The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Discover the Power of the 4th Factor


Factor is through inference. Just discovering its existence doesn’t help us. We must go a step further to understand how it works. This is not easy and requires a lot of commitment, dedication, and discipline. But if we truly want to discover the power of the 4th Factor, we can.


The 4th Factor not only controls the results of man’s actions, but it also seems to be a power that exists everywhere on earth. This is the power that makes the earth rotate as it revolves around the sun. What makes summer turn to autumn and nally, everything freezes in winter before we see spring? It appears to be a Universal Power that controls the cosmos.


Who controls the Law of Cycles that makes everything in the world happen by a systematic rotation? There are many such universal or cosmic laws that seem to govern the universe. These laws can’t be proved, but through inference we know that such laws exist. These laws create space for the 4th Factor to come in and surprise man. Therefore, despite a weather forecast, man often feels helpless when there is a sudden ood or drought. Man’s intelligence is still challenged by the 4th Factor despite his technological progress.


Does the Law of Gravity exist? Of course, it does! While we cannot prove it, we infer that there is a force that pulls everything down to the centre of the earth. That is the