The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Discover the Power of the 4th Factor


power? This seems to be the same power that controls the 4th Factor, a Universal Cosmic Power. If this power was ordinary and imperfect, then there would be natural accidents happening all the time. You would wake up one morning to nd that the sun has forgotten to appear. One year, the cycle of seasons could go awry and there would be no winter. But do such things ever happen? What does this go on to tell us? This shows the presence of an amazing power. We must discover this power of the 4th Factor. It is not easy to comprehend this power but it is not difcult to discover it.


Discovering the power of the 4th Factor is acknowledging and accepting it, but it does not mean we need to dene or understand every aspect of it. If I ask you to smell my foot with your toe, can you do it? Of course you can’t! Your toe can’t smell, it has not been given the sense perception to smell. Yes, it can kick, but it can’t smell. So we can discover the power by inferring its existence in all that happens, but we don’t have the sense perception to dene it. For instance, the Law of Gravity cannot be proved, but is accepted by inference. Because everything is pulled to the centre of the earth, we infer that the power of gravity exists. Similarly, when we see that man’s efforts do not control his results and there is some power beyond man that is responsible, we infer the existence of the 4th Factor. To discover the 4th Factor means to be aware of it and to