The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Discover the Power of the 4th Factor


reason why when you throw your mobile phone up in the air, it doesn’t y or oat in the sky but comes back to you. This is said to be the Law of Gravity.


There is also a universal Law of Opposites where everything in the world seems to have an opposite – day has night, just as joy has sorrow and male has female.


Another universal law is called the Law of Karma or the Law of Action and Reaction. It is a law which states that what you give is what you get. It is also known as the law of the boomerang. As per this law, what goes around comes around. Every effect has a cause and we can see, that because of the cause, there is an effect. The results of our actions seem to be based not only on our current efforts, but also on our actions of the past. If we have planted apples, we cannot reap pineapples. If there are mangoes on the tree, it only infers that we must have planted mango seeds. ‘As we sow, so shall we reap’ – states the law.


As long as we are able to relate to the fact that our own past actions cause our present situation, we live in the consolation of the natural Karmic Law, the Law of Action and Reaction. Strangely, sometimes we are unable to see why the Divine law is working against our efforts although there is no past action that deserves our efforts to be punished. Is it because our past actions are of the distant