The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Discover the Power of the 4th Factor


accept the role it plays in our life.


John had worked very hard for over fty years, but he hardly made any money. He was disappointed as he always wanted to be rich enough to travel the world. His friend Rajesh never really worked hard, but was good natured and God fearing. Suddenly one day to John’s surprise, he invited John to go on a world tour with him. John was abbergasted. Rajesh always used to borrow money from him! What happened all of a sudden? Rajesh shared some good news. He was the only grandson of his maternal grandfather, who had just passed away leaving him with several millions in his estate.


What caused this to happen and why was it beyond any common man’s understanding? To discover the power of the 4th Factor, we must understand what it does. Normally, it produces general anticipated results. But every now and then, it takes us by surprise. What is this 4th Factor trying to tell us? It is telling us that there is a power that controls all the results and everything that is happening on earth. Obviously, it is an intelligent power and whether we accept it or not, it has total command on everything that is happening. We may or may not believe that this 4th Factor keeps track of all our actions, and what happens to us is nothing but our own actions coming back to us, be it good or bad. These actions may be of the distant past or even of lives that we have lived earlier, which may not be part of our belief system. The only way to understand the 4th