cosmos works with such uniform precision. The Earth rotates precisely once in 24 hours and it revolves around the Sun with such perfection. Is this happening by chance or is this controlled by a